.../systems-work/hemlock/mh.lisp, 18-Oct-90 13:41:38, Edit by Chiles. MAYBE-DELETE-EXTRA-DRAFT-WINDOW modified to correctly delete another window if one exists when a draft is a split window draft. This had to be modified to handle separate, unstacked windows correctly. .../systems-work/hemlock/bindings.lisp, 06-Sep-90 16:59:32, Edit by Chiles. We failed to avoid binding "Auto Check Word Spelling" to #k"'" when we added the new key-event stuff. Actually, Blaine did. .../systems-work/hemlock/bindings.lisp, 24-Aug-90 14:04:34, Edit by Chiles. Bound C-M-s (typically "Shell") to "Illegal" in the echo area. .../systems-work/hemlock/bit-screen.lisp, 06-Aug-90 13:48:10, Edit by Chiles. I modified CREATE-WINDOW-FROM-CURRENT to correctly determin if there is enough room to split the current window to make the new window. .../systems-work/hemlock/bit-screen.lisp, 06-Aug-90 12:59:40, Edit by Chiles. Made SET-WINDOW-HOOK-RAISE-FUN frob the windows group X window, instead of the child X window. .../systems-work/hemlock/hunk-draw.lisp, 05-Aug-90 12:57:21, Edit by Chiles. Fixed DROP-CURSOR to beat on the parent borders instead of the non-existent child borders. .../systems-work/hemlock/bit-screen.lisp, 05-Aug-90 11:58:46, Edit by Chiles. Removed exports for MAKE-WINDOW, DELETE-WINDOW, NEXT-WINDOW, and PREVIOUS-WINDOW since they're in screen.lisp. Modified HUNK-RECONFIGURED to realize it object arg is either a hunk (for a child changing) or a window-group (for a group/parent window changing). Modified HUNK-MOUSE-ENTERED and HUNK-MOUSE-LEFT to frob the group window's border instead of the child's border. Totally redefined *create-window-hook* and *delete-window-hook*. This affected most of the arrangement of creation and deletion functionality. Made the random-typeout window made from keeping a pop-up display, adhere to the minimum resizing parameters Hemlock windows like to try to keep users from screwing themselves. Made MAYBE-MAKE-X-WINDOW-AND-PARENT set window manager hints for supplied parents as if Hemlock had made the parent window. Made code correctly handle font-family parameters instead of dropping into lower-level code that incorrectly assumed *default-font-family*. Consolidated some code, notably MODIFY-PARENT-PROPERTIES. .../systems-work/hemlock/xcoms.lisp, 01-Aug-90 14:00:43, Edit by Chiles. Blew away "Stack Window". .../systems-work/hemlock/input.lisp, 01-Aug-90 13:49:27, Edit by Chiles. Blaine modified MAYBE-KEEP-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-WINDOW in accordance with the new bitmap window group stuff. .../systems-work/hemlock/filecoms.lisp, 01-Aug-90 11:23:07, Edit by Chiles. Blaine modified "Delete Window" and "Delete Next Window" in accordance with the new bitmap window group stuff. They now test the length of *window-list* to determine if they can delete the window instead of using next and previous window commands and primitives and testing against the CURRENT-WINDOW. .../systems-work/hemlock/screen.lisp, 01-Aug-90 10:15:53, Edit by Chiles. Blaine modified DELETE-WINDOW to test for *window-list* having length two or less, signalling an error if so. This allows the bitmap window deletion method to delete the current window by changing to another group. The "Delete Window" command cannot tell there are other windows, and it already tries to make the previous window the current one before calling the DELETE-WINDOW primitive. With the new bitmap window groups, this doesn't work. We still have a problem if a programmer calls DELETE-WINDOW on the current window which will break Hemlock. .../systems-work/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 01-Aug-90 09:33:02, Edit by Chiles. Blaine modified the X events masks and the raising and lowering of Hemlock windows upon entering and leaving in accordance with the new bitmap window groups. .../systems-work/hemlock/struct.lisp, 01-Aug-90 09:07:25, Edit by Chiles. Blaine added window-group structure and the window-group slot to bitmap-hunks for the new bitmap window groups. .../systems-work/hemlock/keysym-defs.lisp, 04-Jul-90 12:14:09, Edit by Chiles. Added a few key-event to character translations at the end of the file to make quoting characters work better when running under X. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/diredcoms.lisp, 02-Jul-90 10:12:28, Edit by Mbb. Fixed a bug in "Dired" where it was incorrectly assuming that the current buffer was a DIRED buffer. .../systems-work/hemlock/searchcoms.lisp, 27-Jun-90 18:27:38, Edit by Chiles. .../systems-work/hemlock/kbdmac.lisp, 27-Jun-90 18:19:09, Edit by Chiles. Fixed "Keyboard Macro Query" to realize the :bind arg to COMMAND-CASE is a key-event, not a charcter. .../systems-work/hemlock/macros.lisp, 27-Jun-90 18:04:12, Edit by Chiles. Fixed COMMAND-CASE to bind key-events, not characters. It also doesn't make N calls to mapping functions everytime someone was to map one way or the other. It also no longer makes erroneous assumptions about characters and key-events having a one-to-one mapping. .../systems-work/hemlock/key-event.lisp, 27-Jun-90 17:34:57, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bugs in character/key-event mapping that allowed bogus typed objects to fall through as if they mapped to meaningful values. .../systems-work/hemlock/interp.lisp, 26-Jun-90 09:54:52, Edit by Chiles. Fixed some documentation. Fixed a bug in KEY-TRANSLATION. Someone changed a type-spec from '(or simple-vector null) to '(simple-vector null). Fixed a bug in TRANSLATE-KEY. It returned the wrong thing and by accident didn't go into an infinite loop if there were any key translations to multiple key-event keys. .../systems-work/hemlock/echo.lisp, 25-Jun-90 11:44:05, Edit by Chiles. Fixed default prompt of PROMPT-FOR-KEY-EVENT to be "Key-event: ", not "Character: ". .../systems-work/hemlock/interp.lisp, 24-Jun-90 12:28:02, Edit by Chiles. Removed silly KEYIFY definition, and I put Blaine's name on the file since he modified half of the contents to get the new key tables stuff to work. .../systems-work/hemlock/input.lisp, 21-Jun-90 19:52:01, Edit by Chiles. Added doc strings to public routines. Documented some code. Moved some silly things around. .../systems-work/hemlock/srccom.lisp, 21-Jun-90 18:53:46, Edit by Chiles. .../systems-work/hemlock/spellcoms.lisp, 21-Jun-90 18:52:56, Edit by Chiles. .../systems-work/hemlock/macros.lisp, 21-Jun-90 18:51:19, Edit by Chiles. .../systems-work/hemlock/filecoms.lisp, 21-Jun-90 18:49:14, Edit by Chiles. .../systems-work/hemlock/doccoms.lisp, 21-Jun-90 18:45:55, Edit by Chiles. Made COMMAND-CASE specify lowercase letters. .../systems-work/hemlock/key-event.lisp, 20-Jun-90 23:11:18, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in TRANSLATE-KEY-EVENT. .../systems-work/hemlock/bindings.lisp, 20-Jun-90 23:03:22, Edit by Chiles. Bound #k"H-t" to "Illegal" in the echo area. This is normally bound to a command that makes the current window display the most recently used random-typeout buffer. .../systems-work/hemlock/macros.lisp, 20-Jun-90 20:45:07, Edit by Chiles. Fixed an extra paren bug that prevented successful compilation. That's what I get for Blaine's failure to use "Extract Form". .../systems-work/hemlock/lispmode.lisp, 20-Jun-90 20:47:57, Edit by Chiles. Added "Extract Form", a more useful and intuitive and consistent command to use instead of "Extract List" which is archaic, confusing, erroneously bound by default, and bound to old Lisp ideals that lists are something to focus on. .../hemlock/ts-buf.lisp, 20-Jun-90 17:40:51, Edit by Wlott. Made typescript commands more robust in light of the possibility of being executed while in a buffer other than the slave buffer. .../systems-work/hemlock/key-event.lisp, 20-Jun-90 17:00:33, Edit by Chiles. Totally rewrote mouse translation code. Fixed multiple bugs MAKE-KEY-EVENT. .../systems-work/hemlock/macros.lisp, 20-Jun-90 13:55:48, Edit by Chiles. Removed :character argument to COMMAND-CASE. Stopped case-folding and eliminated variables used for that. .../systems-work/hemlock/fill.lisp, 16-Jun-90 14:07:48, Edit by Chiles. Fixed "Auto Fill Linefeed" and "Auto Fill Return" to use #k syntax instead of characters for keys. .../systems-work/hemlock/key-event.lisp, 16-Jun-90 13:59:23, Edit by Chiles. Added missing exports. Fixed a couple bugs with DEFINE-KEY-EVENT-MODIFIER. It was using EQL to compare strings. Stuck an UNWIND-PROTECT in there to keep things consistent. Added restart for already defined modifiers allowing the user to go on blowing it off; this helps reloading the file. .../systems-work/hemlock/echo.lisp, 16-Jun-90 11:11:17, Edit by Chiles. Fixed two GET-KEY-EVENT calls to ignore abort attempts in PROMPT-FOR-KEY and PROMPT-FOR-KEY-EVENT. .../systems-work/hemlock/keysym-defs.lisp, 15-Jun-90 18:17:38, Edit by Chiles. This file used to be called keytrandefs.lisp. .../systems-work/hemlock/key-event.lisp, 15-Jun-90 18:34:10, Edit by Chiles. This file used to be called keytran.lisp. It now implements key-events in the "EXTENSIONS" package. .../systems-work/hemlock/bit-screen.lisp, 14-Jun-90 14:28:58, Edit by Chiles. Replaced calls to EXT:TRANSLATE-CHARACTER and EXT:TRANSLATE-MOUSE-CHARACTER with EXT:TRANSLATE-KEY-EVENT and EXT:TRANSLATE-MOUSE-KEY-EVENT. .../systems-work/hemlock/shell.lisp, 15-Jun-90 16:27:42, Edit by Chiles. Picked up Blaine's new shell hacks and documented them. Added "Current Shell" and "Ask about Old Shells" variables. Changed "Shell" to be more like "Select Slave" and wrote "Shell Command Line in Buffer". /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/doccoms.lisp, 14-Jun-90 21:19:46, Edit by Mbb. Made a quoted list of #k mouse-keys be a call to LIST on the mouse-keys instead so they would get evaluated. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/input.lisp, 12-Jun-90 21:00:12, Edit by Mbb. input.lisp is a new file. It contains code to implement input to hemlock. Similar code previously resided in rompsite.lisp /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/icom.lisp, 12-Jun-90 16:15:00, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/gosmacs.lisp, 12-Jun-90 16:15:00, Edit by Mbb. Changed BIND-KEY calls to use #k format instead of characters. .../systems-work/hemlock/filecoms.lisp, 13-Jun-90 15:17:06, Edit by Chiles. Wrote "Go to One Window" which makes a default initial window and deletes all other windows. This is useful with losing window managers like twm, and it is useful in case you ever resize or move the main Hemlock window which happens by accident to some people. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/keytran.lisp, 13-Jun-90 14:01:58, Edit by Mbb. Changed all the BIND-KEY forms in this file to use #k format. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/files.lisp, 12-Jun-90 10:26:58, Edit by Mbb. Inserted the form (proclaim '(special vm_page_size)) so the compiler wouldn't whine about vm_page_size not being declared or bound. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/buffer.lisp, 11-Jun-90 11:58:39, Edit by Mbb. Modified DEFMODE -- The default mode-bindings slot is now a hash-table whereas it used to be a key-table. Did the same for buffer-bindings in MAKE-BUFFER. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/keytrandefs.lisp, 11-Jun-90 13:17:59, Edit by Mbb. Made all calls to "EXTENSIONS" use an ext: prefix. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/scribe.lisp, 08-Jun-90 17:33:31, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/register.lisp, 08-Jun-90 17:29:23, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/interp.lisp, 08-Jun-90 17:27:44, Edit by Mbb. Changed all calls to PRINT-PRETTY-CHARACTER to calls to PRINT-PRETTY-KEY-EVENT. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/kbdmac.lisp, 08-Jun-90 17:25:50, Edit by Mbb. Made all calls to SUB-PRINT-KEY be calls to PRINT-PRETTY-KEY. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/doccoms.lisp, 08-Jun-90 17:15:46, Edit by Mbb. Removed SUB-PRINT-KEY in favor of PRINT-PRETTY-KEY. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/searchcoms.lisp, 08-Jun-90 14:38:55, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/overwrite.lisp, 08-Jun-90 14:38:38, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/morecoms.lisp, 08-Jun-90 14:37:43, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/completion.lisp, 08-Jun-90 14:37:10, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/command.lisp, 08-Jun-90 14:36:12, Edit by Mbb. Changed all calls to TEXT-CHARACTER to calls to KEY-EVENT-CHAR. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/rompsite.lisp, 08-Jun-90 12:15:17, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/termcap.lisp, 08-Jun-90 12:15:17, Edit by Mbb. Commented out CL-TERMCAP-CHAR as it is no longer needed. GET-TERMCAP-STRING-CHAR does the conversion to a character now. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/doccoms.lisp, 08-Jun-90 11:08:09, Edit by Mbb. Removed from GET-MOUSE-COMMANDS a call to MAKE-CHAR in favor of MAKE-KEY-EVENT and also fixed a list to use the new #k"foo" format. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/bindings.lisp, 08-Jun-90 10:44:49, Edit by Mbb. Chnaged all bindings to #k"foo" format. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/charmacs.lisp, 07-Jun-90 14:44:36, Edit by Mbb. Removed the declaration of the constant all-bit-names, as bit names are no longer supported in Common Lisp. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/charmacs.lisp, 07-Jun-90 14:41:23, Edit by Mbb. Changed ALPHA-CHAR-LOOP and DO-ALPHA-CHARS to ALPHA-KEY-EVENTS-LOOP and DO-ALPHA-KEY-EVENTS respectively. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/tty-display.lisp, 06-Jun-90 10:38:07, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/searchcoms.lisp, 06-Jun-90 10:36:39, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/searchcoms.lisp, 06-Jun-90 10:21:58, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/rompsite.lisp, 06-Jun-90 10:09:11, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/morecoms.lisp, 06-Jun-90 10:16:52, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/mh.lisp, 06-Jun-90 10:14:12, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/doccoms.lisp, 06-Jun-90 10:04:45, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/macros.lisp, 05-Jun-90 15:11:03, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/kbdmac.lisp, 05-Jun-90 15:08:37, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/interp.lisp, 05-Jun-90 11:02:59, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/echo.lisp, 05-Jun-90 10:58:55, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/doccoms.lisp, 05-Jun-90 15:05:40, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/command.lisp, 05-Jun-90 15:02:21, Edit by Mbb. Fixed all references to *editor-input*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/main.lisp, 06-Jun-90 10:07:41, Edit by Mbb. *editor-input* used to be exported from this file, event though it is also exported in input.lisp. Removed export from main.lisp. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/rompsite.lisp, 05-Jun-90 14:31:55, Edit by Mbb. Changed reference to *character-history* in SITE-INIT to *key-event-history*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/mh.lisp, 05-Jun-90 14:30:28, Edit by Mbb. Changed a reference to *character-history* to *key-event-history*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/main.lisp, 05-Jun-90 14:27:23, Edit by Mbb. Removed export of *character-history* from this file in favor of putting it in input.lisp and changing the name to *key-event-history*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/doccoms.lisp, 05-Jun-90 14:19:41, Edit by Mbb. Made "What Lossage" command reference *key-event-history* instead of *character-history*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/streams.lisp, 05-Jun-90 14:10:43, Edit by Mbb. Made KBDMAC-GET use *last-key-event-typed* instead of *last-character-typed*. Also changed stream definition of kbdmac-stream to coincide with the new editor-input like streams. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/spellcoms.lisp, 05-Jun-90 14:08:57, Edit by Mbb. Made SUB-CORRECT-LAST-MISSPELLED-WORD work with *last-key-event-typed*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/scribe.lisp, 05-Jun-90 14:07:23, Edit by Mbb. Fixed "Scribe Insert bracket" to work with *last-key-event-typed*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/rompsite.lisp, 05-Jun-90 13:59:46, Edit by Mbb. Removed all Input queue management and Random Typeout input routines and put them in a input.lisp, a new hemlock file. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/rompsite.lisp, 05-Jun-90 13:45:23, Edit by Mbb. Changed DEFVAR of *last-character-typed* to *last-key-event-typed*. Also fixed setting of *last-character-typed* in DQ-EVENT. For some reason, *last-character-typed* was exported from both main.lisp and rompsite.lisp. This remains under the new name. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/overwrite.lisp, 05-Jun-90 13:43:23, Edit by Mbb. Made "Self Overwrite" use *last-key-event-typed* instead of *last-character-typed*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/morecoms.lisp, 05-Jun-90 13:41:58, Edit by Mbb. Made "Self Insert Caps Lock" deal with *last-key-event-typed* instead of *last-character-typed*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/main.lisp, 05-Jun-90 13:40:48, Edit by Mbb. Changed export of *last-character-typed* to *last-key-event-typed*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/kbdmac.lisp, 05-Jun-90 13:37:38, Edit by Mbb. Made DEFAULT-KBDMAC-TRANSFORM and SELF-INSERT-KBDMAC-TRANSFORM use *last-key-event-typed* instead of *last-character-typed*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/echocoms.lisp, 05-Jun-90 13:34:52, Edit by Mbb. Made "Complete Field" work with *last-key-event-typed*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/completion.lisp, 05-Jun-90 13:28:07, Edit by Mbb. Made "Completion Self Insert" deal with *last-key-event-typed* instead of *last-character-typed*. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/command.lisp, 05-Jun-90 13:24:55, Edit by Mbb. Changed UNIVERSAL-ARGUMENT-LOOP to deal with *last-key-event-typed* instead of *last-character-typed*. Also made "Self Insert" do the same. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/spellcoms.lisp, 05-Jun-90 12:58:02, Edit by Mbb. Changed calls to PROMPT-FOR-CHARACTER to calls to PROMPT-FOR-KEY-EVENT. Since what we wanted was the number of the correction choice, simply wrap a call to KEY-EVENT-CHAR around the PROMPT-FOR-KEY-EVENT. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/scribe.lisp, 05-Jun-90 11:59:46, Edit by Mbb. Made ADD-SCRIBE-DIRECTIVE and INSERT-SCRIBE-DIRECTIVE use PROMPT-FOR-KEY instead of PROMPT-FOR-CHARACTER. They used to HASH on the result of PROMPT-FOR-CHARACTER, so key-events will work just as well. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/scribe.lisp, 05-Jun-90 11:59:46, Edit by Mbb. Changed all top-level ADD-SCRIBE-DIRECTIVE-COMMAND calls to use #k syntax when binding dispatches. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/struct.lisp, 05-Jun-90 11:08:20, Edit by Mbb. Changed DEFSETF for %SET-LOGICAL-CHAR= to %SET-LOGICAL-KEY-EVENT-P in order to maintain consistency. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/macros.lisp, 05-Jun-90 09:23:41, Edit by Mbb. Fixed COMMAND-CASE to bind key-events instead of characters. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/register.lisp, 05-Jun-90 09:31:41, Edit by Mbb. Made PROMPT-FOR-REGISTER return a key-event instead of a character. The rest of the code code just hashes on what PROMPT-FOR-REGISTER returns, so since key-events are unique, nothing else had to be changed. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/keytrandefs.lisp, 04-Jun-90 13:16:13, Edit by Mbb. Completely changed this file to conform to new key syntax. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/charmacs.lisp, 04-Jun-90 13:10:55, Edit by Mbb. Removed all pushes into lisp::char-name-alist. .../systems-work/hemlock/completion.lisp, 29-May-90 13:54:48, Edit by Chiles. Changed test in DO-COMPLETION to explicitly test for uppercase characters. Testing for lowercase characters caused ID's to be uppercased when they began with non-alphabetic characters (such as digit-chars). .../systems-work/hemlock/bindings.lisp, 21-May-90 10:22:28, Edit by Chiles. .../systems-work/hemlock/morecoms.lisp, 21-May-90 10:19:13, Edit by Chiles. Added "CAPS-LOCK" mode, "Caps Lock Mode" and "Caps Lock Self Insert". Added bindings for lowercase letters. .../systems-work/hemlock/bindings.lisp, 21-May-90 10:14:10, Edit by Chiles. .../systems-work/hemlock/diredcoms.lisp, 21-May-90 10:03:16, Edit by Chiles. Wrote "Dired Up Directory" and added binding to #\^ in "Dired" mode. .../systems-work/hemlock/diredcoms.lisp, 08-May-90 15:38:28, Edit by Chiles. Fixed :help string in file prompt for "Delete File". .../hemlock/ts-stream.lisp, 26-Apr-90 17:14:10, Edit by Wlott. Make %ts-stream-listen try calling server before finally saying that there is no more input available. .../hemlock/files.lisp, 26-Apr-90 18:43:29, Edit by Wlott. Fixed a bug in write-file in which the first line was being extended with garbage if it didn't start at the first character. .../systems-work/hemlock/lispeval.lisp, 16-Apr-90 14:03:10, Edit by Chiles. Modified OPERATION-STARTED, OPERATION-COMPLETED, and "List Operations" to preserve the case of context strings when MESSAGE'ing. I added "The"'s to sentences which previously capitalized the first word of the context and lowered the remaining parts of the string. I added periods to sentences in all these routines. I stopped operation listing from forcing the entire string to lowercase. The user should get his context as he supplied it. Many users complained about file names reporting as incorrect due to the old state of the code. .../systems-work/hemlock/lispbuf.lisp, 16-Apr-90 13:41:05, Edit by Chiles. Fixed doc string for "Current Package" in "package" file option handler. /usr2/ch/lisp/lispeval.lisp, 15-Apr-90 19:14:38, Edit by Christopher Hoover. Sometimes the defined "Current Package" does not exist in the slave, and sometimes "Current Package" is defined as nil. "Describe Function Call" points out which reason led to using the default package in the slave. .../systems-work/hemlock/shell.lisp, 24-Mar-90 11:58:10, Edit by Chiles. New file. .../systems-work/hemlock/bindings.lisp, 24-Mar-90 11:57:31, Edit by Chiles. Added bindings for new "Process" mode. .../systems-work/hemlock/main.lisp, 22-Mar-90 16:03:27, Edit by Blaine. Added new hook "Buffer Writable Hook". .../systems-work/hemlock/buffer.lisp, 22-Mar-90 15:45:51, Edit by Blaine. Write BUFFER-WRITABLE and %SET-BUFFER-WRITABLE. .../systems-work/hemlock/struct.lisp, 22-Mar-90 15:40:31, Edit by Blaine. Renamed the writable slot to %writable. Added DEFSETF for BUFFER-WRITABLE. .../systems-work/hemlock/completion.lisp, 22-Mar-90 14:51:00, Edit by Chiles. Picked up Blaine's "Save Completions", "Read Completions", and "Parse Buffer for Completions". I added documentation to "Completion" mode and made the parameter completion-bucket-size-limit be a Hemlock variable "Completion Bucket Size". .../systems-work/hemlock/buffer.lisp, 19-Mar-90 16:45:01, Edit by Chiles. Made the BUFFER-MODIFIED SETF'er return the value stored. .../systems-work/hemlock/table.lisp, 12-Mar-90 12:43:13, Edit by Chiles. Made BI-SVPOSITION stop calling IDENTITY on every element. There already was a test for the key argument being nil, but the author allowed the argument to default to IDENTITY. Also, it is never called without a key argument anyway -- gratuitous generality maladjusted. .../systems-work/hemlock/mh.lisp, 09-Mar-90 09:03:28, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in REMAIL-MESSAGE resulting from recent changes to the environment code that made my MH env vars become capitalized when they should have been lowercase. .../systems-work/hemlock/lispeval.lisp, 27-Feb-90 15:03:31, Edit by Chiles. Modified EVAL-FORM-IN-SERVER to optionally take a package name. It uses the value of "Current Package" as a default, which it previously always supplied. EVAL-FORM-IN-SERVER-1 accordingly takes a package argument now. "Describe Function Call" now first asks the server if the value of "Current Package" names a package, and if it does not, then this command describes the function call by reading the name into *package* in the slave. This reasonably handles the problem of describing a function call with a buffer package that does not exist in the slave. .../systems-work/hemlock/screen.lisp, 27-Feb-90 13:18:16, Edit by Mbb. Made pop-up displays better count lines when fully buffered. .../systems-work/hemlock/lispeval.lisp, 22-Feb-90 11:20:03, Edit by Chiles. Picked up Williams change to "Lisp Operations", and I documented his peculiar queue implementation. .../systems-work/hemlock/srccom.lisp, 21-Feb-90 13:52:45, Edit by Chiles. Added "Source Compare Ignore Indentation" and wrote a macro to generate the line comparison routines that *srccom-line-=* holds. .../systems-work/hemlock/searchcoms.lisp, 15-Feb-90 10:17:40, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in undo'ing replacements. IF two were immediately adjacent, the second would not be undone. .../systems-work/hemlock/command.lisp, 14-Feb-90 14:15:38, Edit by Chiles. Fixed "Forward Character". .../systems-work/hemlock/eval-server.lisp, 10-Feb-90 12:07:29, Edit by Chiles. Made editor MESSAGE what slave is GC'ing when dumping GC messages behind the prompt. Also, moved the global frobbing into the two routines that setup and cleanup stream variables. .../systems-work/hemlock/mh.lisp, 09-Feb-90 17:02:43, Edit by Chiles. Finally fixed bug in PICK-MESSAGES that allowed MH pick to screw us. MH pick would output "0" when no messages matched a specification, so PICK-MESSAGES now tests the result of calling MH to invoke "pick". It returns nil whenever MH returns other than t for correct completion. .../systems-work/hemlock/termcap.lisp, 08-Feb-90 20:07:01, Edit by Chiles. The new fd-streams, which correctly implement unreading characters, pointed out that this code relied on multiply unreading characters. It no longer does. .../systems-work/hemlock/lisp-lib.lisp, 07-Feb-90 15:50:50, Edit by Chiles. Modified MERGE-PATHNAMES calls that used strings with dots to merge in types. This no longer works with the new NAMESTRING/PARSE-NAMESTRING stuff. .../systems-work/hemlock/command.lisp, 07-Feb-90 13:52:10, Edit by Chiles. "Next Line" was opening newlines in the middle of the buffer's last line of text when the buffer wasn't newline terminated. /usr2/mbb/lisp/work/macros.lisp, 07-Feb-90 12:22:54, Edit by Mbb. Changed how WITH-POP-UP-DISPLAY determines whether to cleanup. It shouldn't have been cleaning up unless something had really happened, but it was. .../systems-work/hemlock/files.lisp, 31-Jan-90 11:58:15, Edit by Chiles. Modifed all occurrances of "fdstream" to "fd-stream" to be consistent with new interface. .../systems-work/hemlock/mh.lisp, 26-Jan-90 12:41:47, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug leaving a file open every time I called MH-PROFILE-COMPONENT, and closed the process in MH. .../systems-work/hemlock/command.lisp, 24-Jan-90 11:06:13, Edit by Chiles. Changed "Next Line", "Previous Line", "Next Word", "Previous Word", "Forward Character", "Backward Character", "Delete Next Character", and "Delete Previous Character" to work with correctly negative arguments. .../systems-work/hemlock/macros.lisp, 24-Jan-90 10:40:00, Edit by Chiles. Modified WITH-POP-UP-DISPLAY to have a doc string other than "Do Some Shit." .../systems-work/hemlock/lispbuf.lisp, 22-Jan-90 15:17:49, Edit by Chiles. Modified code around *prompt* to adhere to new semantics of its values. .../hemlock/mh.lisp, 19-Jan-90 21:00:28, Edit by Wlott. Changed to use new RUN-PROGRAM return values. .../systems-work/hemlock/eval-server.lisp, 19-Jan-90 12:07:06, Edit by Chiles. Modified DO-OPERATION and the thing that aborts operations to handshake on whether we were in the debugger when we aborted. If we were, output a message trying to inform the user that the output in his typescript can be ignored; he is no longer really in the debugger. .../systems-work/hemlock/lispeval.lisp, 18-Jan-90 23:21:55, Edit by Chiles. Fixed "Abort Operations" to really abort the operations (one more time). .../systems-work/hemlock/eval-server.lisp, 18-Jan-90 16:45:24, Edit by Chiles. Made the -slave switch handler setup *gc-notify-before* and *gc-notify-after* to do gratuitous output to the editor. .../systems-work/hemlock/ts-stream.lisp, 18-Jan-90 16:08:00, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in WAIT-FOR-TYPESCRIPT-INPUT that incorrectly reported input when the function was re-entered by handling an event in SERVE-EVENT. .../systems-work/hemlock/ts-buf.lisp, 18-Jan-90 12:14:40, Edit by Chiles. Modified TS-BUFFER-OUTPUT-STRING to take a gratuitous-p optional indicating output should go behind the prompt. .../systems-work/hemlock/morecoms.lisp, 17-Jan-90 21:21:53, Edit by Chiles. Modified DO-RECURSIVE-EDIT to update the modeline field before possibly signalling an error in the cleanup forms of the UNWIND-PROTECT. .../systems-work/hemlock/ts-buf.lisp, 17-Jan-90 15:25:18, Edit by Chiles. Removed weird disappearing prompt stuff. Added stuff to help users unwedge themselves when they get behind the prompt. .../systems-work/hemlock/streams.lisp, 16-Jan-90 13:42:19, Edit by William. Made Hemlock output streams make sure the mark is :left-inserting, but only when actually doing the output. .../systems-work/hemlock/morecoms.lisp, 15-Jan-90 09:07:31, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Count Lines" and "Count Words" to report lines counted as being in the active region or after the point. .../systems-work/hemlock/eval-server.lisp, 15-Jan-90 13:09:19, Edit by Wlott. Changed occurances of SYSTEM:SERVER to SYSTEM:SERVE-EVENT. Added tweeking of *standard-output* and friends in addition to *terminal-io* when connecting to a slave. .../systems-work/hemlock/lispeval.lisp, 15-Jan-90 14:13:56, Edit by Wlott. Made FILE-COMPILE pay attention to "Remote Compile File". (I must have been brain-dead the first time through that code...) .../systems-work/hemlock/files.lisp, 15-Jan-90 15:21:36, Edit by Wlott. Changed write-file to be faster. .../systems-work/hemlock/srccom.lisp, 13-Jan-90 14:42:07, Edit by Chiles. Made "Merge Buffers" have an (A)lign window with start of difference display option in the command loop. I often had to use recursive edit to be able to position the window to see the difference that was otherwise not visible due to normal scrolling and redisplay centering the mark. .../systems-work/hemlock/srccom.lisp, 13-Jan-90 14:00:25, Edit by Chiles. Fixed "Compare Buffers" and "Merge Buffers" to test for a nil result when calling LINE-OFFSET. When buffers weren't terminated with newlines, the old code would infinitely loop. .../systems-work/hemlock/lispmode.lisp, 12-Jan-90 18:29:20, Edit by Chiles. Modified SCAN-DIRECTION-VALID to check for the ignore region falling off the end of the line which caused %FORM-OFFSET to infinitely loop. .../systems-work/hemlock/ts-stream.lisp, 12-Jan-90 12:47:37, Edit by Wlott. Changed occurances of SYSTEM:SERVER to SYSTEM:SERVE-EVENT. .../systems-work/hemlock/tty-disp-rt.lisp, 11-Jan-90 19:31:46, Edit by Wlott. Changed to work with fdstreams. .../systems-work/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 11-Jan-90 16:42:02, Edit by Wlott. Changed occurances of SYSTEM:SERVER to SYSTEM:SERVE-EVENT. .../systems-work/hemlock/tty-screen.lisp, 09-Jan-90 14:27:17, Edit by Chiles. When we make a random typeout window, we no longer say the screen image is trashed. Some uses of pop up displays do output and then prompt inside the form, and this prompting was causing the main window to be redisplayed since we said the screen image was trashed. This drew over our pop up display. .../systems-work/hemlock/indent.lisp, 08-Jan-90 10:20:48, Edit by Mbb. Made "Center Line" use the active region. .../systems-work/hemlock/bit-screen.lisp, 05-Jan-90 17:07:23, Edit by Mbb. REVERSE-VIDEO-HOOK-FUN was calling the wrong function. .../systems-work/hemlock/eval-server.lisp, 01-Dec-89 17:58:53, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in SERVER-DIED that prevented it from deleting variables referencing dead server-infos. .../systems-work/hemlock/ts-buf.lisp, 01-Dec-89 17:06:22, Edit by Chiles. Modified and documented TYPESCRIPTIFY-BUFFER to make a local "Current Eval Server" variable. .../systems-work/hemlock/eval-server.lisp, 01-Dec-89 16:29:25, Edit by Chiles. GET-CURRENT-EVAL-SERVER cleaned up. "Select Slave" rewritten to no longer set current eval server. .../systems-work/hemlock/eval-server.lisp, 22-Nov-89 15:51:42, Edit by Mbb. Just someone forgetting the result argument to THROW. The old defmacro compiler stuff didn't catch this, so it used to pass (and amazingly, work). .../systems-work/hemlock/morecoms.lisp, 22-Nov-89 15:31:29, Edit by Mbb. Somehow, the old "Count Lines" worked. How, I don't know. It had an IF without a THEN clause, which is required by ClTM. The new DEFMACRO stuff caught it. .../systems-work/hemlock/mh.lisp, 27-Oct-89 11:49:25, Edit by Chiles. After recently eliminating recursive folder support, "List Folders" continued to claim it would list all folders recursively. Removed useless code and bogus doc string. .../systems-work/hemlock/diredcoms.lisp, 25-Oct-89 16:15:29, Edit by Chiles. Picked up Blaine's changes to make "Dired" and "Dired with Pattern" do dot files with an argument. This propagates to subdirectories. .../systems-work/hemlock/lisp-lib.lisp, 25-Oct-89 15:59:19, Edit by Chiles. Made browser look in new library location. .../systems-work/hemlock/lispeval.lisp, 29-Sep-89 15:52:50, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in "Abort Operations" and documented how it works. .../systems-work/hemlock/mh.lisp, 28-Sep-89 15:37:39, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Headers Delete Message" to be prepared to deal with a list of message ID's when in a message buffer. .../systems-work/hemlock/eval-server.lisp, 22-Sep-89 11:28:02, Edit by Chiles. Made SERVER-COMPILE-TEXT do a TERPRI on error-output since the background buffer was incredibly hard to read when compiling single defuns. .../systems-work/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 20-Sep-89 00:39:06, Edit by Chiles. Installed WITHOUT-HEMLOCK from code:lispinit.lisp. This had to be part of Hemlock, as it should have been, so expansions of it during compilation of Hemlock would no longer cause hardwired references to bogus "OLD-HI" symbols. .../systems-work/hemlock/doccoms.lisp, 19-Sep-89 20:15:26, Edit by Chiles. .../clisp-1/systems-work/hemlock/echo.lisp, 19-Sep-89 20:06:56, Edit by Chiles. Replaced ~C FORMAT directives with ~:C to adhere to new standard. /usr2/ch/lisp/echocoms.lisp, 11-Sep-89 21:21:46, Edit by Christopher Hoover. Made "Complete Field" and "Complete Keyword" do the same thing for parse types of :file. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/searchcoms.lisp, 18-Sep-89 12:56:33, Edit by Chiles. When we fixed QUERY-REPLACE-LOOP to use a permanent marker for the end mark, we destroyed the current region effect when the current mark was before the current point. I fixed this to be a permanent mark that is a copy of the end mark of the region within which we replace things. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/mh.lisp, 15-Sep-89 11:30:56, Edit by Chiles. Blew away "-recurse" from CHECK-FOLDER-NAME-TABLE. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/macros.lisp, 14-Sep-89 12:18:47, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in DO-STRINGS introduced with the new string table stuff a few months ago. It spliced the result form after a DOTIMES instead inside it, so RETURN's inside the DO-STRING's returned the result form instead of the returned values. /usr/lisp/hemlock/ts-stream.lisp, 13-Sep-89 19:07:27, Edit by Wlott. Fixed bug in %TS-STREAM-SOUT that caused the character position to become confused. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/lispeval.lisp, 08-Sep-89 11:59:16, Edit by Chiles. Changed "Forget Compiler ..." to "Flush ...". /usr1/lisp/hemlock/diredcoms.lisp, 03-Sep-89 17:39:07, Edit by Chiles. Stopped DIRED-DOWN-LINE from moving the mark to the beginning of the line. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/macros.lisp, 01-Sep-89 10:50:03, Edit by Chiles. Proclaimed *buffer-names* special. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 27-Aug-89 12:26:44, Edit by Chiles. Removed BUILD-HEMLOCK. Created load-hem.lisp. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 25-Aug-89 11:17:01, Edit by Chiles. Added LOAD's for new TCP/eval server files. Removed old eval server stuff. /usr1/lisp/nhem/eval-server.lisp, 25-Aug-89 11:16:29, Edit by Chiles. This is a new file. /usr1/lisp/nhem/ts-stream.lisp, 25-Aug-89 09:56:46, Edit by Chiles. This is a new file. /usr1/lisp/nhem/ts.lisp, 24-Aug-89 16:35:30, Edit by Chiles. Basically a new file for interfacing to the new typescript streams. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 24-Aug-89 16:16:25, Edit by Chiles. This is effectively a new file for use with TCP eval servers. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 24-Aug-89 16:07:34, Edit by Chiles. Added "Editor" mode to this file. /usr1/lisp/nhem/edit-defs.lisp, 24-Aug-89 15:57:28, Edit by Chiles. Updated definition fetching code to use DO-EVAL-FORM instead of EVAL_FORM-IN-CLIENT. /usr1/lisp/nhem/echo.lisp, 24-Aug-89 15:54:00, Edit by Chiles. Moved LOUD-MESSAGE here from lispeval.lisp and exported it. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 24-Aug-89 15:51:31, Edit by Chiles. Commented out binding for "Abort Typescript Input". Added bindings for "Next Compiler Error" and "Previous Compiler Error". Changed some names "Process Control ..." to "Typescript Slave ...". /usr1/lisp/hemlock/struct.lisp, 16-Aug-89 15:09:14, Edit by Chiles. Removed (:print-function ...) forms for structures that included another structure and explicitly specified the included functions print fucntion. It is now in the standard and our system that these should automatically be inherited. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 28-Jul-89 14:42:20, Edit by Chiles. Blaine fixed his fix to the "Reverse Video" hook for the new pop-up displays. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 28-Jul-89 13:45:33, Edit by Chiles. Restored old definition of "Capitalize Word" and made it loop until it finds the first alphabetic character in the word instead of assuming the first character is capitalizable. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 27-Jul-89 10:09:56, Edit by Chiles. Blaine made "Log Change" check that the initial buffer still exists before going to it. /usr1/lisp/nhem/command.lisp, 26-Jul-89 17:49:32, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote "Universal Argument", "Argument Digit", "Negative Argument". This fixes the bug M-- M-1 M-2 yielding -8 instead of -12. Now "Universal Argument" strips bits off every character it reads, and it no longer goes through the command loop on repeated C-U input. The other two commands basically setup to jump into "Universal Argument". This means to things: 1] You no longer can type minus signs after every C-u. 2] When typing digits, you cannot invoke any commands bound to a first digit with modifier bits. This should be no big deal. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/syntax.lisp, 14-Jul-89 15:26:51, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/buffer.lisp, 14-Jul-89 15:17:25, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/vars.lisp, 14-Jul-89 14:31:34, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/main.lisp, 14-Jul-89 14:33:27, Edit by Chiles. Moved *global-variable-names* back to main.lisp from vars.lisp since vars is loaded before table.lisp which defines MAKE-STRING-TABLE. Moved *buffer-names* and *mode-names* back to main.lisp for above reason. *command-names* from interp. *character-attribute-names from syntax. /usr1/lisp/nhem/font.lisp, 11-Jul-89 15:49:59, Edit by Chiles. Modified NEW-FONT-MARK to terminate a loop correctly and to stop calling DIS-LINE-LINE on nil. /../victoria/usr2/lisp/hemlock/bit-screen.lisp, 09-Jul-89 15:51:46, Edit by Mbb. Made REVERSE-VIDEO-HOOK-FUN do the right thing for random typeout windows. I, uhhhh.., kind of missed this. Removed an extraneaous variable binding that was causing a "Bound but not referenced error." /usr1/lisp/nhem/completion.lisp, 07-Jul-89 13:00:47, Edit by Chiles. #\' is no longer a completion-wordchar in "Lisp" mode. Just an oversight. /usr/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 07-Jul-89 16:18:51, Edit by Mbb. Replaced call to INVOKE-HOOK with DOLIST since this is compiled before macros.lisp, analogous to using VARIABLE-VALUE instead of VALUE. /usr/lisp/hemlock/htext1.lisp, 07-Jul-89 16:06:08, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/htext4.lisp, 07-Jul-89 16:06:08, Edit by Mbb. Frobbed MOVE-SOME-MARKS in htext1.lisp to allow declarations within the body. Added declarations using this macro in htext4. Also gratuitously changed the indentation in htext4 of MOVE-SOME-MARKS (To screw file comparison.) /usr/lisp/hemlock/tty-screen.lisp, 07-Jul-89 14:29:53, Edit by Mbb. Renamed MAKE-DEVICE to MAKE-TTY-DEVICE. /usr/lisp/hemlock/struct.lisp, 07-Jul-89 14:19:16, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/bit-display.lisp, 07-Jul-89 14:15:42, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/tty-display.lisp, 07-Jul-89 14:20:47, Edit by Mbb. Moved device and hunk stuff into struct.lisp. /usr/lisp/hemlock/echo.lisp, 07-Jul-89 11:19:23, Edit by Mbb. Made PROMPTING-MERGE-PATHNAMES work. It used to choke if pathname-defaults was NIL. Moved definition of hemlock-eof from main.lisp to echo.lisp, where it belongs. /usr/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 06-Jul-89 16:20:13, Edit by Mbb. Moved constant definition of font-map-size from font.lisp to rompsite.lisp because SETUP-FONT-FAMILY assumed that it was a special. /usr/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 06-Jul-89 13:21:21, Edit by Mbb. Moved definitions of *editor-input*, *last-character-typed*, and *character-history* from main.lisp to rompsite.lisp, where they belong, and exported them. /usr/lisp/hemlock/window.lisp, 06-Jul-89 13:16:55, Edit by Mbb. Moved definitions of *current-window* and *window-list* from main.lisp to window.lisp, exporting *window-list*. /usr/lisp/hemlock/interp.lisp, 06-Jul-89 13:09:29, Edit by Mbb. Moved definitions of *command-names*, *prefix-argument-supplied*, and *prefix-argument* from main.lisp to interp.lisp, exporting *command-names*. /usr/lisp/hemlock/buffer.lisp, 06-Jul-89 12:59:36, Edit by Mbb. Moved definitions of *buffer-names*, *buffer-list*, *current-buffer*, and *mode-names* from main.lisp to buffer.lisp, exporting all but *current-buffer*. /usr/lisp/hemlock/vars.lisp, 06-Jul-89 12:09:46, Edit by Mbb. Moved definition of *global-variable-names* from main.lisp to vars.lisp, where it belongs, and exported it. /usr/lisp/hemlock/syntax.lisp, 06-Jul-89 11:57:48, Edit by Mbb. Moved *last-character-attibute-requested*, *character-attribute-names*, *value-of-last-character-attribute-requested*, and *character-attributes* from main.lisp to syntax.lisp, exporting *character-attribute-names*. Proclaimed the following variables special: (*mode-names* *current-buffer* *last-character-attribute-requested* *value-of-last-character-attribute-requested*). /usr/lisp/hemlock/struct.lisp, 06-Jul-89 11:48:59, Edit by Mbb. Removed definitions of now-tick and TICK and put them in htext1.lisp, exporting now-tick. /usr/lisp/hemlock/killcoms.lisp, 06-Jul-89 09:40:29, Edit by Mbb. Proclaimed the following variable special: *delete-char-region*. /usr/lisp/hemlock/echocoms.lisp, 06-Jul-89 09:33:57, Edit by Mbb. Proclaimed the following variable special: *kill-ring*. /usr/lisp/hemlock/window.lisp, 05-Jul-89 16:39:31, Edit by Mbb. Proclaimed the following variable special: *buffer-list*. /usr/lisp/hemlock/tty-screen.lisp, 05-Jul-89 16:37:06, Edit by Mbb. Proclaimed the following variable special: *parse-starting-mark*. /usr/lisp/hemlock/screen.lisp, 05-Jul-89 16:30:31, Edit by Mbb. Proclaimed the following variable special: *echo-area-buffer*. /usr/lisp/hemlock/display.lisp, 05-Jul-89 16:28:18, Edit by Mbb. Proclaimed the following variable special: *window-list*. Moved device and hunk structure definitions to struct.lisp. /usr/lisp/hemlock/hunk-draw.lisp, 05-Jul-89 16:24:18, Edit by Mbb. Proclaimed the following variables special: (*default-border-pixmap* *highlight-border-pixmap*). /usr/lisp/hemlock/cursor.lisp, 05-Jul-89 16:15:50, Edit by Mbb. Proclaimed the following variable special: the-sentinel. /usr/lisp/hemlock/linimage.lisp, 05-Jul-89 16:12:41, Edit by Mbb. Proclaimed the following variable special: *character-attributes*. /usr/lisp/hemlock/macros.lisp, 05-Jul-89 16:10:00, Edit by Mbb. Proclaimed the following variable special: *echo-area-stream*. /usr/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 05-Jul-89 16:02:53, Edit by Mbb. Proclaimed the following variables special: (FONT-MAP-SIZE *DEFAULT-FONT-FAMILY* *CURRENT-WINDOW* *INPUT-TRANSCRIPT* *FOREGROUND-BACKGROUND-XOR* *ECHO-AREA-WINDOW* *BUFFER-NAMES* HEMLOCK::*CREATED-SLAVE-CONNECTED* *CHARACTER-HISTORY* *SCREEN-IMAGE-TRASHED*). /usr/lisp/hemlock/struct-ed.lisp, 05-Jul-89 15:42:36, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/lispeval.lisp, 05-Jul-89 15:42:36, Edit by Mbb. Created this file for structures that are only used in the HEMLOCK package. Moved SERVER-INFO structure from lispeval.lisp to this file. /usr/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 05-Jul-89 15:34:21, Edit by Mbb. Moved the package initialization stuff from rompsite.lisp to ctw.lisp, as this is where it should be. /usr2/lisp/hemlock/pop-up-stream.lisp, 05-Jul-89 14:07:55, Edit by Mbb. /usr2/lisp/hemlock/struct.lisp, 05-Jul-89 14:07:55, Edit by Mbb. Moved the POP-UP-STREAM structure to struct.lisp. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/screen.lisp, 03-Jul-89 17:05:58, Edit by Mbb. Made RANDOM-TYPEOUT-CLEANUP clean up the modeline field instead of doing it in both the tty and bitmap cleanup methods. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/pop-up-stream.lisp, 03-Jul-89 15:53:13, Edit by Mbb. Made misc methods for line-buffered and full-buffered streams distinct. FORCE-OUTPUT and FINISH-OUTPUT are now no-ops for full-buffered streams. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/macros.lisp, 03-Jul-89 15:43:19, Edit by Mbb. Made GET-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-INFO assign distinct misc methods to full-buffered and line-buffered random-typeout streams. /usr1/lisp/nhem/window.lisp, 02-Jul-89 15:54:40, Edit by Chiles. Added "Maximum Modeline Pathname Length" which defaults to nil. Wrote BUFFER-PATHNAME-ML-FIELD-FUN. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 02-Jul-89 16:09:45, Edit by Chiles. Made "Defhvar" propagate any existing hooks as well. /usr1/lisp/nhem/vars.lisp, 02-Jul-89 15:04:33, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/syntax.lisp, 02-Jul-89 15:02:25, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:55:14, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/display.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:43:59, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:38:55, Edit by Chiles. Replaced occurrences of DOLIST used to invoke hook functions with the new INVOKE-HOOK. /usr1/lisp/nhem/window.lisp, 02-Jul-89 15:06:35, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/vars.lisp, 02-Jul-89 15:04:33, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/syntax.lisp, 02-Jul-89 15:02:25, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/searchcoms.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:59:43, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/screen.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:58:52, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:57:44, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:56:23, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:55:14, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/interp.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:52:04, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/htext1.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:49:28, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:41:23, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:36:54, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:33:21, Edit by Chiles. Replaced occurrences of "invoke-hook* '" with "invoke-hook ". Replaced occurrences of "invoke-hook '" with "invoke-hook ". /usr1/lisp/nhem/vars.lisp, 02-Jul-89 14:30:55, Edit by Chiles. Deleted function definition for INVOKE-HOOK. /usr1/lisp/nhem/macros.lisp, 02-Jul-89 13:45:37, Edit by Chiles. Wrote macro INVOKE-HOOK that replaces INVOKE-HOOK* and is exported. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 29-Jun-89 11:26:19, Edit by Chiles. Fixed INIT-BITMAP-DEVICE to drop any pending events on the floor, so accidental input while not in Hemlock is ignored. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 29-Jun-89 10:54:17, Edit by Chiles. Made default value for "Remote Compile File" be nil. /usr1/lisp/nhem/window.lisp, 29-Jun-89 10:43:26, Edit by Chiles. Moved the :modifiedp modeline-field to be between the modes and buffer name. Modified the :modifiedp and :buffer-pathname update functions accordingly. /usr1/lisp/nhem/macros.lisp, 29-Jun-89 10:12:25, Edit by Chiles. Fixed GET-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-INFO: it now supplies "Fundamental" only for the random typeout buffer's modes, and the delete hook is now a compiled function instead of interpreted. /usr1/lisp/nhem/pop-up-stream.lisp, 28-Jun-89 16:41:56, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in RANDOM-TYPEOUT-MISC that called redisplay on the pop-up window when it didn't exist. When the stream is full-buffered, and no previous random typeout has occurred for a given buffer, the window slot in the stream is nil. This should be fixed better than I have done. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispmode.lisp, 28-Jun-89 16:38:40, Edit by Chiles. Added DEFINDENT for WITH-POP-UP-DISPLAY. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/bit-screen.lisp, 22-Jun-89 20:11:59, Edit by Mbb. The device dependant random-typeout-cleanup methods were fixing up the modeline, but this is device independant, so I moved it to screen.lisp. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/screen.lisp, 22-Jun-89 19:58:08, Edit by Mbb. RANDOM-TYPEOUT-CLEANUP now sets the Random Typeout buffer's modeline field to :normal. Before it lost on a Keep character in a more. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/pop-up-stream.lisp, 22-Jun-89 19:48:12, Edit by Mbb. Fixed NO-TEXT-PAST-BOTTOM-P to work. It previously choked when there were no newlines in the buffer. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/rompsite.lisp, 22-Jun-89 19:45:54, Edit by Mbb. Made END-RANDOM-TYPEOUT do a more-prompt, in case the user didn't give us a newline on his last line of output. This was previously a bug. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/morecoms.lisp, 22-Jun-89 16:21:43, Edit by Mbb. Made "Capitalize Word" consistent with "Uppercase Word" and "Lowercase Word". Someone failed to see how easy this was. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/diredcoms.lisp, 22-Jun-89 13:15:07, Edit by Mbb. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/rompsite.lisp, 22-Jun-89 13:18:00, Edit by Mbb. Moved DIRECTORYP from diredcoms.lisp to rompsite.lisp. This is a generally useful function. /usr1/lisp/nhem/searchcoms.lisp, 22-Jun-89 16:29:05, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in the termination test of the replacement loop. It used to use a temporary mark to hold onto the end of the region which lost with multiple replacements on the last line with the end of the region at the end of the line. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bufed.lisp, 22-Jun-89 16:26:59, Edit by Chiles. Made DELETE-BUFED-BUFFERS a buffer local hook for the bufed buffer. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/filecoms.lisp, 22-Jun-89 10:43:51, Edit by Mbb. PATHNAME-TO-BUFFER-NAME now returns a string in the form of pathname. Deleted *name/type-separator-character*. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/echocoms.lisp, 21-Jun-89 17:05:36, Edit by Mbb. "Complete Keyword" now only merges with the directory of the default, as opposed to the whole thing. This makes completion look more like the new confirmation. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/morecoms.lisp, 21-Jun-89 21:45:05, Edit by Mbb. Made "List Buffers" tabulate it's output. It looks better that way. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/echo.lisp, 21-Jun-89 15:50:43, Edit by Mbb. Made FILE-VERIFICATION-FUNCTION allow merging of relative pathnames and nearly honest-to-goodness UNIX pathnames. Eliminated all file-name and file-type merging, only merging with default directory. However, if the user only inputs a directory spec, then he could only mean to pick up the file-namestring from the defaults. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/mh.lisp, 21-Jun-89 11:36:24, Edit by Mbb. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/rompsite.lisp, 21-Jun-89 11:41:52, Edit by Mbb. I moved MERGE-RELATIVE-PATHNAMES from mh.lisp to rompsite.lisp and exported it for its general usefulness. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/bindings.lisp, 21-Jun-89 13:44:07, Edit by Chiles. Added bindings for "Completion" mode. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 19-Jun-89 18:58:03, Edit by Chiles. Modified MH once again to supply nil and nil for the group and account information to RFS-AUTHENTICATE. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 19-Jun-89 16:28:48, Edit by Chiles. Changed binding of "Select Random Typeout Buffer". /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 19-Jun-89 16:26:21, Edit by Chiles. "List Buffers" no longer shows random typeout buffers. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/pop-up-stream.lisp, 19-Jun-89 14:02:04, Edit by Mbb. Made line-buffered-moreing work. A last minute fix before I it went into the last core broke this. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/pop-up-stream.lisp, 18-Jun-89 13:26:12, Edit by Mbb. Added :charpos feature to the RANDOM-TYPEOUT-MISC method because format uses it to implement tabbing. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/lispbuf.lisp, 18-Jun-89 12:19:52, Edit by Mbb. Made "Editor Describe Function Call" not supply a height to WITH-POP-UP-DISPLAY. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/spellcoms.lisp, 16-Jun-89 17:47:30, Edit by Mbb. Added a height specification to the WITH-POP-UP-DISPLAY call in GET-WORD-CORRECTION so the stream would be line-buffered, and thus visible. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/macros.lisp, 16-Jun-89 17:27:38, Edit by Mbb. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/pop-up-stream.lisp, 16-Jun-89 17:27:08, Edit by Mbb. Added FORCE-OUTPUT and FINISH-OUTPUT functionality to Random Typeout Streams. /usr1/mbb/lisp/work/morecoms.lisp, 16-Jun-89 17:24:15, Edit by Mbb. Made "Point to here" issue the traditional "I'm afraid I can't let you do that Dave." message when the usere tries to make the special Random Typeout window current. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/diredcoms.lisp, 16-Jun-89 01:20:44, Edit by Chiles. Fixed "Copy File" and "Rename File" to no longer think they run in dired buffers. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/bindings.lisp, 16-Jun-89 01:07:54, Edit by Chiles. Added binding for "Select Random Typeout Buffer". /usr1/lisp/hemlock/bindings.lisp, 15-Jun-89 16:59:15, Edit by Chiles. Defined #\K to be a :keep logical character. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/echo.lisp, 15-Jun-89 16:43:16, Edit by Chiles. Added definition for "Keep" logical character. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 15-Jun-89 13:14:00, Edit by Chiles. Modified INCORPORATE-NEW-MAIL to better detect mistyped passwords with new MH error messages. /usr/lisp/hemlock/lisp-lib.lisp, 12-Jun-89 14:55:16, Edit by Mbb. Made "Lisp Library Help" consistent with "Bufed" and other modes that now use the mode-description mechanism. /usr/lisp/hemlock/window.lisp, 07-Jun-89 16:56:02, Edit by Mbb. Fixed a bug in WINDOW-FOR-HUNK that prevented anyone from making a window 1 character high. /usr/lisp/hemlock/pop-up-stream.lisp, 07-Jun-89 19:10:17, Edit by Mbb. This file replaces tty-stream.lisp and bit-stream.lisp and does essentially the same thing, but in a completely different way. /usr/lisp/hemlock/display.lisp, 07-Jun-89 18:32:56, Edit by Mbb. Added two slots to the device structure: random-typeout-full-more and random-typeout-line-more. These are called from the random typeout stream output methods to give users a neat scrolling effect on a bitmap, and on the tty they just clear the window and draw some more lines from the top. /usr/lisp/hemlock/display.lisp, 07-Jun-89 18:32:56, Edit by Mbb. Made %PRINT-DEVICE-HUNK not choke when the hunk has no associated window. /usr/lisp/hemlock/mh.lisp, 07-Jun-89 18:30:05, Edit by Mbb. Made the NEW-MAIL-BUF-DELETE-HOOK ignore buffer so the compiler doesn't warn that it was "bound but not referenced". /usr/lisp/hemlock/bit-screen.lisp, 07-Jun-89 14:52:45, Edit by Mbb. Made BITMAP-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-SETUP create a psuedo-window to display a random typeout buffer. Also made BITMAP-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-CLEANUP do the right thing. Two functions were added to deal with the pseudo-window: MAKE-TTY-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-WINDOW and CHANGE-TTY-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-WINDOW. /usr/lisp/hemlock/tty-screen.lisp, 07-Jun-89 14:26:48, Edit by Mbb. Made TTY-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-SETUP create a psuedo-window to display a random typeout-buffer. Also made TTY-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-CLEANUP do the right thing. Two functions were added to deal with the psuedo-window : MAKE-BITMAP-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-WINDOW and CHANGE-BITMAP-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-WINDOW. /usr/lisp/hemlock/screen.lisp, 07-Jun-89 15:07:50, Edit by Mbb. Modified PREPARE-FOR-RANDOM-TYPEOUT and RANDOM-TYPEOUT-CLEANUP to implement the new mechanism. Also added the modeline field definitions for random typeout buffers. /usr1/lisp/nhem/keytran.lisp, 05-Jun-89 12:53:12, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bugt in DEFINE-KEYSYM that alwyas ignores shifted characters. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 02-Jun-89 11:54:20, Edit by Chiles. Made FUN-DEFINED-FROM-PATHNAME not string-downcase the file. /usr/lisp/hemlock/spellcoms.lisp, 31-May-89 20:46:54, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/searchcoms.lisp, 31-May-89 20:44:59, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/scribe.lisp, 31-May-89 20:44:14, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/register.lisp, 31-May-89 20:42:46, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/morecoms.lisp, 31-May-89 20:41:30, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/mh.lisp, 07-Jun-89 18:30:05, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/lispeval.lisp, 31-May-89 20:36:12, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/lispbuf.lisp, 31-May-89 20:30:34, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/lisp-lib.lisp, 12-Jun-89 14:55:16, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/filecoms.lisp, 31-May-89 20:21:59, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/echocoms.lisp, 31-May-89 20:19:14, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/echo.lisp, 05-Jun-89 15:58:14, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/doccoms.lisp, 31-May-89 20:13:38, Edit by Mbb. /usr/lisp/hemlock/abbrev.lisp, 31-May-89 19:55:20, Edit by Mbb. Changed occurences of WITH-RANDOM-TYPEOUT to WITH-POP-UP-DISPLAY. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 31-May-89 21:41:02, Edit by Chiles. The following functions were modified to accomodate using the extra space at the bottom of a window when there is no thumb bar: WRITE-N-EXPOSED-REGIONS WRITE-ONE-EXPOSED-REGION HUNK-PROCESS-INPUT MAYBE-PROMPT-USER-FOR-WINDOW BITMAP-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-SETUP *** Merge with Blaine. DEFAULT-CREATE-WINDOW-HOOK DEFAULT-CREATE-INITIAL-WINDOWS-HOOK BITMAP-MAKE-WINDOW SET-HUNK-SIZE /usr/lisp/hemlock/macros.lisp, 31-May-89 19:29:21, Edit by Mbb. Defined the macro WITH-POP-UP-DISPLAY that replaces WITH-RANDOM-TYPEOUT. The new machanism stuffs output into a real hemlock buffer and a pseudo window so users can get to it if they need to. /usr/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 31-May-89 15:35:11, Edit by Mbb. Rewrote WAIT-FOR-MORE and END-RANDOM-TYPEOUT, and added MAYBE-KEEP-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-WINDOW, that will finish output and keep the random typeout window if we're on a bitmap-device. Added random-typeout-xevents-mask constant. /usr1/lisp/nhem/hunk-draw.lisp, 31-May-89 14:19:46, Edit by Chiles. Introduced hunk-thumb-bar-bottom-border, 10, and set hunk-bottom-border to 3. Modified hunk-draw-bottom-border accordingly. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 31-May-89 10:00:56, Edit by Chiles. Modified HUNK-PROCESS-INPUT to use extra bits below bottom line and above thumb bar as part of the bottom line. This should eliminate problems with mouse scrolling and point-to-here functionality which otherwise would beep causing the user to move the mouse up a tiny bit. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 26-May-89 14:21:11, Edit by Chiles. Made "Select Eval Buffer" supply a buffer local delete hook that sets the special to nil, so Hemlock doesn't hold onto that memory. /usr1/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 26-May-89 14:18:50, Edit by Chiles. Modified MAKE-BUFFER to check the type of the :delete-hook arg. /usr1/ch/lisp/complete/table.lisp, 17-Apr-89 18:41:11, Edit by Hoover. Exported STRING-TABLE-SEPARATOR. Fixed a bug in FIND-LONGEST-COMPLETION which made COMPLETE-STRING think some :COMPLETE completions were :UNIQUE. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 19-May-89 17:36:03, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/dired.lisp, 19-May-89 17:34:35, Edit by Chiles. Replaced all %SES-NAMESTRING uses with NAMESTRING. /usr1/lisp/nhem/unixcoms.lisp, 17-May-89 11:53:05, Edit by Chiles. Made SCRIBE-FILE move the buffer's point to the end of the buffer. This still does not do everything you want: Queue multiple scribe requests. Leave a stream around all the time that gets cleaned up when the buffer is deleted, so it can have a disjoint mark from the buffer's point. The stream is made whenever the buffer is made. /usr1/lisp/nhem/diredcoms.lisp, 15-May-89 17:04:50, Edit by Chiles and MBB. Added "Dired Information" variable and structure instead of N buffer local variables. Fixed a couple bugs. Modified "Dired" to correctly handle file-namestring patterns ... prompts separately with argument. Must prompt separately because cannot know user's intent and must canonicalize names for uniqueness when looking up dired buffers. /usr1/lisp/nhem/xcoms.lisp, 12-May-89 11:35:24, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in "Stack Window", paren mismatched. /usr1/lisp/nhem/struct.lisp, 11-May-89 13:41:38, Edit by Chiles. Modified font-mark printing to use double quotes instead of ``''. /usr1/lisp/nhem/interp.lisp, 11-May-89 13:40:05, Edit by Chiles. Modified command printing to use double quotes instead of ``''. /usr1/lisp/nhem/htext2.lisp, 11-May-89 13:37:22, Edit by Chiles. Modified line, mark, region, and buffer print functions to use double quotes instead of Scribe ligatures, ``''. Fixed a bug in mark printing that wrote its last string to *standard-output* instead of the given stream. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/mh.lisp, 05-May-89 17:01:39, Edit by DBM. Wrote "Message Help", "Headers Help", and "Draft Help". /usr1/lisp/hemlock/bindings.lisp, 05-May-89 17:03:56, Edit by Chiles. Added bindings for "Message Help", "Headers Help", and "Draft Help". /usr1/lisp/nhem/dired.lisp, 02-May-89 14:20:43, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in RENAME-FILE not handling a pattern and directory spec combination correctly. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 26-Apr-89 14:48:45, Edit by Chiles. Modified doc strings to work better with "Describe Mode". /usr1/lisp/nhem/echo.lisp, 25-Apr-89 15:21:21, Edit by Chiles. Modified PROMPT-FOR-VAR to call CURRENT-VARIABLE-TABLES. Modified PROMPT-FOR-FILE to look for the typein in the default directory before merging with the defaults and taking that potentially non-existent file. Re-order a bunch of stuff and cleaned up page titles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 25-Apr-89 13:18:42, Edit by Chiles. Removed binding (bind-key "Do Nothing" #\super-leftup :mode "Bufed"). /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 24-Apr-89 15:44:17, Edit by Chiles. Added "View" mode bindings similar to "Message" mode bindings. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 24-Apr-89 14:46:36, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Generic Pointer Up" and "Point to Here". /usr1/lisp/nhem/bufed.lisp, 24-Apr-89 14:41:51, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Bufed Goto and Quit". /usr1/lisp/nhem/interp.lisp, 24-Apr-89 14:09:41, Edit by Chiles. Modified BIND-KEY to provide a restart before signalling an non-existent command error. /usr1/lisp/nhem/searchcoms.lisp, 20-Apr-89 18:35:53, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote QUERY-REPLACE-FUNCTION, modifying REPLACE-THAT-CASE and creating QUERY-REPLACE-LOOP, to clean things up. Fixed bug in return values that broke "Group Query Replace". /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 19-Apr-89 14:40:36, Edit by Chiles. Modified CORRECT-BUFFER-WORD-END to return values other than nil when end and start were only one character apart. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/diredcoms.lisp, 18-Apr-89 14:23:38, Edit by Chiles. Modified ARRAY-ELEMENT-FROM-MARK to no longer move the mark argument since it can correctly count the number of lines in the region anyway. /usr1/lisp/nhem/diredcoms.lisp, 18-Apr-89 11:11:21, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote "View Return" and "View Quit" since they didn't interact correctly. /usr1/lisp/nhem/xcoms.lisp, 17-Apr-89 15:48:58, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in "Stack Window". It now signals an editor-error unless the device is a hi::bitmap-device. This command probably should be deleted since it is somewhat silly and written only for one person. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 12-Apr-89 15:19:52, Edit by Chiles. Made "Revert File" keep buffer's pathname when reverting to checkpoint file. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 12-Apr-89 14:48:52, Edit by Chiles. Added binding for "Select Scribe Warnings". Deleted bindings of "Goto Dired Buffer" and "Goto Dired Buffer Quitting". Added "View" mode bindings for "View Return" and "View Quit". /usr1/lisp/nhem/struct.lisp, 12-Apr-89 14:14:12, Edit by Chiles. Exported and provided a doc string for BUFFER-DELETE-HOOK. /usr1/mbb/lisp/nhem/searchcoms.lisp, 11-Apr-89 13:44:13, Edit by Blaine. Made "Query Replace" and "Replace String" echo how many occurrences are replaced. /usr1/mbb/lisp/nhem/searchcoms.lisp, 11-Apr-89 13:44:13, Edit by Blaine. Made the doc-strings for "List Matching Lines", "Delete Matcing Lines", "Delete Non-matching Lines", "Count Occurrences", "Replace String", and "Query Replace" indicate that they are sensitive to the active-region. /usr1/mbb/lisp/nhem/scribe.lisp, 10-Apr-89 22:30:25, Edit by Blaine. Wrote the "Select Scribe Warnings", which goes to the buffer named "Scribe Warnings" if it exists. /usr1/mbb/lisp/nhem/lisp-lib.lisp, 10-Apr-89 21:39:51, Edit by Blaine. Made "Describe Library Entry" and "Desribe Pointer Library Entry" put the user in view mode instead of normal editing mode. Also added the command ARRAY-ELEMENT-FROM-POINTER-Y-POS which returns an array element whose index is determined by the y position, in lines, of the pointer. /usr1/mbb/lisp/nhem/bufed.lisp, 10-Apr-89 21:29:20, Edit by Blaine. Fixed a few bugs in Bufed. Made "Bufed Undelete" replace #\D with #\space. Made "Bufed Goto and Quit" use the pointer location instead of the current-point. Also made bufed not move the current-point. /usr1/mbb/lisp/nhem/diredcoms.lisp, 11-Apr-89 13:22:44, Edit by Blaine. Fixed bug in UPDATE-DIRED-BUFFER. I was setting "Dired Buffer Files" inside of a dotimes when it should have been outside. Deleted commands "Goto Dired Buffer" and "Goto Dired Buffer Quitting" in lieu of "View REturn" and "View Quit". Wrote "Dired from Buffer Pathname". /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 10-Apr-89 10:20:42, Edit by Chiles. Modified SUB-WRITE-MH-SEQUENCE to bind *print-base* to 10 when writing message ID's. /usr1/ch/lisp/spell/spell-build.lisp, 08-Apr-89 16:55:52, Edit by Hoover. Increased max-entry-count-estimate to 15600 in order to build the new dictionary. Updated filenames in comments and added a line specifying compilation dependencies. Picked up the latest ispell dictionary and merged in local favorites. This dictionary is available via anonymous ftp from celray.cs.yale.edu ( and locally as /../m/usr/misc/.ispell/src/dict.191. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispmode.lisp, 07-Apr-89 16:25:51, Edit by Chiles. Added DEFINDENT for WITH-WRITABLE-BUFFER. /usr1/lisp/nhem/diredcoms.lisp, 07-Apr-89 16:22:05, Edit by Chiles. Modifed INITIALIZE-DIRED-BUFFER and "Dired" to beep and blow off the dired when no entries satisfy the spec. /usr1/lisp/nhem/echocoms.lisp, 07-Apr-89 10:49:09, Edit by Chiles. Added "ps" to "Ignore File Types". /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 04-Apr-89 00:16:54, Edit by Chiles. Wrote GET-STORABLE-MSG-BUF-NAME and used it inside SHOW-HEADERS-MESSAGE and SHOW-MESSAGE-OFFSET-MSG-BUF. Removed variable "Deliver Message Deleting Buffers". I modified DELIVER-DRAFT-BUFFER-MESSAGE to ignore it. This now also always deletes the draft buffer, regardless of whether this variable is re-installed. Now the message buffer is always deleted unless it is kept. "Delete Draft and Buffer" now also always deletes the message buffer unless it is kept. IF the variable is re-installed this deletion will be guarded by it as well. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 03-Apr-89 12:21:51, Edit by Chiles. Changed binding of "Define Keyboard Macro Key" to C-x M-(. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 02-Apr-89 16:44:54, Edit by Chiles. Fixed mail bindings that got switched up or something, "Next Message", "Next Undeleted Message", "Previous Message", "Previous Undeleted Message". /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 01-Apr-89 16:38:10, Edit by Chiles. Bound "Bufed" to C-x C-M-b, and changed some c-'s to control-'s. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 31-Mar-89 18:24:30, Edit by Chiles. Wrote "Generic Pointer Up" to replace "Push Mark/Point to Here" and added ADD-GENERIC-POINTER-UP-FUNCTION. Modified "Point to Here" in accordance. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bufed.lisp, 31-Mar-89 18:34:40, Edit by Chiles. Fixed "Bufed Goto and Quit". Modified "Bufed" to move point to the beginning of the buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 31-Mar-89 18:27:02, Edit by Chiles. Changed bindings of "Push Mark/Point to Here" to "Generic Pointer Up". /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 31-Mar-89 13:40:46, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in SETUP-REMAIL-DRAFT-BUFFER recently introduced by tweaking cleanup hooks. THis now makes a dummy "Draft Information" variable. /usr1/lisp/nhem/macros.lisp, 29-Mar-89 22:19:57, Edit by Chiles. Changed error handler to take r and R for restarts instead of P. /usr1/lisp/nhem/dired.lisp, 29-Mar-89 21:41:04, Edit by Chiles. Renamed MAKEDIR to MAKE-DIRECTORY. /usr1/lisp/nhem/diredcoms.lisp, 29-Mar-89 17:04:51, Edit by Chiles. Modified some doc strings and rewrote "Dired Help" to use "Describe Mode". /usr1/lisp/nhem/bufed.lisp, 29-Mar-89 16:53:06, Edit by Chiles. Fixed some documentation and rewrote "Bufed Help" to use "Describe Mode". /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 29-Mar-89 16:45:08, Edit by Chiles. Added binding for "Bufed Help". /usr1/lisp/nhem/bufed.lisp, 29-Mar-89 16:36:53, Edit by Chiles. Added documentation to mode "Bufed". /usr1/lisp/nhem/doccoms.lisp, 29-Mar-89 15:52:11, Edit by Chiles. Wrote "Describe Mode" and hooked it into "Help". /usr1/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 29-Mar-89 11:24:19, Edit by Chiles. Wrote MODE-DOCUMENTATION and exported it. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 28-Mar-89 17:24:47, Edit by Chiles. Removed "Rename File" and "Delete File". /usr1/lisp/nhem/dired.lisp, 28-Mar-89 16:42:27, Edit by Chiles. Removed "[Yes]" from DELETE-FILE-2 /usr1/lisp/nhem/diredcoms.lisp, 28-Mar-89 16:03:16, Edit by Chiles. Moved "Delete File" here and made it consistent with the new "Copy File" and "Rename File" in that it calls out to the dired package. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/bindings.lisp, 28-Mar-89 11:32:03, Edit by DBM. Names for a couple of bindings were incorrect and have been fixed. /usr1/lisp/nhem/diredcoms.lisp, 28-Mar-89 11:19:50, Edit by Chiles. Modified "View File" to name buffers better. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 27-Mar-89 13:01:14, Edit by Chiles. Forgot a copy and rename dired bindings. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 27-Mar-89 11:46:28, Edit by Chiles. Fixed :delete-hook arg that was not a list. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 25-Mar-89 09:44:46, Edit by Chiles. Wrote "Editor Server Name". /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 25-Mar-89 09:37:57, Edit by Chiles. Modified INIT-EDITOR-SERVER to include process ID in editor server name for same user, same machine, multiple instance protection. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 24-Mar-89 23:19:56, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 24-Mar-89 23:12:48, Edit by Chiles. "Reenter Interactive Input" must copy the region when it is active since moving the point changed the input region. There also was a bug that it checked for the value of buffer-input-mark, but this has no global binding. It now checks for a binding instead of a non-nil value. /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 24-Mar-89 21:44:36, Edit by Chiles. Made CORRECT-BUFFER-SPELLING and SPELL-PREVIOUS-WORD always ignore trailing apostrophe s's on words. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 23-Mar-89 20:51:16, Edit by Chiles. Added Bufed bindings. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bufed.lisp, 23-Mar-89 20:52:48, Edit by Chiles. New file. /usr1/lisp/nhem/ts.lisp, 22-Mar-89 17:04:44, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/srccom.lisp, 22-Mar-89 17:04:02, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 22-Mar-89 17:03:17, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/register.lisp, 22-Mar-89 17:00:37, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 22-Mar-89 16:59:49, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 22-Mar-89 16:59:08, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 22-Mar-89 16:58:16, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lisp-lib.lisp, 22-Mar-89 16:57:31, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/killcoms.lisp, 22-Mar-89 15:27:23, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/htext2.lisp, 22-Mar-89 15:24:23, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/hi-integrity.lisp, 22-Mar-89 15:23:12, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 22-Mar-89 15:22:19, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/edit-defs.lisp, 22-Mar-89 15:21:01, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/echocoms.lisp, 22-Mar-89 14:59:18, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/echo.lisp, 22-Mar-89 14:57:55, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/diredcoms.lisp, 22-Mar-89 14:13:31, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/cursor.lisp, 22-Mar-89 14:11:46, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/command.lisp, 22-Mar-89 14:09:36, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 22-Mar-89 14:08:27, Edit by Chiles. Replaced idioms with BUFFER-START-MARK and BUFFER-END-MARK. /usr1/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 22-Mar-89 14:05:29, Edit by Chiles. Wrote BUFFER-START-MARK and BUFFER-END-MARK. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lisp-lib.lisp, 21-Mar-89 14:32:14, Edit by Chiles. Modified all Lisp Library commands to signal an editor-error when not in a library buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 21-Mar-89 14:22:02, Edit by Mbb. Made "Count Occurrences" use the active region when it exists, otherwise point to end of buffer. "Count Lines Region" became "Count Lines", and "Count Words Region" became "Count Words". These two use the active region now too. /usr1/lisp/nhem/searchcoms.lisp, 21-Mar-89 14:19:17, Edit by Mbb. Made QUERY-REPLACE-FUNCTION use the active region if it exists, otherwise point to end of buffer. Also, "List Matching Lines", "Delete Matching Lines", and "Delete Non-Matching Lines" handle the active region similarly. /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 20-Mar-89 15:17:19, Edit by Chiles. Made CORRECT-BUFFER-SPELLING and SPELL-PREVIOUS-WORD ignore apostrophes following words. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 17-Mar-89 11:16:13, Edit by Chiles. Replaced MODIFYING-MAIL-BUF with WITH-WRITABLE-BUFFER. /usr1/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 17-Mar-89 11:07:41, Edit by Chiles. Wrote WITH-WRITABLE-BUFFER. /usr1/lisp/nhem/window.lisp, 16-Mar-89 11:13:41, Edit by Chiles. Made MAKE-MODELINE-FIELD have a restart that clobbers the existing defintion of a modeline field name. /usr1/lisp/nhem/display.lisp, 14-Mar-89 23:19:27, Edit by Chiles. Made REDISPLAY-WINDOWS-FROM-MARK invoke *things-to-do-once*. Some commands were making buffers, using line buffered output streams (WITH-OUTPUT-TO-MARK), and when redisplaying from the mark. This didn't allow the chance for the buffer's modeline info object's start fields to get initialized via UPDATE-MODELINE-FIELDS. /usr1/ch/lisp/complete/table.lisp, 14-Mar-89 19:46:09, Edit by Hoover. Fixed a bogus declaration in COMPUTE-FIELD-POS. /usr1/lisp/nhem/echo.lisp, 14-Mar-89 14:07:56, Edit by Chiles. Wrote BUFFER-VERIFICATION-FUNCTION which now moves the point around for ambiguous shit. /usr1/lisp/nhem/echocoms.lisp, 14-Mar-89 13:22:31, Edit by Chiles. Made "Complete Keyword" move the point in the echo area to the first ambiguous field for :keyword completion (when the prefix is ambiguous of course). /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 14-Mar-89 11:04:49, Edit by Chiles. Modified PROCESS-FILE-OPTIONS to LOUD-MESSAGE and abort file options on parsing errors. It still goes on to try to set a major mode. /usr1/lisp/nhem/table.lisp, 13-Mar-89 13:17:32, Edit by Chiles. Eliminated optional argument to COMPLETE-STRING. Entered code for signalling an error if the tables did not contain the same separator character, but commented it out. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 09-Mar-89 16:19:19, Edit by Chiles. Added more page titles. Voided some character translations and made up for the few commands that needed to be duplicated. /usr1/lisp/nhem/window.lisp, 07-Mar-89 16:37:18, Edit by Chiles. Added print function for modeline field info objects. /usr1/lisp/nhem/edit-defs.lisp, 07-Mar-89 10:59:30, Edit by Chiles. Made GO-TO-DEFINITION use name-len instead of calculating it again. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 06-Mar-89 21:37:11, Edit by Chiles. Now make new mail buffer with delete-hook NEW-MAIL-BUF-DELETE-HOOK. Delete old CLEANUP-NEW-MAIL-BUF-DELETION. Made CLEANUP-HEADERS-BUFFER, CLEANUP-MESSAGE-BUFFER, and CLEANUP-DRAFT-BUFFER no longer check for their appropriate information structure. Made MAYBE-MAKE-MH-BUFFER set buffer local deletion hooks for these functions. /usr1/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 06-Mar-89 21:25:54, Edit by Chiles. MAKE-BUFFER now takes a :delete-hook argument, and DELETE-BUFFER now invokes these functions. /usr1/lisp/nhem/struct.lisp, 06-Mar-89 21:19:05, Edit by Chiles. Made buffer structure have a local delete hooks list. /usr1/lisp/nhem/highlight.lisp, 06-Mar-89 17:54:46, Edit by Chiles. Made HIGHLIGHT-ACTIVE-REGION no longer do anything on the tty. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 03-Mar-89 18:02:19, Edit by Chiles. Fixed some recently lost functionality in "Create Buffer". /usr1/lisp/nhem/dired.lisp, 01-Mar-89 11:07:46, Edit by Chiles. Modified ARRAY-ELEMENT-FROM-MARK to take an error message. /usr1/lisp/nhem/dired.lisp, 27-Feb-89 15:03:49, Edit by Chiles. DELETE-FILE-AUX no longer outputs deleted file names on standard output. /usr1/lisp/nhem/kbdmac.lisp, 23-Feb-89 10:36:37, Edit by Chiles. Changed "Define Keyboard Macro Key" message. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 07-Mar-89 17:33:05, Edit by DBM. Modified the Hemlock GC notify functions to conform with the new format for the messages. /usr1/lisp/nhem/dired.lisp, 27-Feb-89 15:03:49, Edit by Chiles. DELETE-FILE-AUX no longer outputs deleted file names on standard output. /usr1/lisp/nhem/kbdmac.lisp, 23-Feb-89 10:36:37, Edit by Chiles. Changed "Define Keyboard Macro Key" message. /usr1/lisp/nhem/complete/bindings.lisp, 22-Feb-89 14:31:11, Edit by Chiles. Added new keyboard macro bindings. /usr1/lisp/nhem/complete/kbdmac.lisp, 22-Feb-89 14:22:01, Edit by Chiles. Added new command "Define Keyboard Macro Key". /usr1/lisp/nhem/complete/scribe.lisp, 21-Feb-89 12:52:19, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/complete/morecoms.lisp, 21-Feb-89 12:50:45, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/complete/doccoms.lisp, 21-Feb-89 12:46:15, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/complete/abbrev.lisp, 21-Feb-89 12:42:26, Edit by Chiles. Modified MAKE-STRING-TABLE call. /usr1/lisp/nhem/complete/echo.lisp, 21-Feb-89 12:37:06, Edit by Chiles. Modified for new string tables. /usr1/lisp/nhem/complete/echocoms.lisp, 21-Feb-89 11:50:59, Edit by Chiles. Modified stuff for new string tables. /usr1/lisp/nhem/complete/struct.lisp, 21-Feb-89 11:43:26, Edit by Chiles. Added new setf method for string tables. /usr1/lisp/nhem/complete/complete.lisp, 21-Feb-89 11:46:04, Edit by Chiles. New file. /usr1/lisp/nhem/complete/macros.lisp, 21-Feb-89 11:45:10, Edit by Chiles. Added new DO-STRINGS. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/dired.lisp, 22-Feb-89 16:36:49, Edit by DBM. Fixed "Dired Help" string. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/mh.lisp, 21-Feb-89 14:25:42, Edit by Chiles. Added delete-buffer-hook to set *new-mail-buffer* to nil. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 20-Feb-89 16:54:11, Edit by Chiles. Added load for hem:lisp-lib.fasl. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lisp-lib.lisp, 20-Feb-89 16:51:19, Edit by Chiles. This is a new file. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 20-Feb-89 16:50:13, Edit by Chiles. Added "Lisp-Lib" bindings. /usr1/lisp/nhem/dired.lisp, 15-Feb-89 15:20:25, Edit by Chiles. This is a new file. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 15-Feb-89 15:20:03, Edit by Chiles. Added Dired bindings. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 14-Feb-89 18:04:46, Edit by Chiles. Added load for dired.fasl. /usr1/lisp/nhem/srccom.lisp, 14-Feb-89 16:16:11, Edit by Chiles. Fixed some silly coding. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 14-Feb-89 16:06:28, Edit by Chiles. Removed tty MESSAGE of GC info. /usr1/lisp/nhem/scribe.lisp, 14-Feb-89 11:08:53, Edit by Chiles. Made "Insert Scribe Directive" use the active region for environments. /usr1/lisp/nhem/group.lisp, 13-Feb-89 16:19:57, Edit by Chiles. Put back routine I accidently deleted. /usr1/lisp/nhem/struct.lisp, 10-Feb-89 16:45:23, Edit by Chiles. Deleted export of COPY-MODELINE-FIELD. /usr1/ch/lisp/rompsite.lisp, 02-Feb-89 16:49:42, Edit by Christopher Hoover. Changed font path support to use EXT:CAREFULLY-ADD-FONT-PATHS. Made Hemlock look first on the local machine and then in AFS for fonts. /usr1/lisp/nhem/searchcoms.lisp, 31-Jan-89 11:00:10, Edit by Chiles. Installed "String Search Ignore Case" and removed "Default Search Kind". /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 30-Jan-89 15:17:12, Edit by Chiles. Changed underline font variable values and set up to really use X11 font paths. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 27-Jan-89 13:31:13, Edit by Chiles. Removed "Typescript" mode local binding of "Process Control invoke EXT:ABORT" to #\hyper-a. /usr1/lisp/nhem/macros.lisp, 20-Jan-89 16:11:18, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in LISP-ERROR-ERROR-HANDLER that allowed logical characters in COMMAND-CASE to throw us into the debugger with a recursive error. /usr1/lisp/nhem/doccoms.lisp, 16-Jan-89 19:04:03, Edit by Chiles. Fixed doc string for "Help" p. /usr1/lisp/nhem/macros.lisp, 11-Jan-89 23:03:10, Edit by Chiles. Deleted export of IGNORE-EDITOR-ERRORS which no longer exists. /usr1/lisp/nhem/htext1.lisp, 11-Jan-89 22:54:14, Edit by Chiles. Exported LINE> and LINES-RELATED. /usr1/lisp/nhem/window.lisp, 11-Jan-89 22:45:22, Edit by Chiles. Removed some bogus exports dirtying the system with "nonexistent" symbols. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 11-Jan-89 13:37:41, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in READ-BUFFER-FILE invoking hook on wrong pathname (not probed one). /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 10-Jan-89 18:03:38, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in PATHNAME-TO-BUFFER-NAME. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 05-Jan-89 17:21:54, Edit by Chiles. Made "Describe Symbol" use MARK-SYMBOL /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 05-Jan-89 17:20:12, Edit by Chiles. Wrote MARK-SYMBOL and made "Editor Describe Symbol" use it. /usr1/lisp/nhem/scribe.lisp, 05-Jan-89 15:55:23, Edit by Chiles. Made INSERT-SCRIBE-DIRECTIVE use the next word if the mark is immediately before it, instead of the previous word. Cleaned up the code some and documented it (oh no!). /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 05-Jan-89 15:32:32, Edit by Chiles. Made SPELL-PREVIOUS-WORD return the next word when the mark is immediately before the next word, such that the cursor is displayed within that word. Renamed "Correct Word Spelling" to "Check Word Spelling" and "Check Word Spelling" to "Auto Check Word Spelling". /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 03-Jan-89 11:37:50, Edit by Chiles. Made INVOKE-SCHEDULED-EVENTS bind *time-queue* to nil around invoking event function. /usr1/lisp/nhem/hunk-draw.lisp, 02-Jan-89 15:53:58, Edit by Chiles. Fixed problem with underline font leaving dots at the end of lines. I was copying the pixmap onto the screen one pixel short of the appropriate length. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 23-Dec-88 15:13:07, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote "Compile Defun", "Evaluate Defun", and "Re-evaluate Defvar" to use DEFUN-REGION. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 23-Dec-88 15:04:46, Edit by Chiles. Wrote DEFUN-REGION and rewrote "Editor Compile Defun", "Editor Evaluate Defun", and "Editor Re-evaluate Defvar" to use it. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispmode.lisp, 22-Dec-88 23:43:33, Edit by Chiles. Wrote MARK-TOP-LEVEL-FORM. Rewrote "Mark Defun" and "End of Defun" to use it. Added doc strings to START-DEFUN-P and INSIDE-DEFUN-P. /usr1/lisp/nhem/keytran.lisp, 22-Dec-88 17:39:21, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in TRANSLATE-MOUSE-CHARACTER that would have tried to set the :lock bit for a character which our system doesn't support. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 21-Dec-88 14:26:09, Edit by Chiles. Replaced occurrences of FILL-REGION-COMMAND-AUX with FILL-REGION-BY-PARAGRAHPS. /usr1/lisp/nhem/fill.lisp, 21-Dec-88 13:59:36, Edit by Chiles. Renamed FILL-REGION-COMMAND-AUX to FILL-REGION-BY-PARAGRAHPS. Made some arguments optional. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 20-Dec-88 17:31:29, Edit by Chiles. Modified PAGE-DIRECTORY to clean it up and made it pull control-l's off the line strings if it occurred as the first characters. /usr1/lisp/nhem/window.lisp, 19-Dec-88 13:52:23, Edit by Chiles. Modified WINDOW-CHANGED to update the modeline's dis-line length. /usr1/lisp/nhem/unixcoms.lisp, 17-Dec-88 10:53:54, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 17-Dec-88 10:53:13, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 17-Dec-88 10:52:09, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 17-Dec-88 10:51:08, Edit by Chiles. Changed instances of WRITE-DA-FILE to WRITE-BUFFER-FILE. /usr1/lisp/nhem/killcoms.lisp, 14-Dec-88 23:32:02, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in the KILL-REGION/KILL-CHARACTER interaction code -- needed to set the *delete-char-region* to nil when the previous command type was a region kill. /usr1/lisp/nhem/echo.lisp, 14-Dec-88 22:40:43, Edit by Chiles. Modified PROMPT-FOR-BUFFER to disallow input of the empty string when no default is offered. This now permits defaults to be specified with :default-string even when :default is nil, but when :must-exist is non-nil, :default-string must name an existing buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 14-Dec-88 22:13:17, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote "Create Buffer". It now offers a default of "Buffer n". Added doc strings for BUFFER-DEFAULT-PATHNAME and PATHNAME-TO-BUFFER-NAME. Changed what PATHNAME-TO-BUFFER-NAME does. When there is a type but no name, it inserts *name/type-separator-character* before the type. Renamed WRITE-DA-FILE to WRITE-BUFFER-FILE, and READ-DA-FILE to READ-BUFFER-FILE. Modified FIND-FILE-BUFFER and "Visit File". Hope they're right. "Process File Options" no longer complains about a missing pathname. PROCESS-FILE-OPTIONS is willing to handle a buffer without an associated pathname. /usr1/lisp/nhem/echo.lisp, 14-Dec-88 22:05:31, Edit by Chiles. PROMPT-FOR-BUFFER does not allow the empty string to be supplied anymore. /usr1/lisp/nhem/srccom.lisp, 14-Dec-88 21:56:53, Edit by Chiles. Made the prompt for a destination buffer offer a sticky-default, "Source Compare Default Destination". /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 14-Dec-88 13:19:01, Edit by Chiles. Updated modeline stuff to use MODELINE-FIELD. /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 13-Dec-88 13:52:20, Edit by Chiles. Modified MAKE-MODELINE-FIELD calls. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 13-Dec-88 13:50:07, Edit by Chiles. Updated DO-RECURSIVE-EDIT to use MODELINE-FIELD. /usr1/lisp/nhem/struct.lisp, 13-Dec-88 12:47:22, Edit by Chiles. Renamed modeline-field-name to %name. Defined setf'er. /usr1/lisp/nhem/window.lisp, 13-Dec-88 13:40:45, Edit by Chiles. Modified modeline stuff to make names first class. Renamed some modelien field objects. Wrote MODELINE-FIELD, MODELINE-FIELD-NAME, and a setf'er. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 13-Dec-88 11:41:32, Edit by Chiles. Uncommented hook additions for WINDOW-BUFFER and BUFFER-NAME icon naming. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 13-Dec-88 11:42:28, Edit by Chiles. Updated window icon naming for X11. Someone wanted it. /usr1/lisp/nhem/killcoms.lisp, 12-Dec-88 12:30:23, Edit by Chiles. Made PUSH-BUFFER-MARK signal a Lisp error. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 10-Dec-88 20:50:06, Edit by Chiles. Added doc strings for TEXT-CHARACTER and PRINT-PRETTY-CHARACTER. /usr1/lisp/nhem/auto-save.lisp, 10-Dec-88 14:26:52, Edit by Chiles. Added some documentation and removed some bogus "interface" claims as per Rob's understanding of what "interface" means in a function's comments. /usr1/lisp/nhem/macros.lisp, 08-Dec-88 13:49:04, Edit by Chiles. Modified doc string for EDITOR-ERROR. It also now signals an error if the editor-error condition goes unhandled. /usr1/lisp/nhem/interp.lisp, 08-Dec-88 13:37:02, Edit by Chiles. Established editor-error condition handler around command invocation. Editor-error's were being handled by the "internal:" error handler established in ED since these conditions are a subtype of error. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 06-Dec-88 14:29:26, Edit by Chiles. Wrote DELETE-BUFFER-IF-POSSIBLE. Added doc string for CHANGE-TO-BUFFER. /usr1/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 06-Dec-88 13:51:58, Edit by Chiles. Modified page title and doc string for DELETE-BUFFER. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 06-Dec-88 13:45:19, Edit by Chiles. Moved DELETE-MH-BUFFER and replaced calls with DELETE-BUFFER-IF-POSSIBLE. /usr1/lisp/nhem/xcoms.lisp, 30-Nov-88 17:36:43, Edit by Chiles. Here it is -- "Stack Window". /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 30-Nov-88 17:36:19, Edit by Chiles. Moved "Stack Window". /usr1/lisp/nhem/fill.lisp, 29-Nov-88 11:59:51, Edit by Chiles. Changed occurrences of %MARK-PARAGRAPH to MARK-PARAGRAPH. /usr1/lisp/nhem/text.lisp, 29-Nov-88 11:58:01, Edit by Chiles. Changed %MARK-PARAGRAPH to MARK-PARAGRAPH. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/mh.lisp, 28-Nov-88 16:21:44, Edit by DBM. Modified CLEANUP-HEADERS-REFERENCE to set the message/draft-hdrs-mark to nil. This is necessary if someone deletes the headers buffer before the message buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/macros.lisp, 27-Nov-88 15:59:21, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote EDITOR-ERROR. Created an editor-error condition with accesses EDITOR-ERROR-FORMAT-STRING and EDITOR-ERROR-FORMAT-ARGUMENTS. /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 26-Nov-88 14:56:25, Edit by Chiles. Deleted bogus export of *current-package*. /usr1/lisp/nhem/text.lisp, 26-Nov-88 12:28:30, Edit by Chiles. Replaced occurrence of %KILL-REGION with KILL-REGION. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispmode.lisp, 26-Nov-88 12:27:12, Edit by Chiles. Replaced occurrence of %KILL-REGION with KILL-REGION. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 26-Nov-88 12:26:07, Edit by Chiles. Replaced occurrence of %KILL-REGION with KILL-REGION. /usr1/lisp/nhem/echocoms.lisp, 26-Nov-88 12:25:25, Edit by Chiles. Replaced occurrence of %KILL-REGION with KILL-REGION. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 25-Nov-88 20:55:18, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Delete Previous Character Expanding Tabs" to call KILL-CHARACTERS. /usr1/lisp/nhem/command.lisp, 25-Nov-88 21:27:07, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Delete Next Character" and "Delete Previous Character" to call KILL-CHARACTERS. /usr1/lisp/nhem/killcoms.lisp, 25-Nov-88 21:58:39, Edit by Chiles. Wrote KILL-CHARACTERS and modified KILL-REGION (used to be %KILL-REGION). /usr1/lisp/nhem/icom.lisp, 25-Nov-88 16:04:48, Edit by Chiles. Removed italicize comments file option. Changed package spec to string. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 22-Nov-88 16:06:53, Edit by Chiles. Made SHOW-PROMPTED-MESSAGE normalize message ID strings. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 21-Nov-88 16:22:30, Edit by Chiles. DEFAULT-DELETE-WINDOW-HOOK-NEXT-MERGE now sets the next hunk trashed since we are somehow getting exposure events out of order with configure notifications. We should be able to remove this when facilities fixes the new software it just released. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 18-Nov-88 13:54:01, Edit by Chiles. Made CREATE-SLAVE correctly get the name of the slave that just connected. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 18-Nov-88 13:52:21, Edit by Chiles. Made EDITOR_CONNECT-HANDLER set the name of the editor that just connected. /usr1/lisp/nhem/hunk-draw.lisp, 17-Nov-88 09:08:04, Edit by Chiles. Made HUNK-REPLACE-LINE-ON-PIXMAP set gcontext :exposures nil. Fixed the macro it uses to no longer require binding gcontext each time around the loop. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 15-Nov-88 21:25:50, Edit by Chiles. Added page of code for message buffer modeline fields. Wrote MARK-TO-NOTE-REPLIED-MSG. Created "Default Message Modeline Fields". Modified DELETE-MESSAGE and UNDELETE-MESSAGE. Modified MAYBE-MAKE-MH-BUFFER. Modified "Deliver Message" and wrote DELIVER-DRAFT-BUFFER-MESSAGE. /usr1/lisp/nhem/struct.lisp, 16-Nov-88 13:25:17, Edit by Chiles. Export MODELINE-FIELD-NAME instead ML-FIELD-NAME. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 16-Nov-88 13:32:48, Edit by Chiles. Wrote EDITOR-DESCRIBE-FUNCTION. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 16-Nov-88 13:39:41, Edit by Chiles. Wrote FUNCTION-TO-DESCRIBE and modified "Editor Describe Function Call". /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 16-Nov-88 13:50:14, Edit by Chiles. Made DESCRIBE-FUNCTION-CALL-AUX use EDITOR-DESCRIBE-FUNCTION and FUNCTION-TO-DESCRIBE. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 15-Nov-88 20:46:02, Edit by Chiles. Added message buffer modeline stuff. Modified MAYBE-MAKE-MH-BUFFER for the creation of the message buffer. Modified DELETE-MESSAGE Maybe D shouldn't be fixed width? /usr1/lisp/nhem/window.lisp, 15-Nov-88 13:34:41, Edit by Chiles. Modified %SET-MODELINE-FIELD-WIDTH to not allow zero width fields. Modified MAKE-MODELINE-FIELD to check constraints too. Fixed a bug in the :buffer-name modeline-field. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 15-Nov-88 12:30:32, Edit by Chiles. Replaced "nmmonitor" with "nm_active". /usr1/lisp/nhem/display.lisp, 15-Nov-88 12:40:25, Edit by Chiles. Fixed REDISPLAY-WINDOWS-FOR-MARK to force output and so on. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/buffer.lisp, 14-Nov-88 15:14:34, Edit by DBM. Made SETUP-INITIAL-BUFFER supply :modeline-fields nil. This gets set when the editor fires up. /usr1/lisp/nhem/tty-display.lisp, 10-Nov-88 16:23:04, Edit by Chiles. Modified occurrences of WINDOW-MODELINE-STRING to be WINDOW-MODELINE-BUFFER. Made dumb redisplay method set the window's dis-line flags to unaltered. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-display.lisp, 10-Nov-88 16:20:40, Edit by Chiles. Modified occurrences of WINDOW-MODELINE-STRING to be WINDOW-MODELINE-BUFFER. /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 10-Nov-88 16:07:07, Edit by Chiles. Added "Default Status Line Fields" along with DEFVAR's and PROCLAIM's for recursive edit and completion mode fields. Modified "Default Modeline Fields". /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 10-Nov-88 13:11:49, Edit by Chiles. Modified BITMAP-MAKE-WINDOW to take modelinep. Modified DEFAULT-CREATE-INITIAL-WINDOWS-ECHO to supply :modelinep t to MAKE-WINDOW. Modified SET-HUNK-SIZE to determine if the window displays modelines by checking WINDOW-MODELINE-BUFFER. /usr1/lisp/nhem/screen.lisp, 10-Nov-88 13:02:34, Edit by Chiles. MAKE-WINDOW now takes a :modelinep argument. Added sets for echo and main BUFFER-MODELINE-FIELDS. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 09-Nov-88 11:43:45, Edit by Chiles. Modified a few MAKE-BUFFER calls. The modeline fields for mail buffer should be redesigned when this stuff goes into the core. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 09-Nov-88 11:38:19, Edit by Chiles. Modified MAKE-BUFFER call. Made "Set Buffer Package" do over buffer's windows calling UPDATE-MODELINE-FIELD on :package. /usr1/lisp/nhem/echo.lisp, 09-Nov-88 11:31:34, Edit by Chiles. Modified MAKE-BUFFER call. /usr1/lisp/nhem/tty-screen.lisp, 09-Nov-88 11:02:14, Edit by Chiles. Made main-lines be one less for status line. Made echo :text-position be one less for status line. Modified calls to SETUP-MODELINE-IMAGE. Made TTY-MAKE-WINDOW refer to modelinep argument and modified its SETUP-MODELINE-IMAGE call. /usr1/lisp/nhem/struct.lisp, 08-Nov-88 21:52:14, Edit by Chiles. Added modeline-fields slot to buffer structure. Deleted window structure slots: main-pane, text-pane, modeline-pane, font-map, modeline-line, and modeline-width. Added modeline-buffer and modeline-buffer-len slots. Added DEFSETF for BUFFER-MODELINE-FIELDS. Added modeline-field and modeline-field-info structures. /usr1/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 05-Nov-88 17:30:52, Edit by Chiles. Added page titles. Modified MAKE-BUFFER to initialize the %modeline-fields slot with a list of ml-field-info objects. Now it takes keyword arguments. Modified call in SETUP-INITIAL-BUFFER. Wrote BUFFER-MODELINE-FIELDS, %SET-BUFFER-MODELINE-FIELDS, and SUB-SET-BUFFER-MODELINE-FIELDS, BUFFER-MODELINE-FIELD-P. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-display.lisp, 27-Oct-88 21:09:46, Edit by Chiles. Removed calls to UPDATE-MODELINE-IMAGE. /usr1/lisp/nhem/winimage.lisp, 27-Oct-88 20:51:21, Edit by Chiles. Deleted UPDATE-MODELINE-IMAGE. /usr1/lisp/nhem/display.lisp, 30-Oct-88 19:47:04, Edit by Chiles. Stopped REDISPLAY-WINDOW and REDISPLAY-WINDOW-ALL from forcing output and calling the after methods. This was causing INTERNAL-REDISPLAY to queue input events for the editor that weren't seen before going into SYSTEM:SERVER with a non-zero timeout. This means SYSTEM:SERVER had to timeout, or another character had to be entered, before the unseen one was revealed. /usr1/lisp/nhem/display.lisp, 27-Oct-88 15:10:58, Edit by Chiles. Wrote INTERNAL-REDISPLAY and made REDISPLAY-LOOP optionally splice in calling the device's after-redisplay function. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 27-Oct-88 15:12:02, Edit by Chiles. Replaced calls to REDISPLAY with INTERNAL-REDISPLAY. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 26-Oct-88 15:50:43, Edit by Chiles. Wrote "Goto Absolute Line". /usr1/lisp/nhem/hunk-draw.lisp, 26-Oct-88 15:32:22, Edit by Chiles. Made HUNK-REPLACE-LINE dispatch on *hack-hunk-replace-line*. /usr1/lisp/nhem/display.lisp, 26-Oct-88 15:15:47, Edit by Chiles. Added an after-redisplay slot to the basic display structure. Made REDISPLAY-LOOP, REDISPLAY-WINDOWS-FROM-MARK, REDISPLAY-WINDOW, and REDISPLAY-WINDOW-ALL use this. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 26-Oct-88 15:03:05, Edit by Chiles. MAKE-DEFAULT-BITMAP-DEVICE now sets the :after-redisplay slot. REVERSE-VIDEO-HOOK-FUN now sets *hack-hunk-replace-line*. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/macros.lisp, 25-Oct-88 15:14:49, Edit by DBM. Fixed the restart case in lisp-error-error-handler. /usr1/lisp/nhem/hunk-draw.lisp, 23-Oct-88 18:12:12, Edit by Chiles. Fixed pixmap creation to be root depth instead of 1, so color stuff works. When inverting areas, now use boole-xor instead of boole-c2 and a foreground that is the xor of the foreground and background. This makes color inversion work. If A is the foreground, and B is the background, then A xor B is AxB. This value has the property that A xor AxB is B, and B xor AxB is A, thus inverting in color the region. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 23-Oct-88 16:26:43, Edit by Chiles. Modified BITMAP-MAKE-WINDOW to make the gcontext after we definitely have a window. Made sure that where I destroy an xwindow, that I free the gcontext for that hunk. Added a DEFVAR for *foreground-background-xor*, which is initialized in INIT-BITMAP-SCREEN-MANAGER. This function also has corrected calls to GET-HEMLOCK-GREY-PIXMAP and GET-HEMLOCK-CURSOR. Made REVERSE-VIDEO-HOOK-FUN deal with rthunk correctly for new strategy, and it calls GET-HEMLOCK-CURSOR now. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 23-Oct-88 14:17:19, Edit by Chiles. Modified FLASH-WINDOW-BORDER and FLASH-WINDOW to use an xor function and a pixel value that is the xor of foreground and background. This allows inversion in a color window, that is for any pixel values including 1 and 0. Changed the cursor fetching code to no longer save the pixmaps hot spots. These are now generated each time you fetch a new Hemlock cursor, and this code now uses distinct graphics contexts for each pixmap (cursor and mask) to accomodate the color monitor. This also seemed more correct in general. The grey pixmap generation has been changed to not use XLIB:PUT-RAW-IMAGE since this required Hemlock to know every server/monitor's preferences for raw data. Fixed pixmap creation to be the root depth instead of 1 when not making cursors. /usr1/lisp/nhem/hunk-draw.lisp, 22-Oct-88 20:06:02, Edit by Chiles. Made HUNK-REPLACE-LINE-PIXMAP call XLIB:CREATE-PIXMAP with a depth of XLIB:SCREEN-ROOT-DEPTH instead of 1. /usr1/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 22-Oct-88 16:09:32, Edit by Chiles. Modified %SET-BUFFER-NAME to do the right thing if the name supplied was already in use but for the buffer being affected. This allows the buffer to be renamed to the same name, but with different casing for display effect. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 22-Oct-88 16:37:45, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Rename Buffer" to allow users to rename a buffer to the same name,but with different casing for visual effect. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 21-Oct-88 18:40:11, Edit by Chiles. Made CREATE-SLAVE not mess with the value of "Current Eval Server". It now uses a special *create-slave-wait* that is set by the connect handler. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 21-Oct-88 18:08:42, Edit by Chiles. Made EDITOR_CONNECT-HANDLER only affect the :global value of "Current Eval Server". It also not sets ed::*create-slave-wait* to nil. /usr1/lisp/nhem/window.lisp, 21-Oct-88 02:26:40, Edit by Chiles. Modified %SET-WINDOW-BUFFER to move the window's display start and ends to the new display-start slot buffers have. /usr1/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 21-Oct-88 02:25:07, Edit by Chiles. Added initialization for :display-start slot of new buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/struct.lisp, 21-Oct-88 02:23:11, Edit by Chiles. Added display-start slot to the buffer structure. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 20-Oct-88 22:13:53, Edit by Chiles. MAYBE-QUEUE-OPERATION-REQUEST now informs the user whether the operation is queued to be sent or being sent. /usr1/lisp/nhem/killcoms.lisp, 17-Oct-88 13:34:26, Edit by Chiles. Made "Set/Pop Mark" only MESSAGE when interactive. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 17-Oct-88 12:16:08, Edit by Chiles. Installed new "Save All Files" that tells how many files it saved. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 14-Oct-88 13:56:45, Edit by Chiles. Made EXPUNGE-MESSAGES-FIX-UNSEEN-HEADERS always set the name back in case the user used "Pick Headers". Broke off part of it to form MAYBE-GET-NEW-MAIL-MSG-HDRS which is now also called in PICK-MESSAGE-HEADERS. Made "Incorporate and Read New Mail" set the unseen mail buffer's name when it already existed just in case someone used "Pick Headers". PICK-MESSAGE-HEADERS now checks for the new mail buffer, and when the pick expression is empty, it uses MAYBE-GET-NEW-MAIL-MSG-HDRS. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 13-Oct-88 11:31:13, Edit by Chiles. PROMPT-FOR-FOLDER was not giving must-exist to PROMPT-FOR-KEYWORD. It was always passing nil. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 12-Oct-88 15:09:10, Edit by Chiles. Reinstalled the better window deletion next merger code. Commented out the hack in case we run into another asinine window manager. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 10-Oct-88 14:03:41, Edit by Chiles. Modified commands that redirected *standard-output* for compiler warnings to now redirect *error-output* to adhere to new compiler /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 09-Oct-88 16:54:18, Edit by Chiles. Made "Package" file option not choke when it couldn't stringify the thing. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 05-Oct-88 20:24:21, Edit by Chiles. Eliminated bogus BIND-KEY in "Eval" mode for "Confirm Eval Input". /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 04-Oct-88 20:13:34, Edit by Chiles. Made "Uppercase Region" and "Lowercase Region" insist on the region being active. Made TWIDDLE-REGION, which implements above, take a region instead of two marks. /usr1/lisp/nhem/htext4.lisp, 04-Oct-88 19:57:55, Edit by Chiles. Modified FILTER-REGION doc string. Added page titles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/bit-display.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/keytrandefs.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/tty-screen.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/bit-screen.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/font.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/window.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/bit-stream.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/hunk-draw.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/main.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/xcoms.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/charmacs.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/keytran.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/screen.lisp, 03-October-88, Edit by Chiles. Modified to support X11 using CLX. /usr1/lisp/nhem/scribe.lisp, 30-Sep-88 14:45:41, Edit by Chiles. Broke up long FORMAT string into several lines of code. Fixed bug in DIRECTIVE-HELP. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 27-Sep-88 11:48:10, Edit by Chiles. Added a "Make Buffer Hook" to add all new buffers to the history. Added some doc and a page title. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 22-Sep-88 22:46:30, Edit by Chiles. Added binding for "Insert Scribe Directive". Deleted lots of other "Scribe" bindings. /usr1/lisp/nhem/scribe.lisp, 21-Sep-88 22:48:46, Edit by Chiles. Added new code to dispatch on a character and either insert a Scribe command or environment, instead of having 30 similar commands. Deleted the following commands entirely: "Scribe Appendix" "Scribe AppendixSection" "Scribe Chapter" "Scribe Heading" "Scribe MajorHeading" "Scribe Paragraph" "Scribe PrefaceSection" "Scribe Section" "Scribe SubHeading" "Scribe SubSection" "Scribe UnNumbered" "Scribe Verbatim" "Scribe Verse" Introduced "List Scribe Paragraph Delimiters". Cleaned up code. Got the stuff working. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispmode.lisp, 15-Sep-88 14:31:53, Edit by Chiles. Modified LISP-INDENT-REGION to do it undoably. It takes an optional argument for the undo text. "Indent Form" supplies its name when calling this. Documented INDENT-FOR-LISP. Modified some page boundaries. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 07-Sep-88 16:44:35, Edit by Chiles. Changed "Eval Input" bindings to "Confirm Eval Input". /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 07-Sep-88 16:43:34, Edit by Chiles. Renamed "Eval Input" to "Confirm Eval Input". /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 07-Sep-88 13:08:04, Edit by Chiles. Modified DELETE-AND-EXPUNGE-TEMP-DRAFTS one more time. Now it makes use of MH's :errorp arguement to squelch errors. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/lispeval.lisp, 30-Aug-88 11:32:53, Edit by DBM. Changed references to slave-utility-name to slave-utility and slave-arguments to slave-utility-switches. /usr1/lisp/nhem/ts.lisp, 19-Aug-88 21:47:12, Edit by Chiles. Fixed "Unwedge Interactive Input String" according to mail I sent. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 15-Aug-88 12:30:05, Edit by Chiles. Added binding for "Scribe Buffer File". /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 15-Aug-88 11:11:10, Edit by Chiles. Renamed "Slave Utility Name" to "Slave Utility" and "Slave Arguments" to "Slave Utility Switches". /usr1/lisp/nhem/unixcoms.lisp, 15-Aug-88 11:09:48, Edit by Chiles. Renamed "Print Utility Options" to "Print Utility Switches". Added Scribe stuff. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 09-Aug-88 23:16:09, Edit by Chiles. Made "Expunge Messages" and "Quit Headers" doc strings mention "Temporary Draft Folder". Modified DELETE-AND-EXPUNGE-TEMPORARY-DRAFTS to do a directory to realize if there were really any messages to blow away. /usr1/lisp/nhem/doccoms.lisp, 09-Aug-88 22:57:13, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Apropos" to use CURRENT-VARIABLE-TABLES, and cleaned up this moby growing command. /usr1/lisp/nhem/echo.lisp, 09-Aug-88 22:26:46, Edit by Chiles. Wrote CURRENT-VARIABLE-TABLES, and exported it. Modified PROMPT-FOR-VARIABLE to use it. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 07-Aug-88 04:03:13, Edit by Chiles. "Remail Message". /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 04-Aug-88 22:20:23, Edit by Chiles. Made "Insert File" and "Insert Buffer" push a buffer mark before inserting. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 04-Aug-88 21:31:10, Edit by Chiles. Fixed default binding and doc string of "Unwedge Interactive Input Confirm". /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 30-Jul-88 22:09:59, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug with "Reply to Message Prefix Action". Made "Reply to M in O Window", when invoked in the headers buffer, put the message in the "current" window. /usr1/lisp/nhem/highlight.lisp, 26-Jul-88 17:26:32, Edit by Chiles. Did away with HIGHLIGHT-ACTIVE-REGION-P. Replaced calls with REGION-ACTIVE-P. Made MAYBE-HIGHLIGHT-OPEN-PARENS check the value of "Highlight Active Region" and REGION-ACTIVE-P instead of just the latter. /usr1/lisp/nhem/killcoms.lisp, 26-Jul-88 17:21:36, Edit by Chiles. Made REGION-ACTIVE-P check for the last command type being a member of *ephemerally-active-command-types*. Modified "Kill Region" and "Save Region" to call CURRENT-REGION normally. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 19-Jul-88 22:35:22, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in "Eval Input". /usr1/lisp/hemlock/linimage.lisp, 27-Jul-88 11:09:17, Edit by DBM. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/line.lisp, 27-Jul-88 10:56:33, Edit by DBM. Removed some old Perq cruft. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 19-Jul-88 22:35:22, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in "Eval Input". /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 11-Jul-88 12:55:48, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in "Visit File" telling the user that the file is already in some buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/doccoms.lisp, 06-Jul-88 23:14:13, Edit by Chiles. Added "Describe Pointer" command and frobbed "Help". /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 05-Jul-88 16:34:31, Edit by Chiles. Added bindings for new commands in Commands.Lisp. Added initial value for *describe-pointer-keylist*. /usr1/lisp/nhem/command.lisp, 05-Jul-88 16:36:40, Edit by Chiles. Added "Mark to Beginning of Buffer" "Mark to End of Buffer". /usr1/lisp/nhem/ts.lisp, 04-Jul-88 15:46:46, Edit by Chiles. Broke "Process Control" up into separate commands. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 01-Jul-88 23:40:00, Edit by Chiles. made "Visit File" MESSAGE when another buffer also contains the pathname. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 29-Jun-88 23:33:40, Edit by Chiles. Wrote "Delete Message and Down Line". Made "Deliver Message" say "Delivering draft ...". Deleted GET-MESSAGE-HEADERS-SEQ. Made SET-MESSAGE-HEADERS-IDS optionally return an MH sequence. These were identical but for this difference. Made "Refile Message" and "Delete Message" maintain consistency. Made SHOW-MESSAGE-OFFSET-MARK return nil when it couldn't place the mark instead of signalling an error. Wrote SHOW-MESSAGE-OFFSET-MSG-BUG, and renamed SHOW-MESSAGE-OFFSET-HEADERS to SHOW-MESSAGE-OFFSET-HDRS-BUF. In a message buffer, we move back to the headers buffer and delete the message buffer. Added "Reply to Message Prefix Action" which controls prefix argument actions in "Reply to Message". Removed "Automatic Current Message" feature. Removed DEFHVAR just after "Headers Information". Removed when...show from: "Message Headers" "Pick Headers" INSERT-NEW-MAIL-MESSAGE-HEADERS Modified REVAMP-HEADERS-BUFFER and CLEANUP-HEADERS-BUFFER to always take care of the main message buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 27-Jun-88 13:45:22, Edit by Chiles. Added bindings for macroexpansion and reenter input stuff. Added new bindings for "Process Control" break up. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 27-Jun-88 13:34:56, Edit by Chiles. Added "Editor Macroexpand Expression". Added "Reenter Interactive Input". /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 27-Jun-88 13:33:11, Edit by Chiles. Added "Macroexpand Expression". /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 26-Jun-88 20:02:02, Edit by Chiles. Uncommented binding for "Delete Message and Down Line". /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 24-Jun-88 16:11:37, Edit by Chiles. Fixed C-c bindings messed up by making C-c a hyper prefix. Made all c-, m-, and s- bindings be spelled out for consistency. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 16-Jun-88 15:02:40, Edit by Chiles. Made "Delete Draft and Buffer" cleanup after split window drafts. /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 16-Jun-88 12:54:08, Edit by Chiles. Made corrections based on previous corrections undoable and changed message to say "corrected" instead of "replaced". /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 15-Jun-88 20:04:23, Edit by Chiles. Added MESSAGE's to INCORPORATE-NEW-MAIL. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 13-Jun-88 19:28:48, Edit by Chiles. Made #\c for "Edit Compiler Errors" center the window around the current error. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 10-Jun-88 16:16:58, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in "Headers Refile Message". It wasn't supplying *refile-default-destination* to PROMPT-FOR-FOLDER when in a message buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 10-Jun-88 13:21:55, Edit by Chiles. Made CLEANUP-HEADERS-REFERENCE, when the info is TYPEP 'draft-info, set the replied-to folder and msg to nil. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 09-Jun-88 20:17:30, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in warning message for "List Compile Group". /usr1/ch/lisp/files.lisp, 06-Jun-88 23:44:01, Edit by Christopher Hoover. Fixed a bug which caused WRITE-FILE to sometimes lose when given an "access" value. /usr1/ch/lisp/unixcoms.lisp, 03-Jun-88 15:54:46, Edit by Christopher Hoover. Wrote the command "Unix Filter Region". /usr1/ch/lisp/auto-save.lisp, 16-May-88 02:31:07, Edit by Christopher Hoover. Fixed the code so that "Auto Save Checkpoint Frequency" is always truncated to an integer to keep (very) bad things from happening. /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 01-Jun-88 10:46:45, Edit by Chiles. Made "Check Word Spelling" show close words regardless of "Correct Unique Spelling Immediately". /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 31-May-88 15:25:23, Edit by Chiles. Bound all alpha chars to "Illegal" in "Headers" and "Message" modes. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 25-May-88 11:42:13, Edit by Chiles. Created "Temporary Draft Folder" variable, wrote DELETE-AND-EXPUNGE-TEMP-DRAFTS, and modified "Quit Headers"and "Expunge Messages". /usr1/lisp/nhem/edit-defs.lisp, 25-May-88 11:09:51, Edit by Chiles. Made "Edit Definition" and "Goto Definition" (which has a new name) use editor Lisp if there is no currently valid slave. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 25-May-88 02:39:37, Edit by Chiles. Made "Describe Function Call" and "Describe Symbol" use the editor Lisp when the current eval server doesn't exist is invalid. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 24-May-88 14:57:36, Edit by Chiles. Changed PROMPT-FOR-MESSAGE to take keyword args adding prompt. Changed all the call sites. Made "Message Headers", "Delete Message", "Undelete Message", and "Refile Message" supply particular prompt messages. Changed "Quit Headers Confirm" to "Expunge Messages Confirm". /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 19-May-88 12:14:27, Edit by Chiles. Wrote BREAKUP-MESSAGE-SPEC and added the variable, "Unseen Headers Message Spec". This affected "Incorporate and Show New Mail" and "Expunge Message". /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 15-May-88 15:40:24, Edit by Chiles. Made MH-PROFILE-COMPONENT take an optional error-on-open argument, so when this is used for sequence files, and the sequence file is not there or readable, then the command can continue ... assuming the sequence file operation is insignificant if the file cannot be opened. Made MH-SEQUENCE-LIST use this argument. Made MARK-ONE-MESSAGE not write the file on :delete unless the message was really in the sequence before deletion. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispmode.lisp, 12-May-88 15:11:15, Edit by Chiles. Added mailer and xlib DEFINDENT forms. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 12-May-88 10:45:02, Edit by Chiles. Fixed documentation for "Reply to Message in Other Window". /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 11-May-88 14:03:29, Edit by Chiles. Wrote "Edit Message Buffer". Made a bunch of (subseq folder 1) calls be calls to STRIP-FOLDER-NAME for consistency. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 11-May-88 10:33:23, Edit by Chiles. Made "Insert Message Region" know about split-window drafts. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/edit-defs.lisp, 10-May-88 17:11:28, Edit by Chiles. Made "Edit Command Definition" on an argument prompt for a key instead of prompting for a command name. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 10-May-88 12:37:40, Edit by Chiles. Made DELETE-HEADERS-LINE-REFERENCES delete message buffers if they are not associated with a draft buffer. If they are, then it cleans up the reference. Wrote "Reply to Message in Other Window" which splits the current window when replying to a message. Made "Insert Message Buffer" try to delete a window if the draft is a split-window draft. Made "Deliver Message" delete a window if there are a couple lieing around and the draft is a split-window draft. /usr1/lisp/nhem/command.lisp, 10-May-88 11:19:21, Edit by Chiles. Added doc strings to "Exit Hemlock" and "Pause Hemlock". /usr1/lisp/nhem/files.lisp, 09-May-88 16:57:39, Edit by Chiles. Made WRITE-FILE take keywords keep-backup (previously optional) and access. When access is supplied non-nil, it is used as Unix modes with MACH:UNIX-CHMOD. /usr1/lisp/nhem/doccoms.lisp, 10-May-88 08:27:39, Edit by Chiles. Made "Describe Command" show bindings. Fixed bindings printing. /usr1/lisp/nhem/auto-save.lisp, 09-May-88 17:28:05, Edit by Chiles. Made WRITE-CHECKPOINT-FILE call WRITE-FILE the new correct way supplying :access #o600 for read/write by owner only. /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 09-May-88 10:09:13, Edit by Chiles. Made "Set Buffer Spelling Dictionary" hash on the namestring of the true name instead of what was given. Made it also add the write hook instead of the "Dictionary" file option. Stopped modifying "Write File Hook" buffer specifically, using ADD-HOOK now. Made "Dictionary" file option LOUD-MESSAGE if it couldn't find the dictionary file, blowing the whole thing off. Changed "Message Buffer Insertion Prefix" to four spaces. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 09-May-88 09:34:43, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in SETUP-HEADERS-MESSAGE-DRAFT that associated the draft with the headers buffer which caused CLEANUP-DRAFT-BUFFER to try to delete a nil headers mark into the headers buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 06-May-88 10:06:23, Edit by Chiles. Renamed SETUP-MSG-BUF-REPLY-DRAFT to SETUP-MESSAGE-BUFFER-DRAFT, modifying it to take a message buffer, message info, and a type. The type is one of :reply, :compose, or :forward. It does the right thing. /usr1/lisp/nhem/tty-display.lisp, 05-May-88 17:26:08, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote CM-OUTPUT-COORDINATE to not use TRUNCATE on floats or LOG. Changed it from a macro to a function too. Now it builds the characters in a buffer, using DEVICE-WRITE-STRING to send the chars out. /usr1/lisp/nhem/mh.lisp, 03-May-88 14:41:30, Edit by Chiles. New Hemlock file. Ta dah! /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 03-May-88 14:55:46, Edit by Chiles. Added new mailer bindings. /usr1/lisp/nhem/display.lisp, 18-Apr-88 14:30:41, Edit by Chiles. Added DEFVAR for *screen-image-trashed* which was lost due to old bitmap code tossing. /usr1/lisp/nhem/window.lisp, 19-Apr-88 12:01:26, Edit by Chiles. Inserted code from Owindow.Lisp (previously thrown away due to old bitmap code tossing) that was still necessary for tty redisplay. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 18-Apr-88 11:02:05, Edit by Chiles. Made HEMLOCK-WINDOW test *hemlock-window-mngt* for being non-nil. Removed OBITMAP-SHOW-MARK. Removed loading old bitmap files from BUILD-HEMLOCK. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 06-Apr-88 12:44:22, Edit by Chiles. Made the editer server name default to "[:]Editor". /usr1/lisp/nhem/display.lisp, 04-Apr-88 09:47:08, Edit by Chiles. Removed some references to old bitmap redisplay in comments. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 04-Apr-88 09:09:45, Edit by Chiles. Changed the default of "Keep Backup Files" and the doc string. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/obit-display.lisp, 01-Apr-88 16:27:00, Edit by Chiles /usr1/lisp/hemlock/obit-screen.lisp, 01-Apr-88 16:27:00, Edit by Chiles /usr1/lisp/hemlock/ofont.lisp, 01-Apr-88 16:27:00, Edit by Chiles /usr1/lisp/hemlock/owindow.lisp, 01-Apr-88 16:27:00, Edit by Chiles /usr1/lisp/hemlock/pane-stream.lisp, 01-Apr-88 16:27:00, Edit by Chiles /usr1/lisp/hemlock/pane.lisp, 01-Apr-88 16:27:00, Edit by Chiles /usr1/lisp/hemlock/keyboard_codes.lisp, 01-Apr-88 16:27:00, Edit by Chiles These files have been removed from the sources. /usr1/lisp/nhem/screen.lisp, 01-Apr-88 16:25:47, Edit by Chiles. Made %INIT-SCREEN-MANAGER not regard CONSOLEP. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 01-Apr-88 16:04:09, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote (that is, mostly blew away a lot of code) GET-EDITOR-TTY-INPUT. Blew away TRANSLATE-CHAR definition. Blew away all console character translation variables. Cleaned out console specific code in SETUP-INPUT and RESET-INPUT. Blew away use of *editor-console-input*. Blew away CONSOLEP. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 30-Mar-88 14:19:12, Edit by Chiles. Removed unnecessary (null b) check in "List Buffers". /usr1/lisp/nhem/undo.lisp, 25-Mar-88 14:33:23, Edit by Chiles. Massively documented this stuff. /usr0/ram/group.lisp, 21-Mar-88 13:58:49, Edit by Ram. Changed Do-Active-Group to save and restore the Buffer-Point around the code that hacks on the buffer. This means that group commands no longer trash the point (which usually left you at the beginning of the buffer). /usr1/ch/lisp/echocoms.lisp, 21-Mar-88 13:33:57, Edit by Christopher Hoover. Frobbed "Ignore File Types" -- deleted unknowns and added a few common binary formats. /usr1/ch/lisp/auto-save.lisp, 16-Mar-88 16:54:00, Edit by Christopher Hoover. Made the call to write-region in Auto Save supply NIL as the optional argument for keeping backup files so that the luser does not end up with .CKP.BAK files. /usr1/ch/lisp/files.lisp, 16-Mar-88 15:59:18, Edit by Christopher Hoover. Made write-region take an optional argument which tells it whether or not to do ":if-exist :rename" or ":if-exist :rename-and-delete". If the argument is not supplied, it looks at the hvar "Keep Backup Files". /usr1/ch/lisp/filecoms.lisp, 16-Mar-88 15:20:00, Edit by Christopher Hoover. Added the hvar "Keep Backup Files". This variable controls whether write region deletes .BAK files. /usr1/ch/lisp/filecoms.lisp, 14-Mar-88 22:14:47, Edit by Christopher Hoover. Removed "c" and "h" from the file type hook which invokes Pascal mode since Pascal mode is worse than Fundamental mode for editing C code. Someday, there will be a real electric C mode. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 15-Mar-88 21:00:11, Edit by Chiles. Wrote RE-INIT-EDITOR-SERVER to be the port death handler instead of INIT-EDITOR-SERVER. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 15-Mar-88 16:25:44, Edit by Chiles. Installed Naeem's mods to "Delete Previous Character Expanding Tabs" that saves on the kill ring after some threshold. /usr1/lisp/nhem/command.lisp, 15-Mar-88 16:24:09, Edit by Chiles. Installed Naeem's mods to "Delete Previous Character" and "Delete Next Character" that saves on the kill ring after some threshold. /usr1/ch/lisp/echocoms.lisp, 14-Mar-88 21:50:47, Edit by Christopher Hoover Deleted the hvar "Help Show Options" since it is not used anywhere. Added a real doc string for the hvar "Beep on Ambiguity". Fixed Complete Keyword for files to use the new whizzy complete-file. Added the hvar "Ignore File Types" to control which file types to ignore. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 10-Mar-88 20:59:36, Edit by Chiles. Installed "Defhvar" command. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 10-Mar-88 15:48:57, Edit by Chiles. Modified PROCESS-FILE-OPTIONS to invoke the file type hook when no major mode had been seen, even though some mode option had been specified. Modified the "Mode" file option handler to return whether it had seen a major mode. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 08-Mar-88 14:57:10, Edit by Chiles. Made REVERSE-VIDEO-HOOK-FUN make sure there is an X window for the random typeout stream before trying to set its background. /usr1/lisp/nhem/fill.lisp, 06-Mar-88 21:28:51, Edit by Chiles. Made %FILLING-SET-NEXT-LINE not call INDENT-NEW-COMMENT-LINE-COMMAND when there is a fill prefix. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-display.lisp, 06-Mar-88 14:15:17, Edit by Chiles. Fixed redisplay bug concerning excessive counting of lines to clear. Otherwise case now stops counting cleared lines and packages off one clear operations if we are currently counting. /usr1/lisp/nhem/font.lisp, 06-Mar-88 12:46:24, Edit by Chiles. Made *default-font-family* have a default value so MAKE-WINDOW and things trying to look at it under tty redisplay don't choke. /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 02-Mar-88 22:03:26, Edit by Chiles. Changed EXPORT of after-initializations to AFTER-EDITOR-INITIALIZATIONS which is really what the macro is called. /usr1/lisp/nhem/font.lisp, 02-Mar-88 19:53:10, Edit by Chiles. Rearranged some functions. Added doc strings for exported stuff. Deleted hardwired structures. Moved two parameters to Rompsite.Lisp. Added logical pages. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 02-Mar-88 14:12:30, Edit by Chiles. Made SETUP-EVAL-MODE make a local binding of "Current Package" to nil. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 02-Mar-88 13:42:49, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Set Buffer Package" to set *package* when in the eval buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 01-Mar-88 16:00:24, Edit by Chiles. Made HUNK-MOUSE-ENTERED invoke the "Enter Window Hook" and made HUNK-MOUSE-LEFT invoke the "Exit Window Hook". Fixed REVERSE-VIDEO-HOOK-FUN to change the background pixmap for a window, so you don't get a flash of white before Hemlock paints black when the window is exposed. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 24-Feb-88 12:26:07, Edit by Chiles. Changed "Last Resort Pathname Defaults" and "Last Resort Pathname Defaults Function". /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 01-Mar-88 15:29:32, Edit by Chiles. Made SITE-INIT define "Enter Window Hook" and "Exit Window Hook". Wrote ENTER-WINDOW-AUTORAISE as example hook for losers into autoraising. Put in DEFHVAR in SITE-INIT for "Default Font". Modified INIT-RAW-IO, SETUP-FONT-FAMILY, and OPEN-FONT in conjunction with supporting this new variable. /usr1/chiles/work/temp-hem/rompsite.lisp, 22-Feb-88 21:07:14, Edit by Chiles. Changed GET-HEMLOCK-CURSOR to not use ".mask" as a pathname, but to use MAKE-PATHNAME :type "mask" ... instead. /usr1/chiles/work/temp-hem/lispeval.lisp, 22-Feb-88 21:01:49, Edit by Chiles. Changed CLEANUP-COMPILE-NOTIFICATION to not use ".fasl" as a pathname, but to use MAKE-PATHNAME :type "fasl" ... instead. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 22-Feb-88 17:15:35, Edit by Chiles. Introduced "Last Resort Pathname Defaults" and "Last Resort Pathname Defaults Function" and modified BUFFER-DEFAULT-PATHNAME. /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 22-Feb-88 16:50:33, Edit by Chiles. Made "Check Word Spelling" output digits with possible correct spellings. Made "Correct Last Misspelled Word" take 0-9 in the command loop as the numbered word to use as a correct spelling. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 22-Feb-88 13:13:54, Edit by Chiles. Frobbed control flow in "Goto Page" and made it drop a mark when searching page titles a first time. /usr1/lisp/nhem/auto-save.lisp, 18-Feb-88 17:25:10, Edit by Chiles. Made "Save" mode turn off automatically in "Typescript" and "Eval" modes. /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 18-Feb-88 17:11:12, Edit by Chiles. Put "Save" mode in "Default Modes". /usr1/lisp/nhem/indent.lisp, 16-Feb-88 14:41:34, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug "Indent" being called with a zero argument. /usr1/lisp/nhem/searchcoms.lisp, 16-Feb-88 14:14:32, Edit by Chiles. Made THE four searching commands only drop a mark if the region is not active. Also, make i-search ^G invoke the abort-hook. Made incremental searching commands set the last command type to nil since each letter typed does not go through the command loop, and ephemerally active regions were staying highlighted throughout the search. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispmode.lisp, 14-Feb-88 20:34:03, Edit by Chiles. Added DEFINDENT's for some CLOS stuff. Added one for "frob" for Rob and me. Added a few for system calls. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 11-Feb-88 13:58:31, Edit by Chiles. Made FILE-COMPILE look at a new variable "Remote File Compile". /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 10-Feb-88 20:08:04, Edit by Chiles. Made OLDER-OR-NON-EXISTENT-FASL-P's second argument optional. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 10-Feb-88 20:11:14, Edit by Chiles. Made "List Compile Group" use OLDER-OR-NON-EXISTENT-FASL-P. /usr1/lisp/nhem/highlight.lisp, 10-Feb-88 19:52:50, Edit by Chiles. Modified HIGHLIGHT-ACTIVE-REGION to not do anything when the window is the echo area window. /usr1/lisp/nhem/killcoms.lisp, 10-Feb-88 15:55:19, Edit by Chiles. Augmented the active region flag with an active region buffer variable to circumvent echo area interactions. /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 10-Feb-88 15:46:29, Edit by Chiles. Made SAVE-ALL-BUFFERS optionally list unmodified buffers. /usr1/lisp/nhem/highlight.lisp, 08-Feb-88 13:49:37, Edit by Chiles. Implemented highlighting active regions. Renamed a bunch of open paren highlighting stuff, and frobbed it to interact with region highlighting. /usr1/lisp/nhem/killcoms.lisp, 08-Feb-88 13:30:20, Edit by Chiles. Made CURRENT-REGION take another option to not deactivate the region. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 06-Feb-88 16:23:45, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in PRETTY-PRINT-CHARACTER that was created by INSERT-CHARACTER checking the type of its arguments. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispmode.lisp, 06-Feb-88 16:17:20, Edit by Chiles. Fixed Scan-Direction-Valid to return NIL when it hits the end of the buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/killcoms.lisp, 06-Feb-88 10:11:35, Edit by Chiles. Made "Exchange Point and Mark" no longer activate the region. /usr1/lisp/nhem/fill.lisp, 06-Feb-88 09:53:14, Edit by Chiles. Made "Fill Paragraph" and "Fill Region" use p as the column if supplied. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 04-Feb-88 15:33:11, Edit by Chiles. Fixed the font stuff in initialization to not call TRUENAME on the font names. This was wrong. Fixed the font stuff to be aware of a font not opening, signalling an error if it is the default font and warning if it was the highlighting font. /usr1/lisp/nhem/htext3.lisp, 04-Feb-88 16:02:41, Edit by Chiles. Made INSERT-CHARACTER check the type of its argument. /usr1/lisp/nhem/searchcoms.lisp, 04-Feb-88 15:46:24, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in i-search that allowed non-text characters to be searched for. Also in the C-q case, nil was trying to be inserted into a buffer which crashed Lisp. /usr1/lisp/nhem/command.lisp, 04-Feb-88 14:21:10, Edit by Chiles. Provided error message for TEXT-CHARACTER nil result in "Self Insert" and "Quoted Insert" /usr1/lisp/nhem/overwrite.lisp, 04-Feb-88 14:17:32, Edit by Chiles. Protected use of TEXT-CHARACTER, testing for nil result. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 03-Feb-88 11:57:33, Edit by Chiles. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 03-Feb-88 11:57:33, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Compile Buffer File", "Editor Compile Buffer File", "Compile Group", and "Editor Compile Group". Deleted MAYBE-COMPILE-FILE and MAYBE-COMPILE-EDITOR-FILE. Wrote OLDER-OR-NON-EXISTENT-FASL-P. /usr1/lisp/nhem/icom.lisp, 01-Feb-88 16:21:37, Edit by Chiles. Merged Scott's hack to the comment hack to keep highlighted parens clean. /usr1/lisp/nhem/obit-screen.lisp, 01-Feb-88 16:08:35, Edit by Chiles. Modified OBITMAP-MAKE-WINDOW and OBITMAP-DELETE-WINDOW to invalidate the currently selected hunk. /usr1/lisp/nhem/tty-screen.lisp, 01-Feb-88 15:56:53, Edit by Chiles. Modified TTY-MAKE-WINDOW and TTY-DELETE-WINDOW to invalidate the currently selected hunk. /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 01-Feb-88 08:28:09, Edit by Chiles. Fixed MAYBE-READ-DEFAULT-USER-SPELLING-DICTIONARY. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 28-Jan-88 20:46:09, Edit by Chiles. Deleted binding for "Compile Buffer File" in "Editor" mode. /usr1/lisp/nhem/interp.lisp, 28-Jan-88 11:18:47, Edit by Chiles. Fixed problem with clearing prefix characters from the echo area when a bad sequence is typed. /usr0/ram/lispmode.lisp, 27-Jan-88 17:21:48, Edit by Ram. Wrote Find-Ignore-Region and used it to implement Valid-Spot and the new Scan-Direction-Valid macro, which efficiently scans for a valid character having the specified properties of its attribute. Used Scan-Direction-Valid to substantially rewrite %Form-Offset. It now correctly handles character literals (and as a side-effect, symbols with slashed characters). Also changed form offset to skip over prefix characters when moving backward over a list. Users will probably notice this, and hopefully like it. /usr0/ram/highlight.lisp, 27-Jan-88 17:15:35, Edit by Ram. Changed Form-Offset to List-Offset in Maybe-Highlight-Open-Parens. Now that backward form offset on lists include prefix characters, Form-Offset is no longer correct. Directly doing List-Offset is slightly more efficient anyway. /usr1/lisp/nhem/highlight.lisp, 27-Jan-88 15:29:50, Edit by Chiles. Turned "Highlight Open Parens" off by default. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispmode.lisp, 27-Jan-88 15:32:12, Edit by Chiles. Turned "Paren Pause Period" and "Highlight Open Parens" on in "Lisp" mode. Set "Paren Pause Period" to 0.5 by default. /usr1/lisp/nhem/tty-screen.lisp, 27-Jan-88 15:32:57, Edit by Chiles. Made INIT-TTY-SCREEN-MANAGER make "Paren Pause Period" and "Highlight Open Parens" be off in "Lisp" mode for tty's since we don't have highlighting fonts for tty's. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/highlight.lisp, 25-Jan-88 16:19:49, Edit by DBM. Chanded default for "Highlight Open Parens" to T. /usr1/lisp/nhem/newer/rompsite.lisp, 25-Jan-88 11:30:43, Edit by Chiles. Made SLEEP-FOR-TIME deal with noting a read wait (dropping and lifting the cursor). /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 25-Jan-88 11:11:10, Edit by Chiles. Entered DEFHVAR for "Key Echo Delay". /usr1/lisp/nhem/newer/interp.lisp, 25-Jan-88 11:06:01, Edit by Chiles. Frobbed %COMMAND-LOOP to try to echo keys after some typing delay. /usr1/lisp/nhem/newer/lispeval.lisp, 24-Jan-88 19:43:50, Edit by Chiles. Made DELETE-SERVER look for all bindings of "Current Eval Server", setting them to nil if they referenced the argument info object. Also made it delete the "Server Information" variable in the slave buffer if there was one. /usr1/lisp/nhem/newer/rompsite.lisp, 24-Jan-88 19:10:52, Edit by Chiles. Modified EDITOR_CONNECT-HANDLER to define "Server Information" in the slave buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/newer/command.lisp, 24-Jan-88 15:33:09, Edit by Chiles. Installed Shareef's "Refresh Screen" that knows about arguments. /usr1/lisp/nhem/newer/lispmode.lisp, 24-Jan-88 15:27:06, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in "Lisp Insert )" to make it echo the closing paren if it is not DISPLAYED-P regardless of "Paren Pause Period". /usr1/lisp/nhem/highlight.lisp, 23-Jan-88 15:43:59, Edit by Chiles. New file. /usr1/lisp/nhem/scribe.lisp, 23-Jan-88 15:42:11, Edit by Chiles. Modified SCRIBE-INSERT-PAREN to know about "Paren Pause Period" possibly being nil. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispmode.lisp, 23-Jan-88 15:40:57, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Lisp Insert )" to know about "Paren Pause Period" possibly being nil. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 23-Jan-88 15:36:22, Edit by Chiles. Fixed "Mark Page" when point is at buffer-end. /usr1/lisp/nhem/srccom.lisp, 23-Jan-88 15:26:40, Edit by Chiles. Put "Buffer Changes" from my init file into the core. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 23-Jan-88 15:21:36, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Revert File" to be more aware of whether it was backing up to the checkpoint file or the saved file. /usr1/lisp/nhem/display.lisp, 23-Jan-88 14:01:50, Edit by Chiles. Changed REDISPLAY-LOOP and REDISPLAY-WINDOWS-FROM-MARK to do the current window first if it is going to get done, so the redisplay-hook effects could be seen in other windows into the same buffer. /usr1/lisp/nhem/edit-defs.lisp, 23-Jan-88 14:47:28, Edit by Chiles. Modified DEFINITION-EDITING-INFO to correspond to the new FUN-DEFINED-FROM-PATHNAME ability to deal with encapsulations. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 23-Jan-88 14:36:33, Edit by Chiles. Modified FUN-DEFINED-FROM-PATHNAME, now deals with encapsulations. /usr1/lisp/nhem/indent.lisp, 23-Jan-88 13:42:43, Edit by Chiles. Added Shareef's "Center Line" command. /usr1/lisp/nhem/files.lisp, 23-Jan-88 12:42:10, Edit by Chiles. Made WRITE-FILE supply :if-exists :rename-and-delete. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 23-Jan-88 12:28:13, Edit by Chiles. Made "Compile File" signal an error when buffer has no associated pathname. /usr1/ch/lisp/filecoms.lisp, 22-Jan-88 11:48:49, Edit by Christopher Hoover Fixed write-region to call (current-region) before prompting for filename. This makes it work better with active regions. /usr1/chiles/work/modeline/window.lisp, 19-Jan-88 09:58:24, Edit by Chiles. Modified DEFAULT-MODELINE-FUNCTION-FUNCTION and wrote UPDATE-BUFFER-MODELINES, which is exported. /usr1/chiles/work/modeline/main.lisp, 19-Jan-88 10:10:27, Edit by Chiles. Changed the value of "Default Modeline String". /usr1/chiles/work/modeline/lispmode.lisp, 19-Jan-88 10:05:31, Edit by Chiles. Wrote SETUP-LISP-MODE to make a "Current Package" if there wasn't one already. /usr1/chiles/work/modeline/lispeval.lisp, 19-Jan-88 09:49:29, Edit by Chiles. Made "Set Buffer Package" use PROMPT-FOR-EXPRESSION, using STRING on the result. It also now calls UPDATE-BUFFER-MODELINES. When in a slave's interactive buffer's, do NOT set "Current Package", but change *package* in the slave. Modified sites of (value current-package) to supply "" instead of the editor's *package*. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 18-Jan-88 12:50:34, Edit by Chiles. Modified "package" file option to do a STRING of a READ-FROM-STRING. /usr1/lisp/nhem/ts.lisp, 17-Jan-88 20:53:13, Edit by Chiles. Made MAKE-TYPESCRIPT use "Interactive History Length" when setting up "Interactive History". /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 17-Jan-88 20:51:25, Edit by Chiles. Moved some stuff around. Created "Interactive History Length" used to setup "Interactive History" when "Eval" mode is turned on. /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 16-Jan-88 16:58:31, Edit by Chiles. Introduced "Default User Spelling Dictionary". When set, this is loaded upon entering "Spell" mode and when "Set Buffer Spelling Dictionary" (or "dictionary" file option) runs. Also, "Save Incremental Spelling Insertions" doesn't prompt for a file if this is set. Made SAVE-DICTIONARY-ON-WRITE make sure 'spell-information is bound in the buffer. /usr1/ch/lisp/auto-save.lisp, 12-Jan-88 16:28:56, Edit by Christopher Hoover Wrapped a condition-case around the write-file in Auto Save. This will cause Auto Save to graceful handle write failures. /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 06-Jan-88 22:14:14, Edit by Chiles. Made incremental insertions dictionary specific with a global default for upward compatability. Commands with new names: "Append to Spelling Dictionary" --> "Save Incremental Spelling Insertions" "Augment Spelling Dictionary" --> "Read Spelling Dictionary" New commands: "Set Buffer Spelling Dictionary" "Remove Word from Spelling Dictionary" "List Incremental Spelling Insertions" AND there is a "dictionary" file option that read a dictionary if necessary, makes it the buffer's dictionary, and causes the incremental insertions for this dictionary to be written when the buffer is. Added "Spelling Un-Correct Prompt for Insert" that makes "Undo Last Spelling Correction" prompt before inserting word into dictionary. /usr1/lisp/nhem/doccoms.lisp, 22-Dec-87 15:42:26, Edit by Chiles. Changed #\S help to #\V, "Describe and show Variable". Rewrote some code to do this and added the command "Describe and show Variable". /usr1/lisp/nhem/spell-augment.lisp, 17-Dec-87 21:05:37, Edit by Chiles. Added SPELL-ROOT-FLAGS, which returns a list of the letter flags a root entry has, and SPELL-REMOVE-ENTRY, which removes an entry by clearing a flag if appropriate or setting the dictionary element to -1. /usr1/lisp/nhem/spell-correct.lisp, 17-Dec-87 20:34:09, Edit by Chiles. Made TRY-WORD-ENDINGS return the flag mask when a flag was used instead of just t. Modified lookup hashing to know about deleted elements. /usr1/lisp/nhem/echo.lisp, 16-Dec-87 21:25:58, Edit by Chiles. MAYBE-WAIT should really do a SLEEP instead of EDITOR-SLEEP to make sure nothing happens while the user is trying to see the message. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/text.lisp, 14-Dec-87 01:25:42, Edit by Chiles. Made "Mark Paragraph" and "Mark Sentence" use PUSH-BUFFER-MARK, so it will activate the region. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/lispmode.lisp, 14-Dec-87 01:25:03, Edit by Chiles. Made "Mark Defun" and "Mark Form" use PUSH-BUFFER-MARK, so it will activate the region. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/morecoms.lisp, 13-Dec-87 20:45:48, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Insert Page Directory" to insert the listing at the curren point if invoked with an argument. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/lispeval.lisp, 12-Dec-87 13:15:04, Edit by Chiles. Defined "Slave Utility Name" and "Slave Arguments" and made CREATE-SLAVE use these to spawn Lisps. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/main.lisp, 11-Dec-87 07:24:44, Edit by Chiles. Defined and invoked "Reset Hook". /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/xcommand.lisp, 11-Dec-87 05:37:26, Edit by Chiles. Made "Region to Cut Buffer" use CURRENT-REGION, insisting it be active. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/lispbuf.lisp, 11-Dec-87 05:16:46, Edit by Chiles. Made commands use CURRENT-REGION, insisting it be active. Changed the semantics of "Editor Compile Defun" "Editor Evaluate Defun". /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/indent.lisp, 11-Dec-87 03:49:08, Edit by Chiles. Made "Indent Region" and "Indent Rigidly" use CURRENT-REGION, insisting it be active. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/fill.lisp, 11-Dec-87 03:16:15, Edit by Chiles. Made "Fill Region" use CURRENT-REGION, insisting it be active. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/filecoms.lisp, 11-Dec-87 03:12:25, Edit by Chiles. Made "Write Region" use CURRENT-REGION, insisting it be active. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/abbrev.lisp, 11-Dec-87 03:05:12, Edit by Chiles. Modified commands to use CURRENT-REGION, not insisting it be active. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/morecoms.lisp, 11-Dec-87 02:40:31, Edit by Chiles. Changed calls to PUSH-BUFFER-MARK that shouldn't activate the region. Made "Count Lines Region" and "Count Words Region" use CURRENT-REGION, not insisting it be active (for now). "Insert Page Directory" sets the command type to :ephemerally-active, so "Kill Region" can kill the inserted text. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/lispeval.lisp, 11-Dec-87 01:52:20, Edit by Chiles. Made "Edit Compiler Errors" not activate the region when it calls PUSH-BUFFER-MARK. Made commands use CURRENT-REGION, insisting it be active. Changed the semantics of "Compile Defun" and "Evaluate Defun". Fixed bug in FILE-COMPILE-TEMP-FILE. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/edit-defs.lisp, 11-Dec-87 01:32:31, Edit by Chiles. Made GO-TO-DEFINITION not activate the region when it calls PUSH-BUFFER-MARK. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/command.lisp, 11-Dec-87 01:25:22, Edit by Chiles. Made "Beginning of Buffer" and "End of Buffer" not activate the region when they call PUSH-BUFFER-MARK. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/register.lisp, 11-Dec-87 01:01:22, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in cleanup for deleted buffers -- should free register when its a mark since you cannot list it. Made "Get Register" set LAST-COMMAND-TYPE to :ephemerally-active, so "Kill Region" can kill the inserted text. /usr1/lisp/nhem/active/bindings.lisp, 10-Dec-87 23:41:40, Edit by Chiles. Added bindings for "Activate Region", "Pop and Goto Mark", and "Pop Mark". Bound "Verbose Directory" to ^X^D and destroyed translation for ^D, so I duplicated bindings for "Delete Next Character" and "Scribe Display". /usr1/lisp/nhem/macros.lisp, 10-Dec-87 16:49:39, Edit by Chiles. Made ADD-HOOK use PUSHNEW. /usr1/lisp/nhem/register.lisp, 10-Dec-87 00:08:00, Edit by Chiles. New Register hacking code. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 09-Dec-87 13:55:22, Edit by Chiles. Made bindings for "Transpose Regions" and "Directory". Added default bindings for register stuff. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 09-Dec-87 13:36:55, Edit by Chiles. Added "Transpose Regions". /usr1/lisp/nhem/doccoms.lisp, 09-Dec-87 13:20:28, Edit by Chiles. Wrote "Show Variable". /usr1/lisp/nhem/echo.lisp, 09-Dec-87 13:04:50, Edit by Chiles. Modified PROMPT-FOR-VARIABLE and wrote VARIABLE-VERIFICATION-FUNCTION to notice when a variable completion lost due to multiple entries of the same variable. /usr1/lisp/nhem/spellcoms.lisp, 09-Dec-87 01:05:57, Edit by Chiles. Made "Append to Spelling Dictionary" take an optional file argument. /usr1/lisp/nhem/edit-defs.lisp, 08-Dec-87 18:18:44, Edit by Chiles. Merged with lost sources to get back the preference translation functionality where one directory can be mapped to an ordered list of translations. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 08-Dec-87 22:54:12, Edit by Chiles. Modifed eval-notification structure, EVAL-OPERATION_COMPLETE, REGION-EVAL, and FILE-COMPILE-TEMP-FILE. Wrote PATHNAME-FOR-REMOTE-ACCESS and STRING-EVAL and the command "Load File". /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 08-Dec-87 19:48:43, Edit by Chiles. Renamed "Load File" to be "Editor Load File". /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 05-Dec-87 18:14:19, Edit by Chiles. Defined "Redisplay Hook". /usr1/lisp/nhem/display.lisp, 05-Dec-87 15:37:53, Edit by Chiles. Put a redisplay hook into REDISPLAY-WINDOW-RECENTERING. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 04-Dec-87 21:10:14, Edit by Chiles. Made SITE-WRAPPER-MACRO bind *standard-input* to a stream that disallows reads. This is to keep people from losing in "Eval" mode. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 04-Dec-87 15:00:50, Edit by Chiles. Made "Visit File" set buffer-writable, so the buffer's region could be deleted when the buffer was read only. /usr1/lisp/nhem/edit-defs.lisp, 04-Dec-87 14:54:21, Edit by Chiles. Created "Editor Definition Info" variable to control where "Edit Definition" and "Go to Definition" get their defined from information, the editor Lisp or the slave Lisp. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 04-Dec-87 13:52:46, Edit by Chiles. Made "Editor Definition Info" t in "Eval" mode. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 04-Dec-87 13:53:20, Edit by Chiles. Made "Editor Definition Info" t in "Editor" mode. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/lispeval.lisp, 02-Dec-87 13:23:27, Edit by DBM. Mofified for new name server. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 02-Dec-87 13:22:10, Edit by DBM. Modified for new name server. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 29-Nov-87 22:55:03, Edit by Chiles. Made BITMAP-DELETE-WINDOW call REMOVE-XWINDOW-OBJECT on the X window instead of the Hemlock window. /usr1/lisp/nhem/auto-save.lisp, 23-Nov-87 15:59:36, Edit by Chiles. Picked up Chris' latest version. Tweaked a defvar into a defhvar. Changed its reference and made "Save" mode be turned off when nil or an empty pathname is returned. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 23-Nov-87 14:33:19, Edit by Chiles. Fixed logic error in GET-CURRENT-SERVER. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 20-Nov-87 14:17:52, Edit by Chiles. Wrote CALL-EVAL_FORM that makes sure the server isn't busy, binds and error handler, and binds a server death handler. EVAL_FORM-IN-CLIENT and "Re-Evaluate Defvar" use this. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 20-Nov-87 13:22:23, Edit by Chiles. Made GET-HEMLOCK-CURSOR do a TRUENAME on the cursor bitmap file variable. /usr1/lisp/nhem/searchcoms.lisp, 20-Nov-87 11:56:35, Edit by Chiles. "Delete Matching Lines" modified and new "Delete Non-Matching Lines" by Chris. /usr1/lisp/nhem/killcoms.lisp, 20-Nov-87 11:58:26, Edit by Chiles. "Delete Blank Lines" added by Chris. /usr1/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 20-Nov-87 12:06:58, Edit by Chiles. Added binding for "Delete Blank Lines". /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 20-Nov-87 12:10:21, Edit by Chiles. Added Chris' "Count Words Region". /usr1/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 19-Nov-87 00:02:04, Edit by Chiles. Fixed problem with flushing random typeout with the mouse over the typeout window. Apparently when X buries a window, you do not get an exit event, but Hemlock was getting an entered event and causing the cursor to get out of sync. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 18-Nov-87 22:39:54, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote CHECK-SERVER-INFO, SUB-CHECK-SERVER-INFO, and GET-CURRENT-SERVER. Added MAYBE-CREATE-SLAVE in the process. Now when the current eval server dies, the next Lisp interaction command does not signal an error but tries to get a valid slave for the user. /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 18-Nov-87 01:07:02, Edit by Chiles. Wrote EDITOR-INPUT-METHOD-MACRO to replace the bodies of EDITOR-TTY-IN and EDITOR-WINDOW-IN. Added to the macro a test for re-entering a Hemlock input method, signalling an error if this happens. Added a binding of an error condition handler that exits Hemlock and goes into the debugger. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/bit-screen.lisp, 17-Nov-87 17:03:15, Edit by Chiles. Made enter and exit window event handlers call CURSOR-INVERT-CENTER when the cursor is dropped. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 17-Nov-87 15:40:42, Edit by Chiles. Made CREATE-SLAVE not call INIT-EDITOR-SERVER since we presumably catch nameserver crashes now. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 15-Nov-87 20:30:20, Edit by Chiles. Made "Compile File" do an update compilation. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 15-Nov-87 20:11:12, Edit by Chiles. Made "Compile File" do an update compilation. /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 15-Nov-87 18:20:19, Edit by Chiles. Fixed doc string of ED to escape some "'s. /usr1/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 15-Nov-87 17:27:12, Edit by Chiles. Made "Exit Recursive Edit" and "Abort Recursive Edit" call IN-RECURSIVE-EDIT, signalling an error when nil. /usr1/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 15-Nov-87 16:48:01, Edit by Chiles. Made EXIT-RECURSIVE-EDIT and ABORT-RECURSIVE-EDIT signal an error when not in a recursive edit. Wrote IN-RECURSIVE-EDIT. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 15-Nov-87 13:45:32, Edit by Chiles. Made "Load File" supply (or load default buffer pathname default) for :default to PROMPT-FOR-FILE. /usr1/lisp/nhem/, 15-Nov-87 13:24:00, Edit by Chiles. Renamed Integrity.Lisp to Hi-Integrity.Lisp. Created Ed-Integrity.Lisp that currently includes tty redisplay testing code. Modified Ctw.Lisp to conform with these two changes. /usr1/lisp/nhem/tty-display.lisp, 15-Nov-87 12:35:09, Edit by Chiles. Generally added major gobs of documentation. Modified: COMPUTE-TTY-CHANGES Introduced cum-inserts. Changed computation of line deletions location. Changed where deletions are done for the modeline due to excessive insertion above it. DO-SEMI-DUMB-LINE-WRITES Commented out a somewhat bogus optimization that was causing TTY-SMART-WINDOW-REDISPLAY to lose when "Scroll Redraw Ration" kicked in. DELETE-SI-LINES INSERT-SI-LINES Changed variable names. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 14-Nov-87 13:38:42, Edit by Chiles. Made "Write Region" use BUFFER-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS. /usr1/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 11-Nov-87 21:54:53, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Edit Compiler Errors" to not switch to errors buffer unless it has too. This fixes spurious redisplay when there are no errors to edit. /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 10-Nov-87 19:19:13, Edit by Chiles. Removed DEFHVAR's for "Timer Hook" and "Timer Hook Interval". /usr1/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 10-Nov-87 19:15:25, Edit by Chiles. Added page title "Time queue". This is used in editor input stream in methods in conjunction with user interfaces SCHEDULE-EVENT and REMOVE-SCHEDULED-EVENT to all the user to have functions invoked periodically. /usr1/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 09-Nov-87 21:23:37, Edit by Chiles. Added AFTER-EDITOR-INITIALIZATIONS macro. Made ED funcall stuff on *after-editor-initializations-funs* put there by the macro. /usr1/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 06-Nov-87 00:59:21, Edit by Chiles. Modified WRITE-DA-FILE and READ-DA-FILE to invoke the "Write File Hook" and "Read File Hook" hooks. eh! /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 26-Oct-87 11:36:35, Edit by Chiles. Put back in feature of restoring previous buffer in "Edit Compiler Errors" that was lost somehow. /usr2/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 25-Oct-87 17:13:04, Edit by Chiles. ROB: Split two subfunctions off of "Find File". FIND-FILE-BUFFER does all the work, returning the buffer and a flag indicating whether it created a buffer. Fixed some :prompt values. /usr2/lisp/nhem/edit-defs.lisp, 25-Oct-87 16:42:00, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in GET-DEFINITION-PATTERN for type :command. /usr0/ram/group.lisp, 04-Oct-87 15:10:49, Edit by Ram. Changed Group-Read-File to use Find-File-Buffer instead of Find-File-Command, eliminating the need for gruesome hacks to tell whether a buffer was created. This also has the beneficial side-effect of making it easy for group commands to leave to buffer history intact. Changed Do-Active-Group to restore the buffer that was current at the time the command was done. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/hunk-draw.lisp, 23-Oct-87 15:45:14, Edit by Chiles. Wrote CURSOR-INVERT-CENTER to hollow out the center of the cursor. THis is used when Hemlock is not the listener to corresspond with Xterm behaviour. Modified DROP-CURSOR and LIFT-CURSOR to use this new fun too when Hemlock is not the listener, so we don't get little black squares or empty boxes when we should. /usr2/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 23-Oct-87 15:36:25, Edit by Chiles. Inserted Chris Hoover's "Revert File" and "Mode" file option definitions. /usr2/lisp/nhem/hunk-draw.lisp, 23-Oct-87 15:24:36, Edit by Chiles. Fixed documentation for DRAW-HUNK-BOTTOM-BORDER and HUNK-REPLACE-MODELINE, stating dependencies on BITMAP-HUNK-MODELINE-POS not returning nil. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 23-Oct-87 15:16:40, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a usage of BITMAP-HUNK-MODELINE-POS that was assuming it was never nil. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/lispeval.lisp, 23-Oct-87 12:10:09, Edit by DBM. File-compile, Region-eval, and region-compile were passing a structure as a port to the servers. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 23-Oct-87 11:58:45, Edit by Chiles. Killed bindings for c-m-c and c-m-\c in "Echo Area". /usr2/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 22-Oct-87 15:43:08, Edit by Chiles. Fixed BITMAP-MAKE-WINDOW to set the thumb-bar-p slot to (and modeline-string (value thumb-bar-meter)) instead of just the Hvar's value. Windows without modelines were get a nil not number error. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 16-Oct-87 14:04:38, Edit by Chiles. Made DESCRIBE-SYMBOL-AUX slightly better with respect to (quote ) (function ). /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 15-Oct-87 22:22:13, Edit by Chiles. Made DESCRIBE-SYMBOL-AUX slightly better with respect to (quote ) (function ). /usr2/lisp/nhem/edit-defs.lisp, 15-Oct-87 21:02:29, Edit by Chiles. Added a hack to catch command definitions when looking for the name of a function, and the last sever letters of the function name are "COMMAND". /usr2/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 15-Oct-87 16:33:54, Edit by Chiles. Made HUNK-EXPOSED-OR-CHANGED take a width and height argument since the X exposedwindow handler is supposed to now and eliminated the call to FULL-WINDOW-STATE. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 12-Oct-87 16:56:14, Edit by DBM. Added auto-save.fasl to list of files loaded. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/auto-save.lisp, 12-Oct-87 16:49:34, Edit by DBM. Added to the hemlock sources. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 06-Oct-87 00:18:25, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Edit Compiler Errors" to save a pointer to the previous buffer when moving to the background buffer, and to use this before EDITOR-ERROR calls to restore the user's position. /usr2/lisp/nhem/edit-defs.lisp, 01-Oct-87 14:06:00, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote translation stuff and GO-TO-DEFINITION to handle a list of translations for a given match. This allows me to first look on vancouver, then wb1, then lisp-rt1, then fred, etc. for sources depending on which machines are down. /usr2/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 01-Oct-87 12:20:46, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Save All Files" to show the file it is going to write when prompting, and when the buffer name is not derived from the pathname, it shows both. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 30-Sep-87 22:39:37, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote BITMAP-DELETE-WINDOW to not lose when a window is made and then deleted right away. Created DELETING-WINDOW-DROP-EVENT that drops pending events for a window that is about to be deleted. Also, made BITMAP-DELETE-WINDOW lift the cursor when the window being deleted displayed the cursor. /usr2/lisp/nhem/ts.lisp, 30-Sep-87 21:57:18, Edit by Chiles. Made PROCESS_OPERATION_CONTROL-HANDLER test for *in-top-level-catcher* before throwing to top level. /usr2/lisp/nhem/tty-display.lisp, 29-Sep-87 15:40:22, Edit by Chiles. Modified TTY-SMART-CLEAR-TO-EOW and TTY-DUMB-WINDOW-REDISPLAY to clear screen image lines properly ... had some off-by-one problems. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 28-Sep-87 12:59:25, Edit by Chiles. Made "Editor Compile Defun" and "Editor Compile Region" call COMPILE-FROM-STREAM with :defined-from-pathname supplied as the buffer's pathname. /usr2/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 28-Sep-87 11:21:07, Edit by Chiles. Made FUN-DEFINED-FROM-PATHNAME test for "/..", clipping it and the machine name if it is present in the defining file name. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 25-Sep-87 11:42:25, Edit by Chiles. Modified "Set Eval Buffer" to set the global eval server always. Modified "Set Compile Server" to set the global compile server always. Rewrote or added support routines SELECT-CURRENT-SERVER, SELECT-GLOBAL-SERVER, SELECT-CURRENT-COMPILE-SERVER, SELECT-GLOBAL-COMPILE-SERVER, GET-CURRENT-SERVER, CHECK-SERVER-INFO. Modified "Select Background" to try for the current compile server's background with a prefix argument. Modified "Edit Compiler Errors" to look for a compile server before using the current eval server. Added commands "Current Eval Server" and "Current Compile Server". Introduced "Prompt for Current Server", so CHECK-SERVER-INFO does not prompt for creating a new slave but prompts for an already known server instead. /usr2/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 24-Sep-87 23:12:42, Edit by Chiles. Modified "List Buffers" to show both buffer name and pathname when the are different and both exist. /usr2/lisp/nhem/hunk-draw.lisp, 25-Sep-87 09:48:17, Edit by Chiles. Made HUNK-DRAW-BOTTOM-BORDER enhance the 80'th notch it draws. /usr2/lisp/nhem/defsyn.lisp, 24-Sep-87 23:32:57, Edit by Chiles. Made #\formfeed no longer is a whitespace character. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 24-Sep-87 23:28:26, Edit by Chiles. Did some "Argument Digit" binding. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispmode.lisp, 24-Sep-87 23:24:29, Edit by Chiles. "Minimum Lines Parsed" and "Maximum Lines Parsed" now default to 50 and 500. /usr2/lisp/nhem/searchcoms.lisp, 24-Sep-87 23:22:41, Edit by Chiles. Made "Count Occurrences" use echo area for result instead of random typeout. /usr2/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 24-Sep-87 22:16:48, Edit by Chiles. Made default for "Save All Files Confirm" be t. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 24-Sep-87 22:11:20, Edit by Chiles. Made binding for "Select Background", C-M-C. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 24-Sep-87 22:02:32, Edit by Chiles. Changed "Lisp Describe" to "Editor Describe". /usr2/lisp/nhem/doccoms.lisp, 24-Sep-87 21:56:40, Edit by Chiles. Replaced instance of LISP-DESCRIBE-COMMAND with EDITOR-DESCRIBE-COMMAND. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 24-Sep-87 21:48:36, Edit by Chiles. Removed "Eval Mode" command. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 24-Sep-87 00:21:19, Edit by Chiles. Fixed "Set Buffer Package" to not try to access nil when there isn't a current eval server. Also, made it test for the server being valid before trying to use it. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 23-Sep-87 22:49:32, Edit by Chiles. Modified GET-CURRENT-SERVER and CREATE-SERVER to use MAYBE-GET-SLAVE-NAME. /usr2/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 23-Sep-87 22:27:38, Edit by Chiles. Modified EDITOR_CONNECT-handler to handler name argument differently. Added definition of "Thumb Bar Meter" to SITE-INIT. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 23-Sep-87 15:03:12, Edit by Chiles. Made HUNK-EXPOSED-REGION and HUNK-RESET call HUNK-DRAW-BOTTOM-BORDER. /usr2/lisp/nhem/hunk-draw.lisp, 23-Sep-87 14:56:44, Edit by Chiles. Renamed HUNK-DRAW-TOP-BORDER to HUNK-DRAW-BOTTOM-BORDER and made it do it to the bottom. Made hunk-bottom-border be 10 instead of 3. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 21-Sep-87 17:13:39, Edit by Chiles. Made "Compile File" be the default binding for "Editor" mode. /usr2/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 21-Sep-87 12:55:58, Edit by Chiles. Modified EDITOR-WINDOW-IN to not use VARIABLE-VALUE four times in a loop. Likewise for EDITOR-TTY-IN. /usr2/lisp/nhem/edit-defs.lisp, 20-Sep-87 23:57:08, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote GET-DEFINTION-FILE and wrote MAYBE-TRANSLATE-DEFINITION-FILE to have definition directory translation done in the editor instead of the client. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 15-Sep-87 16:44:28, Edit by Chiles. Made prefix key translation for #\control-^ to be :control. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 14-Sep-87 22:09:42, Edit by chiles. Modified "Set Buffer Package" to use new TL:SET_PACKAGE interface. /usr2/lisp/nhem/htext4.lisp, 14-Sep-87 17:27:44, Edit by chiles. Modified DELETE-CHARACTERS to do nothing and return t when n = 0. Modified DELETE-REGION to do nothing when the region is empty. Modified DELETE-AND-SAVE-REGION to just return an empty region when its argument is empty. /usr2/lisp/nhem/htext3.lisp, 14-Sep-87 17:12:52, Edit by chiles. Modified INSERT-STRING to not modify buffer when the string is empty. INSERT-CHARACTER always modifies the buffer. INSERT-REGION wins on empty regions because of INSERT-STRING. /usr2/lisp/nhem/display.lisp, 14-Sep-87 17:14:52, Edit by chiles. Added some documentation to REDISPLAY-WINDOW-RECENTERING. Modified MAYBE-UPDATE-WINDOW-IMAGE to return to or nil based on whether it updated the window image. /usr2/lisp/nhem/cursor.lisp, 14-Sep-87 16:59:56, Edit by chiles. Modified MAYBE-RECENTER-WINDOW to return t or nil based on whether it recentered. /usr2/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 13-Sep-87 18:37:15, Edit by Chiles. Made "Log Entry Template" capitalize file author. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 13-Sep-87 17:59:15, Edit by Chiles. Modified server-info structure, removing the ll-buffer slot in favor of a slave-ts slot. Modified CREATE-SLAVE to pass the -slave switch the name of the editor server in case two people are on the same machine (in which case they must use -edit differently), and instead of using EDITOR-SLEEP, it now uses SERVER (it was returning immediately on input with EDITOR-SLEEP). Modified REGION-EVAL, REGION-COMPILE, and FILE-COMPILE to pass the slave-ts slot of the server-info structure of the notification, so terminal-io will happen in the interactive buffer for the server instead of the background buffer. /usr2/lisp/nhem/main.lisp, 13-Sep-87 14:32:47, Edit by Chiles. Added DEFHVAR's for "Input Hook", "Timer Hook", and "Timer Hook Interval". Added code in ED to handle Hemlock specific init files. /usr2/lisp/nhem/ts.lisp, 13-Sep-87 15:34:09, Edit by Chiles. Modified READ-OR-HANG to message about input waits that occur while a buffer is not visible. Introduced variable "Input Wait Alarm". /usr2/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 13-Sep-87 14:41:27, Edit by Chiles. Made editor input stream methods deal with "Input Hook", "Timer Hook", and "Timer Hook Interval". Modified EDITOR_CONNECT-HANDLER to correspond with new server-info structure. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 10-Sep-87 14:38:14, Edit by DBM. Now that Lisp no longer diddles the interrupt characters, the bare console has to be modified so that it doesn't send one of the standard control characters as part of the encoding for control characters. /usr0/ram/htext1.lisp, 10-Sep-87 13:29:50, Edit by Ram Added a without-interrupts in Close-Line and some warnings about exclusion elsewhere. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 09-Sep-87 22:09:00, Edit by Chiles. Wrote "Select Eval Buffer" command. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 09-Sep-87 21:47:46, Edit by Chiles. Rewrote the local queuing of :unsent notifications. This involved deleting all the old stuff and changing KILL-NOTIFICATION and MAYBE-QUEUE-OPERATION-REQUEST. /usr2/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 09-Sep-87 18:17:34, Edit by Chiles. Changed "Log Entry Template". /usr2/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 09-Sep-87 18:06:39, Edit by Chiles. Made MORE-READ-CHAR call REDISPLAY while looping on SERVER. /usr2/lisp/nhem/tty-display-rt.lisp, 09-Sep-87 16:00:26, Edit by Chiles. Modified INIT-TTY-DEVICE and EXIT-TTY-DEVICE to not assume that system:*file-input-handlers* had an association for Unix stdin (0). /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 08-Sep-87 14:04:00, Edit by Chiles. Replaced appropriate occurrences of "top-level" and "top level" with "eval". /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 07-Sep-87 20:56:39, Edit by Chiles. Replaced occurrences of "lisp listener" with "slave lisp" or "lisp interaction". Renamed things to to with "anonymous client lisp" to "slave". /usr2/lisp/nhem/tty-display-rt.lisp, 06-Sep-87 18:47:02, Edit by Chiles. Added some documentation to the exit method. /usr2/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 03-Sep-87 16:12:28, Edit by Chiles. Made "Directory" list Unix dot files if the prefix is supplied and made the random typeout window have the right number of lines for each listing. Made a "Verbose Directory" command like "Directory" but based on the new :verbose argument to PRINT-DIRECTORY. /usr2/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 06-Sep-87 18:07:40, Edit by Chiles. Fixed INIT-RAW-IO again to not push into system:*file-input-handlers*. Modified EDITOR_CONNECT-HANDLER to make "Slave Lisp " buffer names instead of "Lisp Listener " buffer names. /usr2/lisp/nhem/tty-display.lisp, 06-Sep-87 16:54:18, Edit by Chiles. Fixed TTY-SMART-CLEAR-TO-EOW boundary condition -- when clearing last line of window to eow, needed >= test instead of = test. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 05-Sep-87 15:52:11, Edit by Chiles. Deleted binding of "Exit Hemlock" to C-c since it is later used for "Process Control". Changed binding of "Select Lisp Listener" to be a binding for "Select Slave Lisp". Replaced occurrences of "top-level" with "eval". /usr2/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 05-Sep-87 14:08:32, Edit by Chiles. Made "List Buffers" print pathnames with the FILE-NAMESTRING first followed by two spaces and the DIRECTORY-NAMESTRING. /usr2/lisp/nhem/hunk-draw.lisp, 01-Sep-87 15:02:57, Edit by Chiles. Made CURSOR-INVERT do an X:XFLUSH. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 01-Sep-87 15:00:47, Edit by Chiles. Fixed merge lossage from re-integration with sources. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 28-Aug-87 17:05:12, Edit by Chiles. Fixed some bindings for "Editor" mode and put them on the right page. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 28-Aug-87 19:05:14, Edit by Chiles. Fixed bug in CREATE-ANONYMOUS-CLIENT-LISP and "Select Lisp Listener". Made "Set Eval Server" really define a buffer local variable when a prefix was supplied. /usr1/ram/charmacs.lisp, 25-Aug-87 19:59:00, Edit by Ram Flushed Alt and Oops character names. Added Escape as a name to shadow the initial Altmode name. Added Enter and Action as alternate names for Return and Linefeed. /usr1/ram/keytran.lisp, 25-Aug-87 19:44:24, Edit by Ram Changed delete to translate to delete rather than oops. Made all random named keys translate to a super character when shifted. Made keypad keys always translate to super characters. /usr1/ram/bindings.lisp, 25-Aug-87 19:15:10, Edit by Ram Frobbed bindings to allow rational documentation. Case-Insensitivize now translates to lowercase. Use of Insert as an Escape standin had been flushed. Insert is now used for X cut buffer operations. Bindings to Oops have been flushed. Interactive input kill/abort is now M-i/C-M-i. Flushed redundant extra bindings of mouse commands to super-clicks (except for S-left being the same as middle). Made S-Left and S-Right be illegal in the echo area. Made illegal upclicks do nothing so that you don't get annoying double errors. Made C-_ be a :Help character. Flushed M-_ binding for Help and Help on Parse. Made redundant bindings to backspace and return for C-h and C-m so that TTYs can win. (Scribe mode is still wedged pending intallation of the new Scribe insertion command.) Use Delete character name instead of Rubout. /usr2/lisp/nnhem/searchcoms.lisp, 24-Aug-87 09:17:00, Edit by Chiles Added Chris Hoover's "List Matching Lines", "Delete Matching Lines", and "Count Occurrences". Redid page breaks. /usr2/lisp/nnhem/lispeval.lisp, 23-Aug-87 18:53:42, Edit by Chiles Rewrote "Select Lisp Listener" and wrote CREATE-ANONYMOUS-CLIENT-LISP to be used in the command and GET-CURRENT-SERVER. /usr2/lisp/nnhem/tty-screen.lisp, 23-Aug-87 10:15:58, Edit by Chiles TTY-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-CLEANUP now calls REDISPLAY-WINDOW-ALL instead of funcall'ing DEVICE-DUMB-REDISPLAY directly. /usr2/lisp/nnhem/font.lisp, 22-Aug-87 14:10:06, Edit by Chiles SETF methods for changing a window's font set the hunk's trashed slot to :font-change instead of t. /usr2/lisp/nnhem/window.lisp, 21-Aug-87 19:59:19, Edit by Chiles Replaced numeric constants with symbolic ones. WINDOW-CHANGED no longer redisplays, but it does update the window image (recentering if current window). /usr2/lisp/nhem/pane.lisp, 19-Aug-87 22:34:12, Edit by Chiles Wrote OFROB-CURSOR to be the note-read-wait method for old bitmap displays. Rewrote PANE-SHOW-CURSOR. Titled pages. Documented cursor stuff. /usr2/lisp/nhem/obit-screen.lisp, 19-Aug-87 22:28:24, Edit by Chiles Added an initialization for the note-read-wait slot of the default old bitmap device to #'ofrob-cursor. OBITMAP-RANDOM-TYPEOUT-CLEANUP now calls REDISPLAY-WINDOW-ALL instead of ODUMB-WINDOW-REDISPLAY. /usr2/lisp/nhem/hunk-draw.lisp, 19-Aug-87 18:53:14, Edit by Chiles Rewrote HUNK-SHOW-CURSOR. Added FROB-CURSOR. Tweaked DROP-CURSOR and LIFT-CURSOR. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 19-Aug-87 18:49:23, Edit by Chiles Initialized note-read-wait slot of default bitmap device to #'frob-cursor which is new in Hunk-Draw.Lisp. Modified SET-WINDOW-HOOK-RAISE-FUN. Put DEFHVAR in SITE-INIT. Removed all references to BITMAP-HUNK-LOCK. Additionally modified HUNK-RESET, HUNK-EXPOSED-OR-CHANGED, and HUNK-CHANGED. HUNK-EXPOSED-OR-CHANGED now calls REDISPLAY-WINDOW-ALL instead of DUMB-WINDOW-REDISPLAY. /usr2/lisp/nhem/display.lisp, 19-Aug-87 18:46:16, Edit by Chiles Added device structure slot note-read-wait which is a function that somehow notes on the display that input is expected. This will simply be dropping the cursor for now on the RT. Rewrote REDISPLAY-LOOP to take a window variable to bind and two forms for general window redisplay and current window redisplay. Added REDISPLAY-WINDOW, REDISPLAY-WINDOW-ALL, MAYBE-UPDATE-WINDOW-IMAGE, and REDISPLAY-WINDOW-RECENTERING. Modified REDISPLAY-WINDOWS-FROM-MARK to use REDISPLAY-WINDOW-RECENTERING (which is also used by REDISPLAY). /usr2/lisp/nhem/bit-display.lisp, 19-Aug-87 14:44:03, Edit by Chiles Reorganized pages some: put smart redisplay structure definitions on the smart window redisplay page, and retitle/titled other pages. Did away with most macros, making them functions and moving their definitions below their uses. Modified some call sites and argument passing of what were macros and now are functions. Removed code from SMART-WINDOW-REDISPLAY and DUMB-WINDOW-REDISPLAY that is now encorporated into the REDISPLAY and REDISPLAY-ALL loops. Removed references and sets to BITMAP-HUNK-LOCK. /usr2/lisp/nhem/obit-display.lisp, 19-Aug-87 14:44:14, Edit by Chiles Moved definition of *current-font* from Bit-Display.Lisp to the only file using it, this one. Removed recenterp argument from OSMART-WINDOW-REDISPLAY and ODUMB-WINDOW-REDISPLAY. Also removed window image building code from these functions since it is now taken care of higher up in the redisplay calls. /usr2/lisp/nhem/tty-display-rt.lisp, 19-Aug-87 12:26:13, Edit by Chiles Modified INIT-TTY-DEVICE and EXIT-TTY-DEVICE to destructively modify system:*file-input-handlers*. Now the standard input file descriptor used for terminal streams is associated with an editor input handler instead of the editor having its own file descriptor. /usr2/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 18-Aug-87 15:29:01, Edit by Chiles Modified INIT-RAW-IO to not open the tty device. Now, it simply assumes Unix standard input. Modified TTY-BEEP to not write to the editor's file descriptor which is Unix standard input but to write to 1 (Unix standard output). Put DEFHVAR for "Set Window Autoraise" in SITE-INIT. Modified SHOW-MARK to call REDISPLAY-WINDOW instead of calling the smart redisplay method out of the device. Made editor connect handler store lisp listener buffer in server-info slot. /usr2/lisp/nhem/tty-display.lisp, 18-Aug-87 15:13:41, Edit by Chiles Moved INIT-TTY-DEVICE and EXIT-TTY-DEVICE to Tty-Display-Rt.Lisp. Deleted code from TTY-SMART-WINDOW-REDISPLAY and TTY-SEMI-DUMB-WINDOW-REDISPLAY that was folded into the REDISPLAY and REDISPLAY-ALL loops. Likewise for TTY-DUMB-WINDOW-REDISPLAY. Also deleted recenterp arguments from all these functions. /usr2/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 18-Aug-87 14:13:43, Edit by Chiles Made EDITOR-TTY-IN and EDITOR-WINDOW-IN drop and lift the cursor at most once, not each time SERVER is called. /usr2/lisp/nhem/vars.lisp, 18-Aug-87 13:29:37, Edit by Chiles Fixed error form for GET-MODE-OBJECT to say the argument is not a defined mode instead of saying NIL isn't. /usr2/lisp/nhem/buffer.lisp, 18-Aug-87 13:28:01, Edit by Chiles Fixed MODE-MAJOR-P to return MODE-OBJECT-MAJOR-P instead of MODE-OBJECT-NAME. /usr2/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 11-Aug-87 12:03:46, Edit by Chiles JR fixed "List Buffers" to print the pathname of the buffer unless there was not one or the buffer names was not derived from it. Otherwise, print the buffer name. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 30-Jul-87 15:26:08, Edit by Chiles Added binding for C-M-\L to "Illegal" in "Echo Area" mode. /usr2/lisp/nhem/line.lisp, 29-Jul-87 15:28:41, Edit by Chiles Rob documented the line defstruct, eliminating the chars slot in favor of always having the %chars slot. Added a macro for LINE-%CHARS instead of symbol-function and symbol-plist hackery. /usr2/lisp/nhem/struct.lisp, 29-Jul-87 15:31:55, Edit by Chiles Fixed documentation on COMMANDP. /usr2/lisp/nhem/echo.lisp, 28-Jul-87 16:26:44, Edit by Chiles Merged some code from the Perq to fix up current buffer and window when trying to confirm a non-existent parse. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 26-Jul-87 20:13:05, Edit by Chiles Made SET-WINDOW-HOOK-RAISE-FUN look at the value of "Set Window Autoraise". /usr2/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 26-Jul-87 19:59:31, Edit by Chiles Made EDITOR-SLEEP loop around SERVER using its timeout functionality instead of busy looping. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 26-Jul-87 20:04:08, Edit by Chiles Made loop waiting for anonymous client lisp use EDITOR-SLEEP which loops around SERVER. Before, the client Lisp could never connect since SERVER was never being called. Wrote "Select Lisp Listener" command. /usr2/lisp/nhem/tty-display.lisp, 26-Jul-87 18:56:41, Edit by Chiles Fixed display bug involving lines that are both new and changed (seen often in the echo area for some reason). /usr2/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 25-Jul-87 19:37:16, Edit by Chiles Fixed "Select Previous Buffer" to not call "Circulate Buffer" since it doesn't exist. /usr2/lisp/nhem/macros.lisp, 25-Jul-87 18:30:59, Edit by Chiles Made LISP-ERROR-ERROR-HANDLER have an E command that reports the condition it was called on in a pop-up window. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispeval.lisp, 25-Jul-87 19:28:23, Edit by Chiles Made FILE-COMPILE use a temporary output file for compiler output when its ouput-file argument is not t. This temporary file is publicly writeable in case the eval server is running on another machine. /usr2/lisp/nhem/edit-defs.lisp, 25-Jul-87 19:25:32, Edit by Chiles Made "Go to Definition" and "Edit Definition" use the client Lisp to determine where something is defined. Had to restructure the code significantly, but it can be put back to non-eval-server functionality easily and cleanly. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 23-Jul-87 11:07:22, Edit by Chiles Added bindings for "Process Control", "Editor Evaluate Expression", and "Select Lisp Listener". Rompsite.Lisp, while doing eval-server, Edit by Chiles Tty streams now loop over SERVER for input, so the eval-server stuff can be used on terminals. There are a couple new functions for connection to editor servers. Lispeval.Lisp, while doing eval-server, Edit by Chiles This is a new file replacing a lot of commands in Lispbuf.Lisp with similar commands that use the eval server interface. New in this file from the Perq implementation is function description. Ts.Lisp, while doing eval-server, Edit by Chiles This is a new file that implements the server side of the typescript protocol. Morecoms.Lisp, while doing eval-server, Edit by Chiles Made "Do Nothing", typically bound to up mouse clicks, propagate the last command type (as if nothing happened). This was needed to make super-rightup keep the command type of super-rightdown ("Insert Kill Buffer"). Keytran.Lisp, while doing eval-server, Edit by Chiles Made shift-mouseclicks send super-mouseclick. Bindings.Lisp, while doing eval-server, Edit by Chiles Addeds lots of new bindings and changed a few with respect to the eval-server stuff going in. Bit-Screen.Lisp, while doing eval-server, Edit by Chiles Fixed initial windows hook to keep echo area border visible on the screen by hacking in another -2 pixels. This might be because X has by default moves windows down from the top, so the top borders will show. /usr1/ram/lispmode.lisp, 01-Jul-87 12:04:59, Edit by Ram Fixed Quest-For-Balancing-Paren to use the net-open and net-close information correctly. It's silly to go to the trouble of computing this information, and then (incorrectly) compute a paren balance by subtracting the two. /usr2/lisp/nhem/streams.lisp, 19-Jun-87 18:02:55, Edit by Chiles Merged in some fixes from old Perq version. /usr2/lisp/nhem/lispbuf.lisp, 19-Jun-87 17:54:25, Edit by Chiles Changed the following command names to be prefixed by "Editor ": "Editor Evaluate Defun" "Editor Re-evaluate Defvar" "Editor Evaluate Expression" "Editor Compile Defun" "Editor Compile Region" "Editor Evaluate Region" "Editor Evaluate Buffer" "Editor Compile File" "Editor Compile Group" "Editor Describe Function Call" "Editor Describe Symbol". Removed old reference to KILL-TOP-LEVEL-INPUT-COMMAND in "Top-Level Eval". /usr2/lisp/nhem/killcoms.lisp, 19-Jun-87 17:39:34, Edit by Chiles Wrote BUFFER-MARK which is to CURRENT-MARK as BUFFER-POINT is to CURRENT-POINT. /usr2/lisp/nhem/filecoms.lisp, 16-Jun-87 23:25:52, Edit by Chiles Removed the definition of the "Package" file option, placing a new version in Lispbuf.Lisp. /usr2/lisp/nhem/srccom.lisp, 18-Jun-87 10:23:01, Edit by Chiles Made "Compare Buffers" and "Merge Buffers" only handle the current region in each buffer when the prefix argument is supplied. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bindings.lisp, 16-Jun-87 14:09:20, Edit by Chiles Added bindings for super- characters. Added binding for "Exit Hemlock". Added binding for "Circulate Buffer". /usr2/lisp/nhem/morecoms.lisp, 15-Jun-87 22:18:26, Edit by Chiles Made "Do Nothing" set the last command type to its current value. Added "Insert Kill Buffer". /usr2/lisp/nhem/echocoms.lisp, 15-Jun-87 13:47:15, Edit by Chiles Made "Help on Parse" check for *parse-help* being nil. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 08-Jun-87 12:20:39, Edit by Chiles Modified DEFAULT-CREATE-INITIAL-WINDOWS-HOOK to added in a couple more border widths, so the echo area's bottom border is visible. ************************* /usr1/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.lisp, 03-Jun-87 10:09:24, Edit by DBM. All references to the accint package have been changed to Mach. /usr1/lisp/hemlock/obit-screen.lisp, 03-Jun-87 10:05:34, Edit by DBM. All references to the accint package have been changed to Mach. /usr2/lisp/nhem/tty-display.lisp, 01-Jun-87 21:25:15, Edit by Chiles Modified TTY-SMART-WINDOW-REDISPLAY to punt insert/delete line optimizations in favor of redrawing every altered line when "Scroll Redraw Ratio" is exceeded. /usr2/lisp/nhem/command.lisp, 01-Jun-87 21:12:21, Edit by Chiles "Scroll Redraw Ratio" is a new Hemlock variable that controls the abortion of insert/delete line optimization in terminal redisplay in favor of redrawing all altered lines. This is used in Tty-Display.Lisp. /usr2/lisp/nhem/tty-display.lisp, 27-May-87 14:38:50, Edit by Chiles Wrote TTY-SMART-CLEAR-TO-EOW to use the internal screen image instead of TTY-SEMI-DUMB-WINDOW-REDISPLAY and TTY-SMART-WINDOW-REDISPLAY using the clear-to-eow method that clears every line disregarding internal information. /usr2/lisp/nhem/rompsite.lisp, 26-May-87 16:14:27, Edit by Chiles Modified EDITOR-TTY-IN to detect lowercase control g's. /usr2/lisp/nhem/bit-screen.lisp, 25-May-87 17:40:30, Edit by Chiles Modified arguments to X window event handlers as per the changes in X.Lisp. /usr1/ram/spellcoms.lisp, 22-May-87 04:02:19, Edit by Ram Fixed Fix-Word to bump the mark in the all uppercase case even when the word is already in the hashtable. /usr1/ram/echo.lisp, 14-May-87 13:07:07, Edit by Ram Changed Message to use displayed-p on the buffer end to tell whether the echo area needs to be cleared rather than just counting the lines. This works much better in the presence of wrapped lines. /usr1/ram/cursor.lisp, 14-May-87 13:02:09, Edit by Ram Changed renamed Display-P to %Displayed-P, and wrote Displayed-P which does an update-window-iamge before calling %Displayed-P. /usr2/lisp/xhem/xcommand.lisp, 12-May-87 16:00:16, Edit by Chiles This is a new file of X specific commands. Currently it only contains "Insert Cut Buffer" and "Region to Cut Buffer". /usr2/lisp/xhem/keyboard_codes.lisp, 12-May-87 15:55:42, Edit by Chiles Modified some translations to work better with the new key bindings. /usr2/lisp/xhem/lispbuf.lisp, 12-May-87 14:43:15, Edit by Chiles Added "List Compile File" and "Re-evaluate Defvar". /usr2/lisp/xhem/command.lisp, 12-May-87 14:07:11, Edit by Chiles Modified "Self Insert" and "Quoted Insert" to handler new TEXT-CHARACTER in Rompsite.Lisp. /usr2/lisp/xhem/morecoms.lisp, 12-May-87 14:01:29, Edit by Chiles Made "List Buffers" on a prefix argument list only modified buffers. /usr2/lisp/xhem/main.lisp, 12-May-87 12:55:51, Edit by Chiles Stopped ED from calling REDISPLAY-ALL when the editor has been entered already and moved this into the device init methods that require this. /usr2/lisp/xhem/lispmode.lisp, 12-May-87 12:53:32, Edit by Chiles Blasted a couple bogus type declarations on some DEFSTRUCT slots. Inserted a few lines to LISP-INDENTATION from my init file. /usr2/lisp/xhem/indent.lisp, 12-May-87 12:48:29, Edit by Chiles Replaced a couple SCAN-CHAR and REV-SCAN-CHAR uses with FIND-ATTRIBUTE and REVERSE-FIND-ATTRIBUTE, so compilation in a Lisp without Hemlock wouldn't lose. /usr2/lisp/xhem/filecoms.lisp, 12-May-87 12:42:08, Edit by Chiles Renamed "New Window" to "Split Window", and made "New Window" prompt the user for a window. /usr2/lisp/xhem/charmacs.lisp, 12-May-87 12:24:05, Edit by Chiles Modified character name a-list. Rob Flushed addition of the command-bits feature and added the all-bit-names constant. /usr2/lisp/xhem/window.lisp, 12-May-87 11:47:35, Edit by Chiles This contains the stuff we still need from Owindow.Lisp and some new stuff brought over from the Perq. /usr2/lisp/xhem/tty-screen.lisp, 12-May-87 11:43:55, Edit by Chiles Modified to fit the new device independent structure, adding beep and finish-output methods. Creating and Deleting window methods now set *screen-image-trashed since not all devices need this. Random typeout methods got an extra argument that we ignore. /usr2/lisp/xhem/struct.lisp, 12-May-87 11:37:25, Edit by Chiles Modified window, dis-line, and font structures. When the old bitmap stuff goes away, so will a few slots of windows. Also, some old setf stuff for old font information will go away. /usr2/lisp/xhem/screen.lisp, 12-May-87 11:34:06, Edit by Chiles Modified to be once-again device independent with respect to the addition of Hemlock running under X windows. MAKE-WINDOW and DELETE-WINDOW no longer set *screen-image-trashed* since this isn't necessary for all devices. /usr2/lisp/xhem/rompsite.lisp, 12-May-87 00:56:01, Edit by Chiles SITE-INIT is all new and defines some Hemlock variables for controlling some of the X activity. INIT-RAW-IO is much bigger now for initializing stuff when we are running under X. *editor-windowed-input* is set to t when we are running under X, and WINDOWED-MONITOR-P returns the value of this variable for use is other files. BEEP was moved to Code:Machio.Lisp, and there's a couple different beeping methods in here now that get called as a result of *beep-function* being bound by SITE-WRAPPER-MACRO. HEMLOCK-WINDOW calls *hemlock-window-mngt* when *current-window* is bound, which happens going in and out of Hemlock. The X scan code translation mechanism lives here, but the initialization is in Keytran.Lisp. Terminal translation now downcases control characters to interact more smoothly with the new Hemlock key translation and binding scheme. There are now different types of editor input streams that all a head and tail pointer into an input queue of events. One is used for terminals and flat bitmap screens, and the other uses SERVER for windowed input under X. TEXT-CHARACTER is new and now more correct. There is a page of X support: getting a Hemlock cursor, setting up a grey pixmap for border frobbing, cut buffer manipulation, and naming windows. /usr2/lisp/xhem/owindow.lisp, 12-May-87 00:52:54, Edit by Chiles This file used to be Window.Lisp. It now contains only the old bitmap related code for setting up a windows image. /usr2/lisp/xhem/ofont.lisp, 12-May-87 00:51:35, Edit by Chiles This file used to be Font.Lisp. It now contains only the few things necessary for old bitmap font interfacing. /usr2/lisp/xhem/obit-screen.lisp, 12-May-87 00:43:50, Edit by Chiles This file used to be Screen-Bit.Lisp. Shared stuff has been moved to the new file by the old name. Window creation and deletion methods now set *screen-image-trashed* since this is not meaningful across all devices. /usr2/lisp/xhem/obit-display.lisp, 12-May-87 00:40:35, Edit by Chiles This file used to be Bit-Display.Lisp. Shared stuff has been moved to the new file by the old name. /usr2/lisp/xhem/macros.lisp, 12-May-87 00:35:30, Edit by Chiles WITH-RANDOM-TYPEOUT has been modified to handle new termination functionality involved with running Hemlock under X. LISP-ERROR-ERROR-HANDLER no longer calls REDISPLAY after returning from a BREAK. This is the responsibility of the device's init method if it is necessary. /usr2/lisp/xhem/keytran.lisp, 12-May-87 00:30:18, Edit by Chiles This is a new file. It contains the initialization of the keyboard translations for Hemlock running under X. These were too numerous to leave in Rompsite since there is no hack for generating the translations. /usr2/lisp/xhem/hunk-draw.lisp, 12-May-87 00:28:02, Edit by Chiles This is a new file, a kin to Pane.Lisp. It contains screen painting routines for Hemlock running under X windows. This includes cursor and border manipulation. /usr2/lisp/xhem/font.lisp, 12-May-87 00:12:10, Edit by Chiles This is a new file, replacing the currently named Ofont.Lisp. It contains the pseudo-independent Hemlock font information implementation. This includes stuff particular for running Hemlock under X windows and stuff that is used by the other bitmap redisplay/screen manager code. /usr2/lisp/xhem/display.lisp, 12-May-87 00:09:23, Edit by Chiles The device structure has been modified to handle new methods, such as beeping and finishing output. The device-clear method is now optional. The entry points into redisplay have been modified to encorporate the needs of Hemlock running under X windows. /usr2/lisp/xhem/bit-screen.lisp, 11-May-87 23:16:26, Edit by Chiles This is a new file, replacing the currently named Obit-Screen.Lisp. It contains the event handlers for selected events on Hemlock windows, the screen management methods for Hemlock running under X windows, the random typeout methods, and screen manager initialization. /usr2/lisp/xhem/bit-hunk-stream.lisp, 11-May-87 22:43:36, Edit by Chiles This is a new file. It contains the bitmap-hunk-output-stream structure definition and the associated methods. This is used for random typeout. /usr2/lisp/xhem/bit-display.lisp, 11-May-87 22:38:47, Edit by Chiles This is a new file, replacing the currently named Obit-Display.Lisp. It contains the bitmap-hunk structure and the X related redisplay methods.d /usr1/ram/cursor.lisp, 08-May-87 05:02:09, Edit by Ram Totally rewrote dis-line-offset-guess, making it dramatically simpler and more correct by making it do only what is needed for the scrolling functions, rather than attempting to make it preserve position within the line. /../chiles/usr/lisp/hemlock/bindings.lisp, 29-Apr-87 23:33:27, Edit by Ram Massively revised bindings now that we have key-translations and a real meta key. C-Z and Escape are now handled as bit-prefix characters, so all explicit bindings containing these have been flushed. Key translations are used to make things case-insensitive, so duplicate bindings for different case have been flushed. All the C-/Escape bindings pairs have been replaced with M-. This is the main user-interface change. Also the commands previously bound to C-Z M- have been rebound to C-M- (i.e. control meta shift). This is necessary since C-Z M- is just C-M- due to the bit prefix mechanism. We selectively flush the uppercasing translation for the control meta chars used in this way. In a more rt-specific change, uses of Help have been replaced with Home. /usr/ram/interp.lisp, 30-Apr-87 00:36:04, Edit by Ram New Key-Translation mechanism replaces key links. A key translation specifies a substitution that is done one key arguments to the bindings functions. When the translated-from key appears as a subsequence of the key to be translated, that subsequence is replaced with the translation. There is also a mechanism for defining bit-prefix characters. The key-table code has been changed a fair amount. Key-tables are now structures. The conditionalization off of the commands-bits feature has been flushed. Keys are no longer internally assumed to be simple-vectors so that we can use vectors with fill-pointers as internal buffers. Also put in a few doc strings and made crunch-key allow any seqence and check that the components are characters. The type check was in the PERQ version but got lost. /usr/ram/spellcoms.slisp, 12-Apr-87 10:57:44, Edit by Ram Fixed Spell-Replace-Word not to consider words beginning with #\' to be capitalized. /../wb1/usr/chiles/nhem/lispmode.slisp, 04-Apr-87 22:44:36, Edit by Chiles Modified "Transpose Forms" such that (form1) ;comment (form2) became (form2) ;comment (form1) instead of ;comment (form2) (form1) /../wb1/usr/chiles/nhem/tty-display.slisp, 26-Mar-87 18:51:40, Edit by Chiles Fixed bug in TTY-SEMI-DUMB-WINDOW-REDISPLAY and TTY-SMART-WINDOW-REDISPLAY that came up when writing the modeline. Put in an UNWIND-PROTECT around TTY-SMART-LINE-REDISPLAY since it can throw out of redisplay leaving the terminal in standout mode. /../wb1/usr/chiles/nhem/htext1.slisp, 26-Mar-87 18:10:15, Edit by Chiles Modified MODIFYING-BUFFER to invoke new "Buffer Modified Hook" when the buffer went from unmodified to modified. /../wb1/usr/chiles/nhem/main.slisp, 26-Mar-87 17:49:12, Edit by Chiles Added definition for "Buffer Modified Hook" and changed definition for "Default Modeline String". /../wb1/usr/chiles/nhem/window.slisp, 26-Mar-87 17:37:32, Edit by Chiles Made %INIT-REDISPLAY add QUEUE-BUFFER-CHANGES to new "Buffer Modified Hook". Made DEFAULT-MODELINE-FUNCTION-FUNCTION return one more value, whether the buffer is modified. /../wb1/usr/chiles/nhem/buffer.slisp, 26-Mar-87 18:14:08, Edit by Chiles Made %SET-BUFFER-MODIFIED to invoke new "Buffer Modified Hook" on sense. /usr1/ram/group.slisp, 20-Mar-87 14:10:56, Edit by Ram Changed the "Group Search" commands to feel more like the "Query Replace" commands. :Yes now exits instead of skipping, skipping is moved to :No and skipping the rest of the file is move to :Do-All. /usr/ram/searchcoms.slisp, 19-Mar-87 00:04:09, Edit by Ram Changed query-replace-function to set up the search pattern itself. Also made it error if the count is specified and negative, rather than trying to do replacement backwards and getting it wrong. Also restore the search pattern after a recursive edit. /usr/ram/group.slisp, 19-Mar-87 00:31:13, Edit by Ram Fixed up a bunch of things. Indirect filespecs are parsed normally; it is no longer assumed that the rest of the line is the name of the file. The default file name is no longer capitalized. Temporary search buffers are no longer renamed to "Group Search", making exiting from searches more well-defined. "Group Search" restores the search pattern after a recursive edit. /usr/lisp/nhem/lispmode.slisp, 12-Mar-87 16:05:30, Edit by Chiles Rewrote TOP-LEVEL-OFFSET to be correct and to not move the mark unless it could really do the offset. Modified INSIDE-DEFUN-P to not return t when point is between a top level form and the beginning of the buffer. Added START-DEFUN-P to be used in heavily modified versions of "End of Defun" and "Mark Defun" commands. /../wb1/usr/chiles/nhem/lispmode.slisp, 03-Mar-87 17:33:05, Edit by Chiles Fixed LISP-INDENTATION to do a "generic" indent instead of simply returning 0. This fixes doc strings. /../wb1/usr/chiles/nhem/indent.slisp, 27-Feb-87 14:18:59, Edit by Chiles Fixed "Indent" command to only affect argument number of lines (instead of one too many) when the prefix argument is supplied. Rewrote INDENT-REGION-FOR-COMMANDS to be much simpler, fixing a couple irritatingly buggy special cases. /../wb1/usr/chiles/nhem/fill.slisp, 27-Feb-87 12:18:50, Edit by Chiles Fixed "Fill Paragrah" command's undoability. When a prefix was added to the first line, it was ignored by the undo region do to a :left-inserting mark. /usr1/ram/text.slisp, 23-Feb-87 11:00:53, Edit by Ram The "Paragraph Delimiter Function" variable is now used to determine whether a line is a paragraph break. This is used by Scribe mode. /usr1/ram/spellcoms.slisp, 23-Feb-87 10:52:18, Edit by Ram "Spell Correct Unique Spelling Immediately" (on by default) causes an unknown word with only one correction to be corrected immediately in auto-spell mode, rather than requiring "Correct Last Misspelled Word" to be done. The "Undo Last Spelling Correction" command undoes the last incremental spelling correction and places the word in the dictionary. "Spell Ignore Uppercase" (off by default) causes all-uppercase unknown words to be ignored. /usr1/ram/defsyn.slisp, 23-Feb-87 10:50:01, Edit by Ram Changed definition of "Lisp Syntax" attribute for new Lisp mode primitives. /usr1/ram/lispbuf.slisp, 23-Feb-87 10:48:54, Edit by Ram Changed to use new Lisp mode primitives. /usr1/ram/htext1.slisp, 23-Feb-87 10:19:19, Edit by Ram Deleted old line-plist support. The user directly accesses the Plist slot now that he is responsible for keeping treack of when it changes. /usr1/ram/line.slisp, 23-Feb-87 10:17:30, Edit by Ram Merged in code to implement the documented line-plist/line-signature semantics. This code somehow never got merged in from the PERQ version. /usr1/ram/scribe.slisp, 20-Feb-87 16:25:07, Edit by Ram A real Scribe mode. Has general bracket balancing, and knows about paragraph boundaries. Also various commands for inserting Scribe directives bound to C-H mumble. /usr1/ram/bindings.slisp, 20-Feb-87 14:22:45, Edit by Ram New bindings for "Undo Last Spelling Correction" and Scribe mode commands. /usr1/ram/lispmode.slisp, 18-Feb-87 11:42:22, Edit by Ram New Lisp mode primitives, courtesy of Ivan (Crash and burn like an unblanced paren Vazquez. These primitives know about Lisp commenting and quotation conventions, and ignoring meaningless parens and quotes. This is done by pre-parsing the lines in the buffer, annotating them with information about the quoted areas on the line. Forward-Form and Backward-Form are gone, replaced by Form-Offset. Similarly, Forward-List and Backward-List are replaced by List-Offset. All users of these Lisp parsing primitives must call Pre-Command-Parse-Check or equivalent to ensure that the buffer is properly annotated. This function calls the values of "Parse Start Function" and "Parse End Function" to determine the area of the buffer to parse. The default parse start and end functions use "Minimum Lines Parsed", "Maximum Lines Parsed" and "Defun Parse Goal" to determine how much stuff to parse. I also reimplemented Lisp indentation. Other than general cleanup, use of newly avilable syntax information, and bug fixes, the major changes are: -- Unless there is a reason otherwise, indentation for a form will be copied from the previous form. -- If no special args appear on the same line with the form name, then the special args are indented four spaces. This is useful with Unwind-Protect and Multiple-Value-Bind. -- DEFxxx is now uniformly treated as a two-arg special form, rather than being bizzarely special-cased. "Indent Defanything" controls this behavior. -- Lines in the middle of a quoted string are not indented, rather than being indented as though they were lines of code. This eliminates spurious whitespace in multi-line strings. /usr/lisp/hemlock/termcap.slisp, 17-Feb-87 12:04:32, Edit by Chiles Made GET-TERMCAP handle TERMCAP environment variable. /usr/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.slisp, 17-Feb-87 11:48:16, Edit by Chiles Modified SITE-WRAPPER-MACRO to call init/exit methods out of the device. EDITOR-LISTEN now loops a parameter number of times which can be set when using a slow line to make sure the editor listens for input before wasting redisplay effort. /usr/lisp/hemlock/tty-display.slisp, 16-Feb-87 17:05:01, Edit by Chiles Added "semi dumb" terminal redisplay. This is used for terminals without add line and delete line. Made INIT-TTY-DEVICE (renamed) and EXIT-TTY-DEVICE (renamed) call standard init/exit function from Rompsite.Slisp. /usr/lisp/hemlock/macros.slisp, 14-Feb-87 01:33:08, Edit by Chiles Made LISP-ERROR-ERROR-HANDLER call init/exit methods out of the device when going in and out of Hemlock. /usr/lisp/hemlock/bit-screen.slisp, 14-Feb-87 01:08:15, Edit by Chiles Added INIT-BITMAP-DEVICE and EXIT-BITMAP-DEVICE. Now whenever the editor is exited or entered there is a method to be called in the device structure. /usr/lisp/hemlock/main.slisp, 14-Feb-87 00:27:47, Edit by Chiles Made ED reflect new SITE-WRAPPER-MACRO in Rompsite.Slisp. /usr/lisp/hemlock/tty-screen.slisp, 14-Feb-87 00:13:44, Edit by Chiles Modified MAKE-DEVICE to reflect new "semi dumb" redisplay ability. /usr/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.slisp, 12-Feb-87 13:02:40, Edit by DBM. A bug in get-editor-input was causing Hemlock to drop characters. There used to be a (setq *events* before the (rplacd (last *events*... /usr/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.slisp, 10-Feb-87 15:58:23, Edit by DBM. Modified all the unix package specifiers to be mach. /usr/lisp/hemlock/tty-display-rt.slisp, 10-Feb-87 15:54:04, Edit by DBM. Modified all the unix package specifiers to be mach. /usr/lisp/hemlock/spell-rt.slisp, 10-Feb-87 15:52:41, Edit by DBM. Modified all the unix package specifiers to be mach. /usr/lisp/hemlock/macros.slisp, 10-Feb-87 15:51:58, Edit by DBM. Modified all the unix package specifiers to be mach. /usr/lisp/hemlock/files.slisp, 10-Feb-87 15:49:03, Edit by DBM. Modified all the unix package specifiers to be mach. /usr/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.slisp, 14-Jan-87 14:20:03, Edit by DBM. Wrapped a catch of redisplay-catcher around the redisplay form in show-mark -- otherwise sometimes a bad throw would happen. /usr/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.slisp, 14-Jan-87 14:05:30, Edit by DBM. Export pause-hemlock, so that the command works. /usr/lisp/hemlock/tty-hunk-stream.slisp, 14-Jan-87 11:58:52, Edit by Chiles Fixed scrolling for random typeout -- forgot to local variable to line 0 TTY-HUNK-STREAM-NEWLINE. /usr/lisp/hemlock/bit-screen.slisp, 13-Jan-87 16:45:31, Edit by DBM. Modified bitmap-make-window so that it creates a bitmap-hunk instead of device-hunk to describe the device. Also added the arguments :device, :text-pane, and :modeline-pane to the call. /usr/lisp/hemlock/macros.slisp, 12-Jan-87 12:56:43, Edit by DBM. Changed device-random-output-stream to device-random-typeout-stream. /usr/lisp/hemlock/tty-screen.slisp, 11-Jan-87 17:03:35, Edit by Chiles This is a new file. It contains terminal screen management initialization, device methods for window operations, and device methods for random typeout. /usr/lisp/hemlock/tty-hunk-stream.slisp, 11-Jan-87 16:58:52, Edit by Chiles This is a new file. It contains stream-hunk and tty-hunk-stream structure definitions and stream operations. This is used for random typeout. /usr/lisp/hemlock/tty-display.slisp, 10-Jan-87 15:35:09, Edit by Chiles This is a new file. It contains terminal device structures, hunk structures, and other structures needed for terminal redisplay methods. /usr/lisp/hemlock/tty-display-rt.slisp, 31-Dec-86 01:12:12, Edit by Chiles This is a new file. It contains RT specific, terminal redisplay code. /usr/lisp/hemlock/termcap.slisp, 11-Jan-87 16:36:33, Edit by Chiles This is a new file. It contains code for building a representation of terminal capabilities from Unix termcap files. /usr/lisp/hemlock/screen.slisp, 11-Jan-87 16:30:31, Edit by Chiles This is a new file. The previous contents are now in Bit-Screen.Slisp -- see log entry below. This file contains new %INIT-SCREEN-MANAGER, PREPARE-FOR-RANDOM-TYPEOUT, and RANDOM-TYPEOUT-CLEANUP functions, and it contains new window operations that dispatch off the device structure -- MAKE-WINDOW, NEXT-WINDOW, PREVIOUS-WINDOW, and DELETE-WINDOW. /usr/lisp/hemlock/rompsite.slisp, 11-Jan-87 16:06:26, Edit by Chiles Organized file into logical partitions with page markers. Added *editor-console-input* to be used in GET-EDITOR-INPUT, which should go away when we are on a window system -- maybe a device method for translating input characters or even getting them. Modified INIT-RAW-IO to set *editor-console-input*. Modified SITE-WRAPPER-MACRO, so it does not signal an error if it cannot find a bitmap device. Added terminal character translation tables and TTY-TRANSLATE-CHAR. Added SLEEP-FOR-TIME to be used in input stuff and SHOW-MARK. Rewrote SHOW-MARK code to dispatch off of device. Added functions CONSOLEP and GET-TERMINAL-NAME for use in Screen.Slisp. Modified BUILD-HEMLOCK to be consistent with new files. /usr/lisp/hemlock/main.slisp, 11-Jan-87 16:00:36, Edit by Chiles Modified ED to call any device init or exit function going in or out of ED. /usr/lisp/hemlock/display.slisp, 11-Jan-87 14:35:16, Edit by Chiles This is a new file. The previous contents are now in Bit-Display.Slisp -- see log entry below. This file contains device structure definitions for redisplay methods and device-hunk structure definitions for claiming areas of the screens. It contains the entry points into redisplay. /usr/lisp/hemlock/bit-screen.slisp, 11-Jan-87 15:03:07, Edit by Chiles Created from old Screen.Slisp. Removed functions MAKE-WINDOW, NEXT-WINDOW, PREVIOUS-WINDOW, DELETE-WINDOW, PREPARE-FOR-RANDOM-TYPEOUT, and RANDOM-TYPEOUT-CLEANUP putting them in the new Screen.Slisp. Added bitmap device funs, bitmap-hunk structure definition, new initialization function for bitmap screen management, new bitmap window operation methods (make, delete, next, previous), and new random typeout setup and cleanup for bitmaps. Deleted screen-hunk structure definition. /usr/lisp/hemlock/bit-display.slisp, 11-Jan-87 14:50:38, Edit by Chiles Created file from old Display.Slisp. Removed functions REDISPLAY, REDISPLAY-ALL, and REDISPLAY-WINDOWS-FROM-MARK putting them in the new Display.Slisp. /usr/lisp/hemlock/window.slisp, 28-Dec-86 21:46:17, Edit by Chiles Modified %REDISPLAY-INIT to initialize the device before calling REDISPLAY-ALL. /usr/lisp/hemlock/macros.slisp, 18-Dec-86 17:14:25, Edit by Chiles Rewrote WITH-RANDOM-TYPEOUT to grab the random typeout stream from the device structure gotten from the current window. /usr/slisp/hemlock/macros.slisp, 22-Oct-86 22:11:22, Edit by Chiles Error-error handler calls BREAK on the condition instead of the string "Hemlock Debug". /usr/slisp/hemlock/rompsite.slisp, 22-Oct-86 22:01:22, Edit by Chiles Setup for spell files. /usr/slisp/hemlock/spell-build.slisp, 22-Oct-86 17:48:02, Edit by Chiles /usr/slisp/hemlock/spellcoms.slisp, 22-Oct-86 17:47:04, Edit by Chiles /usr/slisp/hemlock/spell-augment.slisp, 22-Oct-86 17:46:21, Edit by Chiles /usr/slisp/hemlock/spell-correct.slisp, 22-Oct-86 17:45:29, Edit by Chiles The spelling correction stuff has been rewritten substantially. This is the RT implementation. These files should be implementation independent, modulo their use of Spell-Rt.Slisp. /usr/slisp/hemlock/spell-rt.slisp, 22-Oct-86 17:38:27, Edit by Chiles Created this file to contain implementation dependent spelling code. /usr/slisp/hemlock/bindings.slisp, 22-Oct-86 17:35:48, Edit by Chiles Used the new DO-ALPHA-CHARS macro from Charmacs.Slisp to do key linking. Also, uncommented the spelling bindings. /usr/slisp/hemlock/edit-defs.slisp, 11-Oct-16 16:56:45, Edit by Chiles Created this file to contain the stuff just removed from Lispmode.Slisp. /usr/slisp/hemlock/lispmode.slisp, 10-Oct-16 12:53:41, Edit by Chiles Rewrote GET-DEFINITION-FILE to match longer, more specific directory specification before matching shorter, less specific specifications. Before it only matched whole directory namestrings. Removed all of the definition editing code form Lispmode.slisp. /sys/slisp/hemlock/echo.slisp#1, 08-Sep-86 01:15:37, Edit by Chiles /sys/slisp/hemlock/macros.slisp#1, 08-Sep-86 01:15:37, Edit by Chiles Made error handling stuff use the new error system. /sys/slisp/hemlock/morecoms.slisp#1, 27-Aug-86 10:51:27, Edit by Chiles Modified "View Page Directory" and "Insert Page Directory" to be smarter when creating a pop-up window and to be more general with respect to a :page-delimiter character that is not also a :whitespace character. /sys/slisp/hemlock/filecoms.slisp#1, 26-Aug-86 16:18:09, Edit by Chiles Modified WRITE-DA-FILE to display the buffer's name when prompting about tacking a newline at the end of the file. /sys/slisp/hemlock/filecoms.slisp#1, 05-Aug-86 18:17:17, Edit by Chiles Added *buffer-history-ptr* and modified "Select Previous Buffer" to walk down *buffer-history* (when called repeatedly with an argument), selecting successively previous buffers while leaving *buffer-history* unchanged. /sys/slisp/hemlock/Bindings.slisp#1, 26-Jul-86 10:57:47, Edit by Chiles Added bindings: (bind-key "Kill Previous Word" #\meta-backspace) (bind-key "Echo Area Kill Previous Word" #\meta-backspace) (bind-key "Complete Keyword" #\altmode :mode "Echo Area") The last one is added in case you hit Esc, see nothing happened, and hit it again. It doesn't hurt to bind this even if you have to hit Esc Esc to get it to work. /sys/slisp/hemlock/lispmode.slisp#1, 25-Jul-86 11:49:43, Edit by Chiles Fixed bug involving a comment starting after a function name and the first argument being lined up with the comment instead of under the function name; for example: (cond (special-arg-p ; comment this cond branch (first-thing-in-branch arg) ...) becomes (cond (special-arg-p ; comment this cond branch (first-thing-in-branch arg) ...) Note, this is somewhat kludged since a #|...|# comment will still generate bogus indentation, but the whole LISP-INDENTATION algorithm needs to be revamped anyway. /sys/slisp/hemlock/lispmode.slisp#1, 24-Jul-86 13:22:30, Edit by Chiles "End of Defun" never worked since it was believed that MARK-AFTER was enough to cause NEXT-TOP-LEVEL to move its argument mark, but actually the use of LINE-OFFSET is required. /sys/slisp/hemlock/lispmode.slisp#1, 23-Jul-86 10:20:29, Edit by Chiles Made LISP-INDENTATION check that the paren was on the start of a line before doing the "DEF" hack with *indent-defanything*. /sys/slisp/hemlock/echo.slisp#1, 15-Jul-86 12:10:21, Edit by Chiles Missed :trim argument to PROMPT-FOR-STRING while merging. 08-Jul-86 Merged most of Hemlock's changes on the Perq since the fall of 85. Didn't try to pick up anything having to do with the eval server/ two Lisps. The files things were taken from were: abbrev.slisp bindings.slisp command.slisp comments.slisp echo.slisp filecoms.slisp fill.slisp group.slisp indent.slisp kbdmac.slisp killcoms.slisp lispbuf.slisp lispeval.slisp lispmode.slisp main.slisp morecoms.slisp overwrite.slisp perqsite.slisp scribe.slisp searchcoms.slisp text.slisp undo.slisp vars.slisp window.slisp