27.07.2013, 00:21
Here is the README
EDIT: Download link changed.
Here is the README
Critter presents VDR 2.0.2 for Motorola VIP 1710.
VDR 2.0.2 + vdr-2.0.2-vasarajanauloja.patch + vdr-1.7.16-no-setprio.patch + patches which some plugins needs
plugins included:
elvis-2.0.0, femon-2.0.0, pin-0.1.14, remotetimers-1.0.0, streamdev-0.6.0,
svdrpservice-1.0.0, ttxtsubs-0.3.0, epgsync-1.0.0, osdteletext-0.9.4, remoteosd-1.0.0,
skinsoppalusikka-2.0.1, svdrposd-1.0.0, vip1710-0.1.2, text2skin-1.3.2+git,
epgsearch-1.0.1.beta5, neutrinoepg-0.3.4
Some notes about this release:
Working dvb-t subtitling, video scaling, truecolor OSD (eg. working LCARS) and locales.
Klaus Schmidinger for greatest dvb-t software ( http://www.tvdr.de/index.htm )
Hans-Werner Hilse who made this possible with VIP1710 ( http://hilses.de/vip1710/ )
tv-user and martin from easyVDR forum
Special thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg who made new version of vip1710 plugin and help me sooooo much to get this working!
And everybody else in the http://linuxtv.fi/ who have helped me!
MOTOROLA VIP1710 device. ( http://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/MOTOROLA_VIP1710 )
Usb stick formatted to ext2 filesystem.
Working VDR server with streamdev-server plugin.
Just tar xvjf vdr_202-vip1710-0.0.9-ng-critter.tar.bz2 to ext2 formatted usb stick.
Modify vdr config files in the /etc to suitable for your needs. (eg. setup.conf, remote.conf, channels.conf..)
Modify runvdr.sh script to activate/unactivate plugins.
Modify pre-vdr.sh scripts if needed. (Launch something before vdr starts. eg. nfs mount)
Modify plugrc (eg. if you need activate logging)
If you have problem with your timezone.
Telnet your vip1710 and mount flash filesystems to read/write access.
mount -o remount,rw /flash
mount -o remount,rw /flash2
Then set your timezone with command:
toish is SetObject cfg.locale.timezone Europe/Helsinki
(you can check available timezones from /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/)
You can copy additional timezones from working ubuntu system.
That's it ! Enjoy !
If you are editing configs when telnet to vip1710 you can use nano (which I think is more easier than vi).
You have to just eg. "export TERM=vt102" then nano will work.
(maybe this is just restriction with putty or something)
Usefull kill commands to free cpu power and memory.
killall -9 runvdr.sh vdr (to kill vdr process)
killall -9 halserver procman; watchdog -t 5 /dev/misc/watchdog (to kill halserver etc.)
0.0.9 01-08-2013 First release
EDIT: Download link changed.